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Podcast: Swift Sees Andromeda in a New Light

Podcast: Swift Sees Andromeda in a New Light

Click to listen! (6.3MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) There’s more to the universe than meets the eye – or at least our eyes, which can only detect the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. We can see just a small fraction of the light emitted by the … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Cool Science for Hot Times

Podcast: Cool Science for Hot Times

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • August 6, 2007
  • Comments Off on Podcast: Cool Science for Hot Times

Click to listen! (17MB MP3, right-click to save) Transcript (Text, PDF) Listen to the full interview with John Mather (Episode 4.5) Welcome to the July 2007 episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Catch up on the latest astronomy headlines, and listen to our audio scrapbook from the American Astronomical Society … Continue Reading →

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