OWL Papers
Observing the Ultra High Energy Universe with OWL Eyes (August 2004) -- OWL04.pdf
Stecker Review - Cosmic Physics: The High Energy Frontier -- IOP web page
J. Phys. G 29 (2003) R47-R88
January 2002 White Paper -- WP10c.PDF
The Curious Adventure of the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays, F.W. Stecker,
2000 (astro-ph/0101072) -- stecker01.pdf
OWL Neutrino Workshop (UCLA, November 1999) White Paper (astro-ph/0003459) -- neutrinos.pdf
OWL-Related Papers
Paul Mikulski's Ph.D. Dissertation (Basis for OWL Airshower Event Generator) --