Goddard Space
Flight Center NASA > GSFC > Astrophysics Science Division > IXO |
Dear IXO FST Attendee,
If you receive this email, we have you listed as attending the upcoming IXO FST meeting (August 20-22) at NASA/GSFC. If you have changed your plans, please contact Sandy Barnes (Sandra.L.Barnes (at) nasa.gov) to let her know.
Due to a busy working schedule, we will be bringing in lunch each day. In order to cover the cost of the lunch and breaks we will be collecting an on-site registration fee of $75 for the meeting, or a per-day fee of $25.
On Thursday night there is a barbecue. ADVANCE REGISTRATIONS are required for this $20/ticket event, which can be paid at the same time as the main registration fee (either via the website or on-site). Please email Sandy Barnes immediately if you have not booked a ticket for the barbecue. $20 covers your dinner, beer, wine and entertainment by the Chromatics.
The current agenda is attached to this email and will be posted shortly on the ixo.gsfc.nasa.gov website. The agenda may still be updated, so please check the website for the latest version.
On-site registration opens at 8AM on Wednesday, August 20th with the first talk at 9AM. Please budget sufficient time to get through the main gate of GSFC (15-20 minutes). We highly recommend arriving at the main gate by 8AM. Coffee and pastries will be waiting for those who arrive early!
By now, you should have booked a room at the Holiday Inn which is a short drive away.
We are arranging for guest wireless accounts but of course we hope you'll be enjoying the talks and discussion and too busy to use it!
There is an Orioles-Red Sox game at Camden Yard in Baltimore on Tuesday, August 19th at 7:05pm, and (by request!) we are considering arranging an informal outing to see the match. Tickets will be arranged at cost, not to exceed $45. If you are interested in attending the game, please email Randall Smith (Randall.K.Smith (at) nasa.gov) by 9 AM EDT on Monday, August 11. We will make arrangements to leave from the meeting hotel in Greenbelt at 4:30 pm on the 19th and return there after the game.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is a secure facility (requiring a badge for access) located in Greenbelt, MD. A map is available here.
There will be several people waiting at the main gate to help you through. We will be meeting in Building 26, room S205 (an upstairs conference room). An internal Goddard map will be available at the main gate.