What’s This? #4 – May 28, 2013
- By Maggie Masetti
- May 28, 2013
We haven’t had a What’s This? in a long time! This one is a little different than the previous ones we’ve done. Your hint is that this image is from our giant cleanroom at NASA Goddard. So check it out and try to figure out… what’s this object?
Post your guesses as comments to this post, comment on our Facebook wall, or tweet them to us (@NASAblueshift) with the #whatsthis hashtag.

We’ll reveal the answer at the end of the week, and we’ll also post the names of those who guessed correctly!
Please note: Comments on the NASA Blueshift blog are moderated, and we’ll approve them as quickly as we can during business hours on business days.
It is a stand!
It is a tripod leg stand.
Is that a massive theodolite stand?
Its a giant “FONDU” Spear holder.
It is some kind of stand.
I cant imagine anything besides that.
It is a tall UV lamp to illuminate the entire room (maybe for disinfection or dust detection?).