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Astronomers in Seattle

Gearing up for AAS!

Even though many folks here just returned from their holiday adventures, there’s not much time to recover from all of the fruitcake and eggnog. No, each January here begins with long lines at the poster printer. It’s time for the annual winter meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and … Continue Reading →

Contest: And the Winners Are

Contest: And the winners are…

Thank you so much to everyone who entered our space-themed snowflake contest last month! It made our holidays more fun to open those emails and see what creative things you’d been snipping out of paper to share with us! After poring over the entries, and plenty of discussion and debate, … Continue Reading →

Happy 15th Anniversary to RXTE!

Today is the 15th anniversary of the launch of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE)! With its future in jeopardy, we thought we’d like to celebrate its long and useful life. Did you know that over its productive lifetime, there have been more than 2000 RXTE-related articles in scientific journals … Continue Reading →

Happy Holidays from NASA Blueshift

Happy holidays from Blueshift!

NGC 2264: The Christmas Tree Nebula Photo credit: Weike Pan It’s been a busy 2010, and we’ve been excited to bring you a behind-the-scenes look at what’s going on here in astrophysics at Goddard… and beyond! It’s been a fun and interesting year, and bringing you the stories has also … Continue Reading →

Ponders: Black Holes

Blueshift ponders… black holes – fact or fiction?

If November can have Black Friday, we thought… what if December had Black Hole Friday? People have a lot of really interesting ideas about black holes. We can’t always blame them – black holes are quite mysterious and exciting objects, and scientists are curious to figure out all of their … Continue Reading →

Snowflake Contest

Contest: Snowflake deadline extended!

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • December 15, 2010
  • Comments Off on Contest: Snowflake deadline extended!

Here at Goddard, we just got our first snow of the year – just a dusting, but it’s definitely beginning to look and feel like winter!  We’ve been excited to see what people have been coming up with for our space-themed snowflake and garland contest – and inspired enough to … Continue Reading →

The Mystery of Hanny's Voorwerp

The Mystery of Hanny’s Voorwerp

Astronomical headlines are often written about an object that was observed recently. It could be about the brightest stellar flare ever seen, the most recently formed black hole, or a newly discovered eclipsing pulsar that allows a strict test of general relativity. But a few headlines are about the “dog … Continue Reading →


Blueshift is on Facebook!

We know, we’re like the last ones – but we finally do have a Facebook! We’ll try not to duplicate our content too much with our Twitter feed – but obviously we’ll be announcing new posts and such in both places so we can get the word out to as … Continue Reading →

Contest: Let It Snow

Contest: Let it snow…

Snowflake made by Jenny Lee Fowler As you may or may not know, NASA and Etsy (the marketplace for all things crafty) recently teamed up to have a space-themed craft contest. The voting period for this contest was extended through December 6, so please go check out all the cool … Continue Reading →

Happy Thanksgiving from Blueshift!

Happy Thanksgiving from Blueshift!

Ok, most of us at NASA aren’t astronauts and will be having normal Earth-food for Thanksgiving, but have you ever wondered what Thanksgiving is like for astronauts in space? Last year, astronauts Jeff Williams and Nicole Stott made a little video to show what they’d be eating for Thanksgiving on … Continue Reading →

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