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James Webb Space Telescope 101… in one minute!

  • By Sara Mitchell
  • December 23, 2013
  • Comments Off on James Webb Space Telescope 101… in one minute!

One of the things that was filmed during Coma Niddy’s visit last week was a special episode of his “SCI CODE” web series. He asked us if there was someone who could tell him the basics about the James Webb Space Telescope (no problem!)… in less than a minute (much harder!). We called upon Dr. Amber Straughn, who wears a lot of hats – Deputy Project Scientist for JWST Science Communications, lead of our Division’s education and public outreach team (a.k.a. our boss), and occasional guest Blueshift contributor, among other things. She nailed this video in just a couple of takes:

For more information about JWST (if you’ve got more than a minute), check out the mission website for tons of background info and multimedia. And stay tuned for more from Coma Niddy!


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