V455 And
V515 And
AE Aqr
FO Aqr
V349 Aqr
XY Ari
V405 Aur
V647 Aur
HT Cam
MU Cam
DW Cnc
V709 Cas
V1025 Cen
V1033 Cas
TV Col
TX Col
UU Col
V2069 Cyg
V2306 Cyg
DO Dra
PQ Gem
V418 Gem
DQ Her
V1323 Her
V1460 Her
V1674 Her
EX Hya
NY Lup
V2400 Oph
V2731 Oph
V3037 Oph
V598 Peg
GK Per
AO Psc
HZ Pup
V667 Pup
WX Pyx
V1223 Sgr
V4743 Sgr
CC Scl
V1062 Tau
AX J1740.1
AX J1832.3
AX J1853.3
CTCV J2056
CXO J174954
IGR J04571
IGR J08390
IGR J15094
IGR J16500
IGR J16547
IGR J17014
IGR J17195
IGR J18151
IGR J18173
IGR J18308
IGR J19267
PBC J0927.8
PBC J1841.1
RX J1804
RX J2015
RX J2113
RX J2133
RX J2306
Swift J0717
Swift J1839
Swift J2006
Swift J2138

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IP Catalog Update No. 3

The IP Catalog Version 2009a, released on 2009 June 18, contains the folloing changes compared with Version 2008b.

Formatting Change

Starting with this version, only objects with at least two stars (possible and up) are numbered. The one star ("doubtful") objects are meant to be for objects that are no longer considered valid IP candidates. They are left in for historical completeness, because individual users may disagree with my judgement on individual objects, and because future obseravions can lead to their re-instatement.

New Candidate IPs (11 objects)

  1. V597 Pup (Nova Puppis 2007) is an eclipsing binary with a 2.7 hr orbital period. In 2008, the orbital variation was not noticeable (so the visible light output was dominated by sources well away from the white dwarf) but there was a 524 s signal. In 2009, eclipse is clearly seen yet the 524 s signal is weaker. This is not a behavior I expect of spin modulation of an IP, so I gave it a "possible" grade.
  2. V842 Cen (Nova Centaurus 1986 No. 2) now shows a coherent 56.825 s period, and is a good IP candidate. Given the questions about WZ Sge and the disappearance of the signal from V553 Her, I've so far only given it a "probable" rating.
  3. A polarimetric period of 19.4 min is reported in V1084 Her, indirectly corroborated by emission line variability studies. However, this is in the frequency range in which a strong but broad QPO feature was seen in an extensive optical photometry campaign, and no coherent signal was established. For this reason, I've assigned it only a "possible" rating.
  4. CXOPS J180354.3-300005 in Baade's Window has a clear 1028 s period, and is a good IP candidate. Since the amount of available data on this object is rather limited, I've assigned it a "probable" rating.
  5. IGR J18173-2509 and IGR J18308-1232 are INTEGRAL detected objects with a CV like optical spectrum. Since the majority of such objects (but by no means not all) have turned out to be IPs, these should also be considered "possible" IPs.
  6. I have added 5 X-ray pulsars of modest X-ray fluxes and periods in the range 150 to 1,600 s, which were discovered in the Galactic plane with ASCA. Of these, I've classified AX J1832.3-0840 as "probable" based on the long spin period and the prominent Fe K alpha feature in the X-ray spectrum. I've classified the other 4 as "possible," since some of these are likely to be HMXB pulsars, but some may turn out to be IPs. These are: AX J1700.1-4157, AX J1740.1-2847, AX J1749.2-2725, and AX J1820.5-1434.

Changes in Confidence Level (4 objects)

  1. IGR J00234+6141 has ben promoted from "confirmed" to "ironclad" with the X-ray detection (in addition to the previous detections in the optical) of the spin period, albeit only below 2 keV.
  2. XSS J12270-4859 has been demoted from "probable" to "doubtful" based on the Suzaku results.
  3. IGR J15094-6649 has been promoted to "confirmed," since the 809.4 s period has been independently detected in optical photometry and in RXTE data.
  4. IGR J16500-3307 has been promoted to "probable," following the detection of a 597.9 s period in the optical.

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