V455 And
V515 And
AE Aqr
FO Aqr
V349 Aqr
XY Ari
V405 Aur
V647 Aur
HT Cam
MU Cam
DW Cnc
V709 Cas
V1025 Cen
V1033 Cas
TV Col
TX Col
UU Col
V2069 Cyg
V2306 Cyg
DO Dra
PQ Gem
V418 Gem
DQ Her
V1323 Her
V1460 Her
V1674 Her
EX Hya
NY Lup
V2400 Oph
V2731 Oph
V3037 Oph
V598 Peg
GK Per
AO Psc
HZ Pup
V667 Pup
WX Pyx
V1223 Sgr
V4743 Sgr
CC Scl
V1062 Tau
AX J1740.1
AX J1832.3
AX J1853.3
CTCV J2056
CXO J174954
IGR J04571
IGR J08390
IGR J15094
IGR J16500
IGR J16547
IGR J17014
IGR J17195
IGR J18151
IGR J18173
IGR J18308
IGR J19267
PBC J0927.8
PBC J1841.1
RX J1804
RX J2015
RX J2113
RX J2133
RX J2306
Swift J0717
Swift J1839
Swift J2006
Swift J2138

Full Catalog

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IP Catalog Update No. 5

The IP Catalog Version 2014, released on 2014 October 29, contains the folloing changes compared with Version 2011a.

New Variable Star Designations (11 objects)

The GCVS group have published the 80th Name List of Variable Stars in three installments: Part I, Part II, and Part III. This list contains the following variable names for IPs and IP candidates that we now use as the primary designation.

  1. V515 Andromedae = XSS J00564+4548 = 1RXS J005528.0+461143 (a confirmed IP)
  2. V349 Aquarii = SDSS J223843.84+010820.7 = Aqr 1 (a probable IP)
  3. V647 Aurigae = 1RXS J063631.9+353537 (a confirmed IP)
  4. V1033 Cassiopeaie = IGR J00234+6141 = 1RXS J002258.3+614111 (an ironclad IP)
  5. HP Ceti = SDSS J023322.61+005059.5 (a doubtful candidate)
  6. V418 Gemini = 1RXS J070407.9+262501 (a confirmed IP)
  7. V1323 Herculis = 1RXS J180340.0+401214 (a confirmed IP)
  8. HY Leonis = HS 0943+1404 (a doubtful candidate)
  9. V2731 Ophiuchi = IGR J17303-0601 = 1RXS J173021.5-055933 (a confirmed IP)
  10. V598 Peg = SDSS J233325.92+152222.1 = USNO-B1.0 1053-00654452 (a confirmed IP)
  11. V667 Puppis = Swift J0732.5-1331 (an ironclad IP)

New Candidate IPs/IP Candidates (18 objects)

  1. AX J1853.3-0128 (=XMMU J185330.7-012815) has a 476 s spin period seen in the X-rays and the optical (NB the originally anounced period was half the actual spin period), and an 87 min spectroscopic orbital period. It is a confirmed IP with properties typical of ones below the gap.
  2. CC Scl has a 389.49 s spin period detected in X-ray, UV, and optical data, but only during a superoutburst. I consider this to be a "confirmed" IP.

  3. V902 Mon (IPHAS J062746.41+014811.3) is an eclipsing system with an 8.162 hr orbital period. A spin-like modulation with a 2210 s period was clearly seen in 2006 December but was much weaker at best in 2007 October and 2009 November. I have classified this as a "Probable" IP, pending further observations.
  4. Suzaku J174035.6-301416 (=AX J1740.5-3014=SAX J1740.5-3013) has an IP like X-ray spectrum and a 432 s X-ray period. I have classified this as a "probable" IP, pending optical observations.
  5. 1RXS J180431.1-273932 has a 494 s X-ray period and its optical counterpart is a CV. I have classified this as a "probable" IP, pending further observations.
  6. IGR J18048-1455 (=2XMMi J180438.7-145647) was proposed to be an LMXB based on its optical spectrum, but the X-ray spectrum (with Fe K triplet) and periodicity (~25 min) argue for an IP nature. For now, I have classified this mysterious object as a "probable IP."

  7. This is not a new candidate, but a newly added candidate: CP Pup has been added as a "possible" IP. Although, to me, the IP classification is not entirely satisfactory, other models of CP Pup also have problems.
  8. Swift J0706.8+0325 is a Swift/BAT-discovered CV and may well be an IP.
  9. Swift J0746.2-1611 is a BAT-discovered nova-like CV which so far has not revealed a coherent spin-like variability in the X-rays or in the optical.
  10. Swift J0820.6-2805 is a Swift/BAT-discovered CV and may well be an IP.
  11. SDSS J100516.61+694136.5 is an Sloan-discovered polar-like CV, which could be an IP, judging by its optical spectrum.
  12. IGR J14257-6117 is an Integral-discovered CV and may well be an IP.
  13. IGR J16173-5023 is an Integral-discovered object that looks like a CV and may well be an IP.
  14. IGR J17014-4306 is an Integral-discovered CV and may well be an IP.
  15. IGR J18151-1052 is an Integral-discovered CV and may well be an IP.
  16. Swift J2237.2+6324 is a Swift/BAT-discovered CV and may well be an IP.

  17. SDSS J075653.11+085831.8 is an Sloan-discovered nova-like CV; the original report suggested a possible IP nature, but a follow-up study establishes it as an SW Sex star, so I classify this as a "doubtful" candidate.
  18. CXOPS J154305.5-522709 has been added as a "doubtful" candidate.

Changes in Confidence Level (16 objects)

  1. V455 And has been "confirmed" with the demonstration that the 67.6197 s period is persistent and coherent.
  2. V647 Aur has been "confirmed" using extensive optical photometry, which detected persistent and coherent periods.
  3. IGR J08390-4833 has been "confirmed" as an IP with the XMM-Newton confirmation of the 1480 s spin period and the OM detection of this and a 1560 s period.
  4. IGR J16500-3307 has been "confirmed" as an IP with the X-ray detection of the 571.9 s period, which is the spin period and the 597.92 s period previously detected in the optical is therefore the beat period.
  5. IGR J16547-1916 has been "confirmed" as an IP with the detection of the spin (546.66 s), sideband (569.96 s) and orbital (3.715 hr) periods in the optical.
  6. IGR J17195-4100 has been "confirmed" as an IP with the X-ray detection of the 1054 s spin period, which also means the previously detected optical period of 1139.55 s is the beat period.
  7. AX J1740.1-2847 has been "confirmed" as an IP because the optical spectrum is CV-like and excludes an HMXB interpretation (the 729 s X-ray period is beyond doubt).
  8. AX J1740.2-2903 has been "confirmed" as an IP because of the short (most likely 5.7 hr) orbital period, even though its X-ray spectrum is not typical of an IP.
  9. IGR J18173-2509 has been "confirmed" with the independent detection of the X-ray period and the spectroscopic detection of the probable orbital period below the gap.
  10. IGR J18303-1232 has been "confirmed" with the X-ray detection of a 1820 s period and the spectroscopic detection of the probable orbital period (5.4 hr)
  11. IGR J19267+1325 has been "confirmed" with the independent optical detection of the 935 s spin period, as well as that of the 3.45 h orbital period in radial velocity curves.

  12. V533 Her is now classified as a "probable" IP (here is my reasoning).
  13. WZ Sge is now classified as a "probable" IP (here is my reasoning).
  14. VZ Sex has been re-classified as a "probable" IP based on an old conference proceedings paper that I hadn't read carefully enough.
  15. IGR J04571+4527 is now classifed as a "probable" IP, after the optical detection of a 1218.7 s period; the orbital period is uncertain but 6.2 and 4.8 hr are likely values.

  16. AX J1749.2-2725 is now considered a "doubtful" candidate, since the optical/IR colors suggests this to be an HMXB pulsar.

Correction/Parameter Updates

  1. The RA previously listed for V407 Vul was off by 2 minutes. It should be 19h14m, not 12m. (Thanks to Joe Ulowetz for pointing this out.)
  2. Minor updates have been made to coordinates and to periods for objects studied by Thorstensen & Halpern (2013).

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