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Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 3/7/11

Credit: NASA/GSFC/Bill Hrybyk Meet “Harry,” a bald eagle recently spotted here at NASA Goddard! Geeked on Goddard has a few more photos, as well as some information about bald eagles in Maryland. While we’re usually talking about the space exploration and research going on here, it’s also worth mentioning that … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 1/31/11

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • January 31, 2011
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Credit: NASA/GSFC/Debbie Mccallum I know that I kicked off last week’s round-up with a snow picture, but look! We got another six inches! Here’s the real NASA connection, though… imagery of the storm from the MODIS instrument, aboard the Terra satellite. Credit: NASA Goddard/MODIS Rapid Response Team

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 12/27/10

You might be aware that last week on Earth there was a total lunar eclipse. That’s when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth; this is different that a solar eclipse, which is when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily obscuring the Sun. Another … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 12/20/10

It’s been very cold and windy here in Maryland lately – but not quite THIS cold. I guess the upside to extreme temperatures is that you can do experiments like this one, done at Mount Washington Observatory when it was nearly -35 degrees F. Do you know what happens when … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 12/13/10

Credit: Photo by Drew Noel One of the James Webb Space Telescope’s many feats of engineering will be its actuators – tiny mechanical motors on the back of its primary and secondary mirror segments that will help the telescope focus by changing the mirrors’ curvature. You can’t see the actuator … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 11/16/10

This recently released image is basically a map of dark matter. It shows the distribution of the dark matter in the center of the giant galaxy cluster Abell 1689, which contains an amazing number of galaxies (about 1000) and trillions (!) of stars. Abell 1689 is 2.2 billion light-years from … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 11/1/10

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • November 1, 2010
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Last week was apparently a great week for astronomy – the shared file where Maggie and I gather all of the images, videos, and stories that we see all week was absolutely overflowing with possible content for today’s round-up!  So we’ve distilled it to the best of the best, and … Continue Reading →

Astrophysical Activity Revisited

Tricks and Treats!

A year ago, we were moving out of our old offices in Building 2 here at NASA Goddard and decided to look into the rich history of that building. Things didn’t go quite as we expected:

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 10/25/10

There’s been a trend lately to have webcams or live streams in some of NASA’s cleanrooms so that you guys can see flight hardware being built and tested. And every once in a while, something unexpected happens! (At about 10 seconds in, in this case…) You can see a new … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 9/20/10

Remember that squirrel that photobombed that couple’s vacation photo? Well, this is kind of like the astronomical equivalent! This image of dwarf galaxy PGC 39058 is dominated by this bright star that just happens to lie between us and the galaxy! The star, much dimmer when viewed from Earth, shines … Continue Reading →

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