NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Podcast: Stroll the Solar System

It’s All Relative

Astronomers have a funny way of talking about things sometimes. Take temperature, for example. When scientists say something is “hot,” they aren’t talking about “hot” like the Sahara desert, or “hot” like the seat of your car on a summer day. No, they’re talking about an unimaginably high temperature beyond … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Stroll the Solar System

Podcast: Stroll the Solar System

Click to listen! (10MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Join Blueshift for a unique tour of the solar system, as we walk the B&A Trail’s Planet Walk in Maryland and talk to scientists along the way. Armed with hiking boots and a portable recorder, Francis Reddy brings you the sounds … Continue Reading →

Gearing Up for 100 Hours

Gearing Up for 100 Hours

If you look at a calendar, it seems like every day is a holiday somewhere in the world. Today is Flag Day in Aruba. It’s also celebrated as the Pillsbury Doughboy’s birthday. And tomorrow is National Chocolate Caramel Day… I’m not kidding. It also seems like every year is the … Continue Reading →

Gearing Up for 100 Hours

Podcast: 400 Years, 100 Hours

Click to listen! (7MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) 2009 has been chosen as the International Year of Astronomy because it marks the 400th anniversary of a big event in astronomical history – the first recorded observations of the night sky with a telescope. Galileo Galilei pointed his telescope at … Continue Reading →

Podcast: We're Back!

A New Beginning

If you’ve visited Blueshift before, you’re probably wondering… hey, where have you been for the last year? We released six podcasts in 2007 but got a lot of mixed feedback from listeners about the content and structure. We decided to take some time off to re-think and get a better … Continue Reading →

NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration