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Podcast: Looking Back to the Future

  • By Maggie Masetti
  • December 16, 2009
  • Comments Off on Podcast: Looking Back to the Future

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Transcript (Text, PDF)

We’re looking to the future here at NASA Goddard, with the construction of our new Exploration Sciences Building. To celebrate the occasion, we’re preparing to seal a time capsule that won’t be opened until the year 2059. In this episode of Blueshift, we talked to Dr. Michelle Thaller to find out all the details about this time capsule, and then we went around and talked to our friends and colleagues to find out what they thought might best speak to the people of the future about the NASA of today.

Also, if you work in the Sciences and Exploration Directorate here at NASA Goddard, it might not be too late for you to contribute something to our time capsule. There’s more information on this at the end of the podcast!

About Time Capsules

NASA is no stranger to the idea of the time capsule. They even put one on the Voyager Spacecraft!


Host Maggie Masetti
Guests Michelle Thaller
Eric Winter
Steve Fantasia
Tommy Nelson
Koji Mukai
John Vernaleo
Keith Arnaud
Leonard Garcia
Barbara Mattson
Interviewers Maggie Masetti
Sarah Eyermann
Editor Maggie Masetti
Theme Music Naked Singularity
Transcript Eric Winter
Maggie Masetti
Website Support Meredith Gibb
Maggie Masetti
Producer Sara Mitchell
Responsible NASA Official Kim Weaver
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