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Reminder: Show Us Your Space Costumes!

  • By Maggie Masetti
  • November 12, 2013
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Just a reminder now that we’re past Halloween… if you dressed up in a space or astronomy-themed costume, please share your photos with us! To get you inspired, here is how Dirk Schoellner’s kids, Brian and Eric, looked on Halloween, all dressed up for Trick-or-treating, as Dr. Von Braun and … Continue Reading →

Giant Space Bubbles

There’s a lot of things we know now about the Milky Way that we didn’t know even a few years ago. When I was in college, for example, there was debate over whether our galaxy was a barred spiral or not. Now we know that our galaxy does indeed have … Continue Reading →

Spooky Astronomy, part 4

It’s one of my favorites times of year – the Halloween season! And with Halloween comes our annual Spooky Astronomy post. This time I’ve been saving images up all year, so hopefully you’ll see something new! A grinning one-eyed skull? Actually a complex planetary nebula around a dying star. Credit: … Continue Reading →

Can You Hear a Black Hole?

Recently I came across this story – this ten year old story – on Tumblr. Sept. 9, 2003: Astronomers using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory have found, for the first time, sound waves from a supermassive black hole. The “note” is the deepest ever detected from any object in our Universe. … Continue Reading →

SpaceCrafts: Build your own JWST costume!

For the past couple of years, we’ve run a Halloween costume contest – and we’ve seen some pretty amazing costumes! We also occasionally get a peek at costumes (in-progress and finished) on Twitter or Facebook… and when the Schoellner family tweeted a shot of their JWST costume, we knew we … Continue Reading →

Why infrared? (exoplanet edition)

I’m not sure I’ve yet to meet a person who didn’t find the idea of planets around other stars fascinating. I’m no different. I grew up in an era where the only planets we knew about were the ones in our own solar system. When I went to college to … Continue Reading →

Show us your space-themed costumes!

Unfortunately we’re not able to host our annual Halloween costume contest this year… but we still want to see your NASA/space/astronomy-themed costumes! We’ve set up a Flickr group that you can add your costumes to: add your photos here! We’d love to feature some of them in an upcoming blog … Continue Reading →

Special Guest Blog: Stunning Webb Model Transforms at NASA, Student Engineers Behind the Controls

  • By Maggie Masetti
  • October 17, 2013
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We have a guest blogger today! Laura Betz, a writer for the James Webb Space Telescope, wrote this article for us about the student-built 1/6 scale engineering model of JWST that was recently demoed at NASA Goddard. There are some moments of my life that I will never forget. Watching … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Finding Herschel

Click to listen! (14.5MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) In July we had astronomer Nick Howes do a guest blog post about how he was able to image the Herschel observatory, which sat a million miles away from the Earth at the 2nd Lagrange point (and is now … Continue Reading →

Q&A with Women working on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

  • By Maggie Masetti
  • September 17, 2013
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EDIT 10/18/13, Here is a transcript of the Reddit Q&A on JWST’s website. You can also read the original thread, which is posted below. EDIT 9/26/12, Here is the thread with the Q&A: Ever wonder what the job experience is like for women working on NASA’s flagship astronomy mission? … Continue Reading →

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