V455 And
V515 And
AE Aqr
FO Aqr
V349 Aqr
XY Ari
V405 Aur
V647 Aur
HT Cam
MU Cam
DW Cnc
V709 Cas
V1025 Cen
V1033 Cas
TV Col
TX Col
UU Col
V2069 Cyg
V2306 Cyg
DO Dra
PQ Gem
V418 Gem
DQ Her
V1323 Her
V1460 Her
V1674 Her
EX Hya
NY Lup
V2400 Oph
V2731 Oph
V3037 Oph
V598 Peg
GK Per
AO Psc
HZ Pup
V667 Pup
WX Pyx
V1223 Sgr
V4743 Sgr
CC Scl
V1062 Tau
AX J1740.1
AX J1832.3
AX J1853.3
CTCV J2056
CXO J174954
IGR J04571
IGR J08390
IGR J15094
IGR J16500
IGR J16547
IGR J17014
IGR J17195
IGR J18151
IGR J18173
IGR J18308
IGR J19267
PBC J0927.8
PBC J1841.1
RX J1804
RX J2015
RX J2113
RX J2133
RX J2306
Swift J0717
Swift J1839
Swift J2006
Swift J2138
DQ Herculis = Nova Herculis 1934
Link to this object in

SkyView image
of DQ Her (see important notes)
- Position
- Equatorial: 18h07m30.25s,
+45d51m32.8s (Gaia)
- Galactic: l=73.15, b=+26.44
- Finding Chart:
- Brigntness:
- Optical: G=14.6 (Gaia); X-rays: 1.2x10-13 ergs cm-2s-1 (4XMM-DR11)
- IP Credential:
- ***** (Ironclad): This is an eclipsing system, so the orbital period is
beyond doubt. The spin period, although never seen in X-rays, has been
detected persistently in the optical and shown to be extremely stable
and coherent.
- Periods:
- Orbital: 0.193620896 d = 4.646902 hr = 16728.845 s, from optical eclipses.
Tmin = HEJD 2434954.94429(8) + 0.1936208964(12)E
(Zhang et al. 1995,
who also give a quadratic version).
- Spin: 0.00082251832 day = 1.1844264 min = 71.065583 s, seen in optical photometry.
Tmax = HEJD 2439628.77177(3) + 8.22518320(3)e-04 E
- 2.62(4)e-16 E^2 + 2.8(1)e-24 E^3
(Zhang et al. 1995).
The 71 s period has long been thought to be the spin period, but
Zhang et al. 1995 prsents
strong (but indirect) evidence that the true spin period is twice this value.
- Others:
- Inclination:
- ~90 deg (deep eclipse, front half of disk is probably hidden)
- Distance:
- 491.1 (487.2-494.8) pc (Gaia EDR3; parallax: 2.016+/-0.017 mas)
We will not even attempt to compile a complete list of pre-1980 papers
that deal exclusively with the classical nova event of 1934; see the
Bode and Evans book on Classical Novae for that.
- Adams et al. 1935 (optical spectroscopy during the nova eruption)
- Adams & Joy 1936 (optical spectroscopy during the nova eruption)
- Walker 1956 (optical photometry)
- Walker 1958 (optical photometry)
- Kraft 1964 (optical spectroscopy)
- Nather & Warner 1969 (optical photometry)
- Warner et al. 1972 (optical photometry)
- Patterson, Robinso & Nather 1978 (optical photometry)
- Chanan, Nelson & Margon 1978 (optical spectroscopy)
- Hutchings, Cowley & Crampton 1979 (optical spectroscopy)
- Patterson 1979 (optical photometry)
- Petterson 1980 (spin modulation)
- Ferland & Truran 1981 (photoionization model of the nova shell)
- Willams 1983 (optical spectroscopy and finding charts)
- Cordova & Mason 1985 (ultraviolet spectroscopy)
- Norton & Watson 1989a (spin equilibrium)
- Petitjean, Boisson & Pequignot 1990 (photoionization model of the nova shell)
- Herbig & Smak 1992 (optical imaging & photometry)
- Stockman et al. 1992 (optical polarimetry)
- Horne, Welsh & Wade 1983 (optical spectroscopy)
- Slavin, O'Brien & Dunlop 1995 (optical imaging)
- Zhang et al. 1995 (optical photometry)
- Richman 1996 (X-rays)
- Silber et al. 1996a (ultraviolet spectroscoy and X-rays)
- Silber et al. 1996b (time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy)
- Welsh & Martell 1996 (optical spectroscopy)
- Mauche, Lee & Kallman 1997 (ultraviolet spectroscopy)
- Mukai, Still & Ringwald 2003 (X-rays)
- Wood et al. 2005 (optical photometry)
- Vaytet, N.M.H., O'Brien & Rushton 2007 (optical spectroscopy)
- Brunschweiger et al. 2009 (X-rays)
- Butters et al. 2009 (optical photometry & polarimetry)
- Saito & Baptista 2009 (optical photometry)
- Thomas et al. 2010 (optical photometry)
- Saito et al. 2010 (optical spectroscopy)
- Bloemen et al. 2010 (optical spectroscopy)
- Froning et al. 2012 (far ultraviolet)
- Godon et al. 2012 (far ultraviolet)
- Barrett et al. 2017 (radio)
- Schaefer 2020 (archival optical photometry)
- Worpel et al. 2020 (X-rays)
- Patterson et al. 2020 (optical photometry)
- Toala et al. 2020 (X-ray Imaging)
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