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The Big Bang Theory Set

Having a ball in Hollywood…

In lieu of our usual weekly link round-up, we thought we’d share some photos from our visit to the set of The Big Bang Theory last week! During our visit, we were really impressed by the level of detail in the sets – they really nailed everything! It felt just … Continue Reading →

The Universe on a Ball

The Universe on a Ball

[Sara’s note: This is the original blog entry that sparked the roadtrip – the interview about the as-seen-on-TV beach ball that got us onto the Warner Brothers studio lot. How many beach balls can do that?  This is part 2 of our Blueshift roadtrip series.  We’ll have the eagerly-anticipated Big … Continue Reading →

The Universe on a Ball

Blueshift Roadtrip 2010

It all started with a Big Bang. Well, actually, it all started with a beach ball. Not just any beach ball, but one imprinted with data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (just call it WMAP for short – we do, it’s much easier). This educational beach ball was developed … Continue Reading →

Our WMAP beach ball winners!

Blueshift hits the road!

Roadtrip!  Well, actually, to be fair… we’re going on a planetrip.  But that doesn’t have the same ring, does it?  The Blueshift team got an offer to visit somewhere amazing, and we couldn’t refuse.  We’re leaving next Tuesday on our grand adventure, and we’ve been quietly plotting to bring you … Continue Reading →

Who's Your Favorite Scientist

Blueshift ponders…who’s your favorite fictional scientist?

If you recall this week’s link round-up, we linked to a very cool subway map of science. Sara printed out her own copy (it’s easier to follow if you can see the whole thing at once, instead of scrolling around on a screen), and this got us thinking of what … Continue Reading →

Solving Real World Problems Virtually!

Solving Real World Problems Virtually!

Those of us who work on education and outreach for the James Webb Space Telescope have wanted to do an engineering design challenge for a long time. The chance finally presented itself in the form of a teacher from Virginia – and a project where students get to solve real … Continue Reading →

Goddard Hosts "Gastro-nauts"

Goddard Hosts “Gastro-nauts”

I love astronaut ice cream – that freeze-dried, crispy block of strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate sugary sweetness that melts on your tongue into something that vaguely resembles melted ice cream. Though it was developed for the Apollo program, I was disappointed to find out that it wasn’t very popular and … Continue Reading →

Blueshift ponders... what's next in space exploration?

Blueshift ponders… what’s next in space exploration?

This past weekend, I attended an unconference called SpaceUP DC, which drew together space enthusiasts from near and far to talk about the future of space exploration and advocacy. It’s an “unconference” because it’s not like a regular professional conference – it’s much more free-form, and attendees determine the structure, … Continue Reading →

Awesomeness Round-up

Awesomeness Round-up – 8/30/10

Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech What happens when planets form around a tightly orbiting binary star system? A cosmic smashup! As this particular type of binary stars get cozier, they cause a disturbance in the force… err, I mean, in their gravitational influences on their local planetary system. Things start colliding, and it’s … Continue Reading →

JWST @ NYC, and art mysteries solved!

JWST @ NYC, and art mysteries solved!

I’ve lived in Maryland almost two years, just a short train ride away from New York City, and only recently ventured up to the Big Apple. It was for the World Science Festival, where I was volunteering at the full-scale model of the James Webb Space Telescope. The full-scale model … Continue Reading →

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