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Paying Tribute to the Scientists of the 16th & 17th Centuries

Paying Tribute to the Scientists of the 16th & 17th Centuries

We all know that Nicolaus Copernicus revolutionized our view of the universe. Who would you pick as the top scientists who further developed astronomy during the 16th and 17th centuries? I would pick Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and Edmond Halley as my top five. I got … Continue Reading →

A Letter to NASA

A letter to NASA

I think it’s easy for those of us who work at NASA to sometimes forget that WE WORK AT NASA! For many of us, it’s a job, with frustrations and mundane paperwork, just like any other place of employment has. And then we get a reminder of where we actually … Continue Reading →

Sunsets, Scattering, and Similes

Sunsets, Scattering, and Similes

There are two sides to every coin. And there are (at least) two ways to describe any natural phenomenon. Take a sunset, for example. A physicist may describe a sunset as the electromagnetic radiation from the Sun undergoing Rayleigh scattering as it passes through the atmosphere low on the horizon, … Continue Reading →

Foodies at NASA

Foodies at NASA

Sara and I chatted with Erik Trinidad (and Moe Murdock) from Fancy Fast Food about their experience visiting NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. They got to see a lot of very cool stuff, like the James Webb Space Telescope’s ISIM structure (it will hold Webb’s instruments) spinning on the centrifuge. … Continue Reading →

Fancy Fast (Space) Food

Fancy Fast (Space) Food

When Sara and I attended Blogworld last year, we met Erik Trinidad, the mastermind behind the food humor blog, Fancy Fast Food. Erik’s blog entries are about his experiments taking a fast food meal, and transforming it into something that looks like fancy cuisine. The three of us schemed and … Continue Reading →

STS-135: All Systems Go!

STS-135: All Systems Go!

As the launch countdown rapidly approached zero, STS-135 Commander Christopher Ferguson addressed Launch Director Mike Leinbach: “Thanks to you and your team, Mike, until the very end you all made it look easy. The shuttle will always be a reflection of what a nation can do when it dares to … Continue Reading →

Special Space Shuttle Awesomeness Round-Up

Special Space Shuttle Awesomeness Round-Up

  • By Faith Tucker
  • July 8, 2011
  • Comments Off on Special Space Shuttle Awesomeness Round-Up

The time has come to say goodbye to Space Shuttle. The program has faithfully served NASA, our country and the international community for 30 long years, and now it’s time for an era to come to a close. The final Shuttle launch occurred mere minutes ago, down at Kennedy Space … Continue Reading →

Twinkle Twinkle Little Thermonuclear Power Plant

Twinkle Twinkle Little Thermonuclear Power Plant

The heavens above have often been a source of comfort and inspiration for us mere mortals on Earth. A few examples include the classic inspirational quote, “Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars” (~Les Brown) or a child staring out their window and wishing … Continue Reading →

Beauty is in the Ear of the Beholder

Beauty is in the Ear of the Beholder

It’s summertime once again here at Goddard, and summer means two things: mixing it up a bit with a special summer Blueshift series and summer interns. I’m Faith, back for another summer at Goddard, and considering I’m a recent college grad freshly released from my liberal arts college, it seemed … Continue Reading →

Mysterious Plans Afoot

Mysterious Plans Afoot

Sorry we’ve been so remiss about posting – things have been busier than usual around here, leaving us not much time. One of the things we were busy with was a special project that we are timing for release around the last shuttle launch in July. We’ve been planning this … Continue Reading →

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