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Podcast: Confounding Cosmic Questions

Podcast: Confounding Cosmic Questions

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • January 29, 2009
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Click to listen! (7MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) This episode features a strange signal from deep space, which could be a plot straight out of a Hollywood film. But this radio signal was detected by a NASA mission called ARCADE, which flew above the atmosphere suspected from a balloon … Continue Reading →

Podcast: We're Back!

Podcast: We’re Back!

Click to listen! (7MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF)   After taking some time off to seek listener feedback and consider the future direction of our podcast, Blueshift is back with a new episode to kick off 2009! For our re-launch, we’ve focused our first episode on another recently launched … Continue Reading →

Podcast: A NASA New Year!

Podcast: A NASA New Year!

Click to listen! (9MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to the December 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We’re celebrating the new year with a look at the typical life cycle of NASA missions and the typical day of our science staff. We’ll start with … Continue Reading →

Podcast: The Podcast Strikes Back

Podcast: The Podcast Strikes Back

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • November 17, 2007
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Click to listen! (10MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to the November 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This month, find out what it’s like to spend a summer vacation at NASA in interviews with some of our 2007 interns. Also, join us for a … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Up Close with John Mather

Podcast: Up Close with John Mather

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • October 31, 2007
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Click to listen! (13MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to a special episode of Blueshift! As we approach another year of Nobel Prizes, we are releasing our full-length interview with NASA’s own Nobel Laureate, John Mather (an edited version appeared in Episode 4). Learn more about cosmology, Dr. Mather’s new … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Cool Science for Hot Times

Podcast: Cool Science for Hot Times

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • August 6, 2007
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Click to listen! (17MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Listen to the full interview with John Mather (Episode 4.5) Welcome to the July 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Catch up on the latest astronomy headlines, and listen to our audio scrapbook from the American Astronomical Society … Continue Reading →

Podcast: X-ray Vision

Podcast: X-ray Vision

Click to listen! (17MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to the June 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We’re featuring X-ray astronomy this episode – listening to black holes and learning about what it takes to build an X-ray telescope. We interviewed Jerry Bonnell, co-curator … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Life and Death

Podcast: Life and Death

Click to listen! (18MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to the May 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We’ll discuss our search for Earth-like planets outside of our own Solar System. We’ll also look into gamma ray bursts, and how the Swift satellite team is … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Why So Blue?

Podcast: Why So Blue?

Click to listen! (13MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to the first episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This episode will tell you a little about what we do here, and features the inventions and innovations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

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