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The Fermi All-Sky Cake

If the idea of a Fermi cake sounds familiar, it’s because we featured the cake replica of the Fermi satellite for its 5th birthday. Our science bakers were at it again for a Science as Food competition that was part of a recent science poster event. Judy Racusin along with … Continue Reading →

Hubble WFPC2

A Close-up of a Space Camera

A co-worker told me that WFPC2 was sitting out, unconvered, over in our Integration & Test facility. It didn’t really register. We have models of Hubble instruments on display elsewhere at Goddard. But no, it’s the real thing. The actual Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, which until a few … Continue Reading →

Galaxy Face-off

I recently stumbled across this gorgeous image of NGC 4921, so I thought perhaps a post showing a selection of gorgeous face-on galaxies would be in order. First up, the aforementioned barred spiral, NGC 4921. Note its bright nucleus, the bright central bar, and the ring of dark dust. Outside … Continue Reading →

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Nova

Recently those in the Southern Hemisphere were treated to a new sight in the sky – a nova that was so bright it could be seen with the naked eye. Indeed, Nova Centauri 2013 was one of the brightest in years. Image credit: NASA/MSFC/ESSSA/Aaron Kingery What is a nova? It … Continue Reading →

James Webb Space Telescope 101… in one minute!

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • December 23, 2013
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One of the things that was filmed during Coma Niddy’s visit last week was a special episode of his “SCI CODE” web series. He asked us if there was someone who could tell him the basics about the James Webb Space Telescope (no problem!)… in less than a minute (much … Continue Reading →

A visit from Coma Niddy and PBS Digital Studios!

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • December 17, 2013
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Yesterday and today, we’ve been hosting a few special guests who have come to see what’s going on at NASA Goddard and… shoot a music video! We’ve been talking to science educator/rapper Coma Niddy about a collaboration for nearly a year now, and everything finally came together to schedule a … Continue Reading →

How do you get to Stockholm?

Nobel Laureate, and James Webb Space Telescope project scientist, John Mather gave an interesting talk (to a packed room) at NASA Goddard recently. It focused on where he grew up and how he got to where he is today. Did you know, for example, that a failed thesis project led … Continue Reading →

Thanksgiving in Space

We wanted to wish all those celebrating a safe and happy Thanksgiving from NASA Blueshift. Ever wonder what the astronauts on the International Space Station will be doing for the holidays? The six crew members will actually be having a Thanksgiving dinner together. What’s on the menu? According to NASA, … Continue Reading →

Bringing Astrophysics to YouTube: An Interview with Jessica Few

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • November 22, 2013
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Earlier this year, Blueshift contributor Koji Mukai sent us a link to a series of astronomy videos produced by Jessica Few, a student at Durham University in the UK. We loved the videos, and knew we wanted to share them… and find out a bit more about Jessica and her … Continue Reading →

Want to be a Beta-tester for NASA?

The James Webb Space Telescope public website is undergoing an update. We’ve incorporated some new widgets to allow the viewer to explore the content on the website right on the homepage. But we also want to see how easy it is to locate specific information from these widgets. We’re looking … Continue Reading →

NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration