material for Flight Day 11 -
Deorbit Preparation
Goddard Space Flight Center
The Hubble Space Telescope Project
Hubble Status Report
| Mar. 11, 2002 - 12:30 pm EST
All systems are nominal.
The Flight Operations Team (FOT) returned to the Space Telescope
Science Institute Mission operation Room (SIMOR) this morning.
The Science Instrument Subsystem Engineers (SI SEs) spent
the night monitoring the transition of the instruments out
of safe. The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) transition
will start at 5pm EST today.
Current SI Status Summary:
ACS: Safe
Cooling System: ESM OP & NCS CPL in standby
STIS: Operate Side 2
WFPC2: Protect Safe.
Space Telescope Science Institute delivered the second Health
and Safety load early this morning. It was reviewed and uplinked
within the last hour.
The Pointing and Control Subsystem Engineers (PCS SEs) and
Flight Controllers continue to perform tracker maps and attitude
reference updates. As expected, the large disturbances during
orbit night and at enter orbit day have been eliminated with
removal of SA2.
The ground systems strings are being configured back to normal
Space Center
Space News :: Latest Items
| Mar. 11, 2002 - 6:11 am EST
Following a successful check out of its landing systems, the
crew of Columbia is bringing what should be its last full
day in orbit, to an end.
Preliminary weather forecasts at the Kennedy Space Center
for tomorrow's scheduled landing are generally favorable with
some clouds in the area and the possibility of an isolated
offshore shower.
The crew is scheduled to go to sleep at 11:22 a.m. today,
waking at 7:22 p.m. central time to begin final preparations
for the return trip to Earth.
Landing is scheduled for 3:32 a.m. central time Tuesday.
| Mar. 11, 2002 - 3:33 am EST
Columbia astronauts checked out flight control surfaces and
reaction control system jets early Monday in preparation for
their scheduled 3:22 a.m. CST Tuesday landing at Florida's
Kennedy Space Center.
Earlier crewmembers talked with reporters at Kennedy and Johnson
Space Center in the mission's Crew News Conference.
| Mar. 11, 2002 - 12:53 am EST
Space Shuttle Columbia's seven astronauts will devote most
of their time during Flight Day 11 preparing for landing.
Commander Scott Altman, Pilot Duane Carey and Mission Specialist
Nancy Currie will check out Columbia's mechanical maneuvering
system and reaction control jets early Monday morning.
Meanwhile, the four astronauts who conducted STS-109's five
extravehicular activities -- Mission Specialists John Grunsfeld,
Rick Linnehan, Mike Massimino and Jim Newman -- will stow
equipment used throughout the mission.
In other activities, the crew will field questions from middle
school students in an educational event with the Maryland
Science Center in Baltimore and The Denver Museum of Nature
and Science at 10:12 p.m. CST Sunday (0412 GMT Monday).
Then at 11:57 p.m. CST Sunday (0557 GMT Monday), the seven
astronauts will hold the Crew News Conference.
reports about this mission day