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Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 7/19/10

Want a real behind-the-scenes look at the James Webb Space Telescope’s mirror segments being prepared for cryo testing?

Awesomeness Round-up

Exoplanets, Swiss Style

Hemmed in on all sides by the heavyweights of Western Europe lies a rather curious country. After spending more than three months in this quadralingual, dairy-obsessed country, I’ve developed a deep fondness for Switzerland. But even I was surprised to find that there’s more to Switzerland than neutrality, fondue and … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Dust in the Wind

Podcast: Dust in the Interstellar Wind

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • November 17, 2009
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Click to listen! (5.2MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) The makings of new planets lie in dusty, debris-filled disks rotating around stars, held in place and shaped by the influence of their host stars.  But the dust, ice, and small bodies in these planet-forming disks also feel the … Continue Reading →

Podcast: There's No Place Like Home... Yet

Extreme Weather

It took a couple of extra days to get our latest episode finished, thanks in part to our first real winter storm of the year! In Maryland, we definitely experience all four seasons. We get hot, humid summers and cold, crisp winters – plus occasionally some extreme weather like snow, … Continue Reading →

Podcast: There's No Place Like Home... Yet

Podcast: There’s No Place Like Home… Yet

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • March 3, 2009
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Click to listen! (7MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) HD 80606b would not be a fun place to live, with its high winds, intense storms, and temperatures thousands of degrees hotter than any region on Earth. This exoplanet goes on a wild ride around its host star, with an orbit … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Life and Death

Podcast: Life and Death

Click to listen! (18MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Welcome to the May 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We’ll discuss our search for Earth-like planets outside of our own Solar System. We’ll also look into gamma ray bursts, and how the Swift satellite team is … Continue Reading →

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