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But That's Midnight To You

But That’s Midnight to You

It’s 1 PM, and I’m sampling the local cuisine, 7000 miles from home and 50 km from my second home outside Tokyo, hoping I can make it back before dark on my rented bicycle. Hi everybody, I’m new to Blueshift, but not new to Japan. I’ve been coming over to … Continue Reading →


NASA on the Big Bang Theory

As you might know, because we have mentioned it a whole bunch of times because we’re still excited by it, Bill Prady, the co-creator/producer of “The Big Bang Theory”, invited us out to visit the set of the show. We brought a whole bunch of NASA goodies with us to … Continue Reading →

Blueshift Road Trip follow-up

Blueshift Road Trip follow-up

You might recall that we posted that we were going on the road again. We didn’t have any guessers – but then, maybe we gave it away on Twitter? We were actually in Las Vegas attending the Blogworld and New Media Expo 2010!

What will the James Webb Space Telescope see?

What will the James Webb Space Telescope see?

  • By Maggie Masetti
  • November 3, 2010
  • Comments Off on What will the James Webb Space Telescope see?

The James Webb Space Telescope, is, as you may know, the successor to Hubble. No, it won’t be exactly like Hubble, so… what kind of science will it actually do? Well, this series of videos about what Webb will see was just released today. There are actually 5 narrated videos … Continue Reading →

Spooky Astronomy

Spooky Astronomy

Sometimes clouds and dust can take on recognizable shape – like, a horse’s head. But astronomical imagery can be more…well…sinister in appearance. Which makes these perfect for Halloween! Thanks to our friend @NASAUniverseEDU for compiling these. Credit:A. Fabian (IoA Cambridge) et al., NASA This screaming skull above is actually a … Continue Reading →

Astrophysical Activity Revisited

Tricks and Treats!

A year ago, we were moving out of our old offices in Building 2 here at NASA Goddard and decided to look into the rich history of that building. Things didn’t go quite as we expected:

Blueshift ponders… when does Hollywood get it right?

We’re avid readers of Dr. David Saltzberg’s blog, The Big Blog Theory.  As the science advisor for The Big Bang Theory, he blogs after each episode airs to give an in-depth explanation of the episode’s science.  Last week’s blog caught our eye because, well, it’s about the episode that must … Continue Reading →

On the Road Againa

Blueshift hits the road again!

Yes, that’s right – Blueshift is going on another road trip! Where are we going this time? Hint 1: it’s a plane trip again, so we’re not driving from Maryland. Hint 2: Sheldon and Leonard are not in any way involved this time (aww…). If you have an idea of … Continue Reading →

Be a scientist!

Be a scientist!

In one of last week’s contests, we asked our readers/followers/listeners (whatever you guys are – we love you!) to tell us about the things they’d like to see covered here on Blueshift.  And we got tons of interesting ideas that’ll fuel a bunch of our weekly brainstorming sessions!  One of … Continue Reading →

Protons, Quarks and Hadrons, Oh My!

Protons, Quarks and Hadrons, Oh My!

[Sara’s note:  Even though Faith’s time with us ended back in August (*sniffle*), we were thrilled to get another excellent travel blog from her!  That’s dedication.] You can scour the globe and poke your head in every nook and cranny, but in the end you’ll be hard-pressed to find a … Continue Reading →

NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration