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You are here: Science» Science Goals» Formation of Structure» Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy» Continued
Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy – continuedHow does galaxy cluster evolution constrain the nature of dark matter and dark energy? «The mystery of Dark Energy can be studied by observing the expansion history of the Universe and the growth of matter density perturbations. X-ray observations of galaxy clusters with IXO will provide both tests, complementing other planned cosmological experiments. Combining the distance-redshift relation and growth of structure data will dramatically improve constraints on the Dark Energy equation of state. These IXO data also test whether the cosmic acceleration is caused by modifications to Einstein´s theory of gravity on large scales. Galaxy cluster observations also provide their own distance-redshift test by assuming that the mass fraction of hot intra-cluster gas is constant with redshift. IXO will provide the precise temperature measurements essential to determine the cluster masses. IXO observations of 500 relaxed clusters will give an independent distance-redshift measurement. The spectral capabilities of IXO will provide direct checks on the relaxed state of the cluster through velocity measurements of the intra-cluster medium. For more information, refer to IXO Astro 2010 Decadal White Papers: Cosmological Studies with a Large-Area X-ray Telescope, A. Vikhlinin et al. |