NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
SDO is GO!

SDO is GO!

February always seems to be a busy month – it’s a few days shorter than the rest and jam-packed with things to do.  This one is no exception.  NASA Goddard got blanketed with quite a few feet of snow in a series of storms, making the roads impassible for a … Continue Reading →

Podcast: The C.O.L.B.E.R.T. Episode

What’s in a Name?

The scene: July 9, 2005, nearly midnight. A large conference room at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center full of assorted scientists, engineers, and support staff. This was the launch party for Astro-E2, a joint Japanese-American satellite mission strapped to a rocket thousands of miles away from Goddard at Uchinoura Space … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Stroll the Solar System

It’s All Relative

Astronomers have a funny way of talking about things sometimes. Take temperature, for example. When scientists say something is “hot,” they aren’t talking about “hot” like the Sahara desert, or “hot” like the seat of your car on a summer day. No, they’re talking about an unimaginably high temperature beyond … Continue Reading →

Inventing 101

Inventing 101

Some people just have a knack for building things, or taking things apart to make them work better. My grandfather is one of these people – he looks at the stuff he uses everyday and tinkers with it to make it better suit his needs. As a kid, I laughed … Continue Reading →

Gearing Up for 100 Hours

Gearing Up for 100 Hours

If you look at a calendar, it seems like every day is a holiday somewhere in the world. Today is Flag Day in Aruba. It’s also celebrated as the Pillsbury Doughboy’s birthday. And tomorrow is National Chocolate Caramel Day… I’m not kidding. It also seems like every year is the … Continue Reading →

Podcast: There's No Place Like Home... Yet

Extreme Weather

It took a couple of extra days to get our latest episode finished, thanks in part to our first real winter storm of the year! In Maryland, we definitely experience all four seasons. We get hot, humid summers and cold, crisp winters – plus occasionally some extreme weather like snow, … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Zooming Through the Universe

Starry Night

Growing up just outside of Washington, DC, I didn’t have many opportunities to observe the sky and see more than a handful of faint stars. It was exciting to go camping farther from the city and see so many more twinkling lights in the sky. And I always enjoyed my … Continue Reading →

Podcast: Confounding Cosmic Questions


Today’s episode focuses on a surprising result found by a NASA balloon-borne experiment. We chose this story because it highlights the excitement and uncertainty in any scientific experiment – you never know what you’ll find. Will your data support your predictions, contradict them, or point you in an entirely new … Continue Reading →

Podcast: We're Back!

A New Beginning

If you’ve visited Blueshift before, you’re probably wondering… hey, where have you been for the last year? We released six podcasts in 2007 but got a lot of mixed feedback from listeners about the content and structure. We decided to take some time off to re-think and get a better … Continue Reading →

NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration