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Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 6/14/10

Here are some of the interesting things we’ve seen on the internet this week! And if you find stuff you think we would like – tweet it, comment about it, send it in! We may work with satellites, but we don’t have eyes everywhere. Watch the short film “Spacecraft Chamber … Continue Reading →

Podcast: First Light, Last Paycheck?

Working at NASA can provide unique and exciting job opportunities. It can be the chance of a lifetime to work on a satellite and see the products of your hard work launched into space.  The flip side is that many projects only span a few years, so your dream job … Continue Reading →

Podcast: John Grunsfeld: Astronaut and Astronomer

This summer, the world was watching as seven astronauts visited the Hubble Space Telescope and did the first ever on-orbit repairs in space. This fifth and final Shuttle mission to service Hubble has equipped the telescope with cutting-edge technology and extended its mission lifespan for several additional years. Here at … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Making Hubble’s Great Orion Mosaic

Podcast: Making Hubble’s Great Orion Mosaic

  • By Maggie Masetti
  • August 14, 2009
  • Comments Off on Podcast: Making Hubble’s Great Orion Mosaic

Click to listen! (7.5MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) The Hubble Space Telescope is famous for its beautiful images of celestial objects – from planets in our own Solar System to far away galaxies. The Orion Nebula (known to astronomers as Messier object 42, or M42) is a … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Making Data Beautiful

To kick off our special summer series about data, we interviewed 2006 Nobel Laureate John Mather about the importance of imagery in communicating science and sharing data with the public.  More than just “pretty pictures,” data can be used to tell a story and explain the mysteries of the cosmos. … Continue Reading →

Podcast: A Tale of Three Telescopes

Podcast: A Tale of Three Telescopes

Click to listen! (5MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) The telescope on everyone’s mind during this month’s Space Shuttle flight was certainly the Hubble Space Telescope, as astronauts inspected, repaired, and upgraded the satellite for years of additional scientific observations.  But two additional telescopes were aboard Atlantis for … Continue Reading →

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