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8:30-9:10 | Mission description I | Philippe Gondoin (ESA) |
8:50-9:10 | Mission description II | Nicholas White (NASA) |
9:10-10:10 | Reports from TWG: | |
Glass mirror optics | Rob Petre | |
Si pore optics | Philippe Gondoin (ESA) | |
HXT | Hideyo Kunieda | |
10:10-10:30 | Coffee | |
10:30-11:30 | Reports from IWG | |
WFI/HXI | Lothar Strüder | |
XMS | Kazuhisa Mitsuda | |
Grating | John Nousek | |
11:30-11:55 | AGN evolution | K. Nandra |
11:55-12:10 | Stars and star formation | M. Tsujimoto |
12:10-12:25 | SNR science | S. Yamauchi |
12:25-13:50 | Lunch | |
13:50-14:15 | Supermassive black holes | K. Iwasawa |
14:15-14:30 | Compact objects | T. Dotani |
14:30-14:45 | Polarimetry: a new window to the X-ray Universe | G. Matt |
14:45-15:00 | Neutron star equation of state | D. Barret |
15:00-15:20 | Coffee | |
15:20-15:45 | Cluster evolution and cluster cosmology | H. Boehringer |
15:45-16:00 | The Galactic center and galactic outflows | T. Tsuru |
16:00-16:15 | WHIM study | J. Kaastra |
16:15-16:20 | Concluding remarks | H. Kunieda, N. White, A. Parmar |
The IXO poster "Science with the International X-ray Observatory" was presented on the 5th UC Irvine Center for Cosmology Workshop: Intermediate-Mass Black Holes: from First Light to Galactic Nuclei, which is organized and hosted by the Center for Cosmology, University of California, Irvine. Location: Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies. Date: April 1–3, 2009. Download the poster.
January 2009 AAS Meeting Presentation (White/Hornschemeier) [.pdf] [.ppt]
Probing Dark Energy with Future X-ray Gas Mass Fraction Studies [.pdf] | Steven W. Allen et al. | |
Science with the IXO High Time Resolution Spectrometer (HTRS) [.pdf] | Didier Barret et al. | |
Black Hole Physics and Strong Gravity with IXO
[.pdf] Simulation |
Laura Brenneman et al. | |
Plasma Diagnostics And Atomic Astrophysics For The International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | Nancy S. Brickhouse et al. | |
Extreme States of Matter and the Cold Equation of State with the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | Edward M. Cackett et al. | |
The Quest For Very High Redshift Black Holes [.pdf] | Andrea Comastri et al. | |
Stellar Coronae Viewed with High-Resolution X-Rays: The Impact of the International X-Ray Observatory [.pdf] | Stephen Alan Drake et al. | |
Science with the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | Andrew C. Fabian et al. | |
Planetary Science Advances with the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | Eric Feigelson et al. | |
IXO Spectroscopy of High-mass Stars: Wind Shocks, Magnetic Confinement, and Colliding-wind Binaries [.pdf] | Marc Gagné et al. | |
Observing Hard X-rays with IXO [.pdf] | P. Gorenstein et al. | |
Kinematic Measurements Of AGN Feedback in the Era of The International X-ray Observatory IXO
[.pdf] Cygnus A Simulation Perseus A Simulation |
Sebastian Heinz et al. | |
Measuring the True Velocity of Superwinds with IXO [.pdf] | Ann E. Hornschemeier et al. | |
Stellar Flare Dynamics from High-Resolution X-rays: Planning for the International X-Ray Observatory [.pdf] | David P. Huenemoerder et al. | |
Supernovae and Supernova Remnants in the Era of the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | John Patrick Hughes et al. | |
Hot Baryons in Deep Potential Wells: IXO studies of Hot Gas in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters [.pdf] | C. Jones et al. | |
Accretion Physics in Stellar-Mass Compact Objects with IXO [.pdf] | Jon M. Miller et al. | |
The Impact Of Radiation-driven Disk Winds on the X-ray Spectrum Of AGN [.pdf] | Daniel Proga et al. | |
Developing ISM Dust Models with Precision Elemental Abundance Measurements from IXO [.pdf] | Lynne Valencic et al. | |
The International X-ray Observatory (IXO) Mission Configuration [.pdf] | Nicholas E. White et al. |
An X-ray Polaroid filter for the IXO Narrow Field Imager [.pdf] | Nigel Bannister et al. | |
Silicon Pore Optics for IXO [.pdf] | M. Bavdaz et al. | |
Silicon Pore Optics Technology [.pdf] | M. Beijersbergen et al. | |
EURECA: EURopean-JapanEse Calorimeter Array [.pdf] | Piet de Korte et al. | |
Progress toward a kilopixel time-division multiplexer for IXO's X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer [.pdf] | W. Bertrand (Randy) Doriese et al. | |
Soft X-Ray Critical-Angle Transmission Grating Spectrometer for the International X-Ray Observatory [.pdf] | Ralf K. Heilmann et al. | |
50 mK ADR Cryogen free Cooler for the Cryogenic Spectrometer on the IXO. Engineering Model Single Shot to Continuous [.pdf] | I. Hepburn et al. | |
Design of a High Resolution X-ray Reflection Grating Demonstration [.pdf] | Tim Johnson et al. | |
The Implementation of an Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer for the International X-Ray Observatory [.pdf] | Richard L. Kelley et al. | |
Study of background rejection systems for the IXO mission [.pdf] | P. Laurent et al. | |
Science Investigations with a CAT Grating Spectrometer on the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | Herman L. Marshall et al. | |
IXO and the Missing Baryons: The Need for High-Resolution Spectroscopy [.pdf] | F. Nicastro et al. | |
IXO: The Instrument Complement [.pdf] | J. Nousek et al. | |
Design and Development of the IXO Mirrors by Innovative Slumping Glass Technologies [.pdf] | G. Pareschi et al. | |
Mirror Design for the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | Paul B. Reid et al. | |
Optimization of the X-ray Optics for IXO [.pdf] | Frank Spaan et al. | |
The Wide Field Imager for the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | L. Strüder, et al. | |
A Bright Source Defocusing Optic for IXO [.pdf] | Richard Willingale et al. | |
Development of X-ray Optics for the International X-ray Observatory (IXO) [.pdf] | William Zhang et al. |
How do galaxy clusters form and evolve over cosmic time? [.pdf] | M. Arnaud | |
The IXO High Time Resolution Spectrometer [.pdf] | Didier Barret et al. | |
XPOL for IXO [.pdf] | Ronaldo Bellazzini | |
Galaxy Cluster Cosmology [.pdf] | Hans Böhringer | |
The Roles of Black Holes in the High-Redshift Universe [.pdf] | Neil Brandt | |
IXO Science in the USA Decadal Survey [.pdf] | Joel N. Bregman | |
History of cosmic accretion: obscured AGN [.pdf] | Andrea Comastri et al. | |
Cosmic Feedback from AGN [.pdf] | A. C. Fabian, B. McNamara |
ESA configuration study of the International X-ray Observatory [.pdf] | ||
NASA IXO Mission Concept [.pdf] | Jean Grady | |
Starburst Galaxies: Outflow of metals into the IGM [.pdf] | Ann E. Hornschemeier | |
Supernova Remnants and the Chemical Enrichment of the Universe [.pdf] | John P. Hughes | |
Count-Rate Performance for X-Ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer [.pdf] | Richard Kelley | |
Accretion flow onto stellar-mass black holes [.pdf] | S. Kitamoto | |
Hard X-ray Imager (HXI)for the IXO mission [.pdf] | Moto Kokubun et al. | |
Polarimetry to test strong gravity [.pdf] | Georgio Matt | |
The Equation of State of Neutron Stars: Neutron Star Masses, Radii, and Internal Composition [.pdf] | Mariano Méndez | |
The IXO X-ray Grating Spectrometer (XGS) [.pdf] | John Nousek | |
Stellar X-ray Astrophysics, a.k.a "Normal Stars" [.pdf] | Rachel A. Osten et al. | |
The Warm/Hot Intergalactic Medium (with IXO) [.pdf] | Frits Paerels | |
Status of glass mirror technology and design [.pdf] | Rob Petre | |
NASA HQ Update on IXO [.pdf] | Michael Salamon | |
The Wide Field Imager for IXO [.pdf] | Lothar Strüder | |
JAXA HQ Report [.pdf] | Tadayuki Takahashi, Tadayasu Dotani |
The International X-ray Observatory IXO [.pdf] | Nicholas White et al. | |
IXO System Studies and the IXO Optics The Si Pore Optics The predicted performance [.pdf] |
Dick Willingale et al. |