Koji's List of Recent Galactic Novae
Now in Reverse Chronological Order and with VSX links
Last updated 2025 January 11
(Originally Created 2012 August 20)
NEW: See also my list of uncofirmed Galactic nova candidates.
Here is my list of Galactic novae since 2008 (see also the CBAT list of novae that ends with V1723 Aql in 2010, and a complete list of Galactic Novae maintained by Bill Gray.) For an object to be included in this list, I require its nature to be confirmed by spectroscopic observations during eruption, even though I recognize there is an element of judgement on the part of the observer and/or myself in what I consider to be spectroscopic confirmation.
This tabel also indicates whether the nova has been observed with Swift, if it's been observed with SMARTS, if there are spectra posted by Christian Buil on the astrosurf site or at the new ARA spectal database on Novae (see also the old version), and if it is a target of radio observations by the n E-nova group, and whether the gamma-ray emission of a nova has been deteceted with Fermi LAT (see my compilation of Fermi LAT detections, splitting them into "LAT transient" and "probable LAT transient").
Variable star designations used to be announced individually in IAU Circulars, and continue to be announced individually by the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) in their Electronic Telegrams (CBETs). In addition, Kazarovets & Samus have published several lists of names in Peremennye Zverdy (Variable Stars), most recently in The 84th Name List of Variable Stars. Globular Clusters (Fourth Part) and Novae, including V1724 Sco (Nova Sco 2024 No. 2) which I hadn't seen announced elsewhere (as well as confirming designations of 5 other recent novae).
Note 1 (Revised): The novae are sorted by, and grouped into years according to, the date of the earliest known detection of the eruptions. I label the column "Discovery," because I cannot think of a great alternative, even though "discovery" could refer to the time that the eruption was first noticed, recognized, or confirmed.
- A case in point: V3664 Oph used to be in the 2018 section, but was moved into the 2017 section in 2022 January. This is because the earliest detection of the eruption was on 2017 October 2 with ASAS-SN, even though it was first reported as a nova after the solar conjunction in 2018 February 12. I thank Adam Kawash for pointing out the 2017 October ASAS-SN points which caught the nova on the rise.
Note 2: Most novae are discovered and confirmed during eruption. However, some are confirmed much later; these are added to the list shortly after the announcement of confirmation.
- A 2012 nova, PNV J09410000-575940, was added to the list on 2021-02-20.
- A 2019 nova, Gaia19buy, was added to the list on 2021-05-24.
- Four novae were confirmed and added to the list on 2021-09-22. These are: Gaia18ajn (= ASASSN-17no) in 2017, Gaia18cew in 2018, Gaia20dfb in 2020, and Gaia21dwe in 2021. The same ATel that announced these, based on late optical spectra taken with SOAR, also reported on Gaia20dfc (= BraTS-OCA-T1-023) in 2020 and Gaia21axf in 2021. While the authors consider these likely to be novae, they did not consider the SOAR spectra to be definitive. So they are not listed below, for the time being.
Note 3: Peak magnitude is in V band or similar, unless otherwise specified.
Note that I have not included any novae in the Magellanic Clouds, M31, or any other external galaxies, in this list.
Galactic Novae in 2025 (0 so far)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
Galactic Novae in 2024 (9)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1725 Sco Nova Scorpii 2024 No. 3 TCP J17064645-3528079 |
17 06 46.55 -35 28 06.7 | 2024-09-09 | 10.6 | CBET 5444, ATel 16808 | ARAS |
V615 Vul Nova Vulpeculae 2024 PNV J19430751+2100204 |
19 43 07.50 +21 00 21.4 | 2024-07-29 | 9.7 | CBET 5423, ATel 16743 | Swift, ARAS |
ASASSN-24fb TCP J17490276-2324066 Nova in Sagittarius |
17 49 02.71 -23 24 05.7 | 2024-07-17 | 11.3 | CBAT Transient Object Followup Reports, ATel 16727 | |
PRIME24aadwvh Nova in Sagittarius |
17 47 05.94 -28 50 58.6 | 2024-07-15 | H=11.3 | ATel 16824 | |
ZTF24aaomlxyNova in Scutum | 18 38 28.43 -08 53 27.26 | 2024-05-19 | g~20.2 | ATel 16658 | Taken to be a spectroscopically confirmed nova despite the cautious tone of the ATel |
V1724 Sco Nova Scorpii 2024 No. 2 ASASSN-24ca |
17 01 24.74 -36 33 02.8 | 2024-03-19 | g=14.1 | ATel 16550 | |
V4370 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2024 TCP J17395720-2627410 |
17 39 57.08 -26 27 41.9 | 2024-03-10 | 10.3 | CBET 5365, ATel 16521 | ARAS; Position measured by Dr. K. Sokolovsky using SOAR data, estimated to be accurate to 0.1" |
V1723 Sco Nova Scorpii 2024 PNV J17261813-3809354 |
17 26 18.09 -38 09 36.3 | 2024-02-08 | 6.8 | CBET 5346, ATel 16440 | LAT Transient (first report), Swift (first report), E-Nova, ARAS |
V6620 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2024 PNV J18025353-2914151 |
18 02 53.53 -29 14 15.1 | 2024-01-27 | 9.7 | CBET 5358, ATel 16428 | Measured nova position is ~1.1" away from that of OGLE-BLG-LPV-190334. |
Galactic Novae in 2023 (11)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
AT 2023tow (Nova in Scutum) |
18 41 41.53 -07 09 34.2 | 2023-09-11 | G=12.26 | ATel 16255 | ZTF discovery on 2023-09-11 at g=17.17 |
V1718 Sco Nova Scorpii 2023 No. 3 TCP J17183380-3123452 |
17 18 33.82 -31 23 46.1 | 2023-08-31 | 13.1 | CBET 5297, ATel 16246 | |
V1717 Sco Nova Scorpii 2023 No. 2 TCP J17282355-3113163 |
17 28 23.64 -31 13 17.6 | 2023-07-24 | 13.5 | CBET 5295, ATel 16184 | |
V6598 Sgr IGR J17528-2022 TCP J17525020-2024150 Nova Sagittarii 2023 No. 3 |
17 52 49.30 -20 24 15.5 | 2023-07-15 | 10.3 | CBET 5278, ATel 16135 | LAT transient, ARAS; A previously known INTEGRAL source suggested (but not confirmed) to be an IP |
V567 Nor TCP J16272388-4601564 Nova Normae 2023 |
16 27 23.85 -46 01 56.8 | 2023-06-27 | 13.9 | CBET 5275, ATel 16111 | |
V6597 Sgr TCP J17583414-2652300 Nova Sagittarii 2023 No. 2 |
17 58 34.19 -26 52 29.3 | 2023-05-16 | 13.9 | CB3T 5260, ATel 16038 | |
V1716 Sco PNV J17224490-4137160 Nova Scorpii 2023 |
17 22 45.05 -41 37 16.3 | 2023-04-20 | 7.3 | CBET 5245, ATels 16003 & 16004 | LAT transient, ARAS |
ZTF23aagmerr (Nova in Sagittarius) |
17 50 19.46 -24 30 33.33 | 2023-04-19 | r=16.44 | ATel 16181 | |
PGIR23gjp AT 2023gde (Nova in Aquila) |
19 10 19.30 +10 32 21.4 | 2023-04-12 | J=9.5 | ATels 15993 & 15994 | r'=18.2 and i'=15.5 on 2023-04-19 at 09:45; the object is called PGIR23abnath in ATel 15993. |
Gaia23azk AT 2023ctx (Nova in Aquila) |
19 07 13.71 +09 28 53.7 | 2023-03-05 | G=13.9 | Gaia alert, ATel 15956 | Discovered as a transient on 2023-03-05 during the first Gaia observation of this field since 2022-11-06 |
V6596 Sgr TCP J17562787-1714548 Nova Sagittarii 2023 |
17 56 27.90 -17 14 53.6 | 2023-02-19 | 9.6 | CBET 5225, ATel 15910, 15911 | Swift, ARAS |
Galactic Novae in 2022 (7)
I do not include Atlas22beux (=AT 2022ufh=Nova Mensae 2022) here, on the assumption that it's an LMC object.
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
PGIR22akgylf ZTF22abazrjkAT 2022sfe |
20 00 29.26 +34 53 09.1 | 2022-08-16 | g~18 | ATel 15587 | J=10.4 on Sep 1 |
FQ Cir TCP J15244460-6059200 (Likely Nova in Circinus) |
15 24 47.63 -60 59 47.3 | 2022-06-25 | 10.7 | CBET 5138, ATel 15473 | ARAS |
V415 Mus Nova Muscae 2022 ASASSN-22hw AT 2022mmp |
13 24 31.30 -72 10 30.3 | 2022-06-08 | g=8.7 | CBET 5135, ATel 15435 | Swift, ARAS |
U Sco (RN: 1863, 1906, 1917, 1936, 1945, 1969, 1979, 1987, 1999, 2010, 2022) |
16 22 30.80 -17 52 43.2 | 2022-06-06 | 7.8 | CBETs 5128 & 5029, ATel 15417 | Recurrent; NICER, Swift, E-Nova, ARAS |
PGIR22gjh AT 2022iev (Nova in Sagittarius) |
18 08 42.68 -19 21 58.5 | 2022-04-24 | J=9.4 | ATel 15348 | |
Gaia22bhs AT 2022gjz (Nova in Sagittarius) |
17 49 05.55 -29 22 37.0 | 2022-02-27 | G=17.55 | ATel 15318 | |
Gaia22alz AT 2022bpq (Nova in Vela) |
09 29 53.06 -56 17 25.9 | 2022-02-04 | 10.8 | ATels 15270, 15355, and 15395 | ARAS |
Galactic Novae in 2021 (17)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
Gaia21eqn (Nova in Norma) |
15 27 31.61 -55 06 23.8 | 2021-10-06 | G=13.86 | ATel 15001 | |
Gaia21esm (Nova in Sagittarius) |
17 54 14.14 -24 12 23.5 | 2021-09-20 | G=13.77 | ATel 15001 | |
Gaia21ejf (Nova in Scorpius) |
17 32 21.96 -33 01 41.5 | 2021-09-19 | G=18.23 | ATel 14957 | (The first Gaia detection was at 2021-09-19 09:52:27 UT.) |
PGIR21git Gaia21ejq (Nova in Sagittarius) |
18 00 44.88 -21 39 40.5 | 2021-09-19 | G=17.26 | ATel 14950 | (The first Gattini detection was at 2021-09-19 02:45:27 UT.) |
Gaia21dyi ASASSN-21pa (Nova in Scorpius) |
17 26 19.38 -33 27 10.7 | 2021-08-22 | G=14.86 | ATel 14880 | |
Gaia21dwe (Nova in Scorpius) |
16 44 50.21 -45 15 48.10 | 2021-08-18 | G=16.33 | ATel 14928 | (added on 2021-09-22) |
RS Oph (RN: 1898, 1907, 1933, 1945, 1958, 1967, 1985, 2006, 2021) |
17 50 13.16 -06 42 28.6 | 2021-08-08 | 4.5 | CBET 5013 | Symbiotic Recurrent; LAT transient (see also, follow-up report), preliminary HESS detection (follow-up), INTEGRAL, Swift, MAXI, NICER, E-Nova (see also an early report of AMI, e-MERLIN and MeerKAT data), ARAS |
V606 Vul Nova Vulpeculae 2021 TCP J20210770+2914093 |
20 21 07.70 +29 14 09.1 | 2021-07-16 | 10.0 | CBET 5007; ATels 14793 and 14816 | ARAS |
V1711 Sco ASASSN-21lk AT 2021quw |
17 39 44.729 -36 16 40.19 | 2021-06-22 | 12.7 | ATels 14744 and 14768 | ARAS |
V1674 Her Nova Herculis 2021 TCP J18573095+1653396 |
18 57 30.98 +16 53 39.5 | 2021-06-12 | 6.0 | CBET 4976 & 4977, ATel 14704, 14710 | LAT transient (see Erratum); Swift, E-Nova, ARAS |
Gaia21cpb PGIR21fvh AT 2021nwn (Nova in Aquila) |
19 12 38.610 +12 41 34.40 | 2021-05-07 | 15.133 (G) | ATel 14677 | |
V2030 Aql PGIR21fjn AT 2021kgk |
19 07 58.625 +08 43 45.14 | 2021-04-19 | 9.1 (J) 17.5 (r) |
ATel 14567, 14570, and 14574 | Swift |
V1710 Sco Nova Scorpii 2021 PNV J17091000-3730500 ASASSN-21fh |
17 09 08.11 -37 30 40.9 | 2021-04-11 | 8.7 | CBET 4955, ATel 14544 | ARAS |
V6595 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2021 No 2 PNV J17581670-2914490 |
17 58 16.08 -29 14 56.6 | 2021-04-04 | 7.7 | CBET 4952, ATel 14513 (see correction) | Swift, ARAS |
V6594 Sgr ASASSN-21eh TCP J18490521-1902054 |
18 49 05.05 -19 02 04.2 | 2021-03-25 | 9.3 | CBET 4950, ATels 14487 and 14488 | ARAS |
V1405 Cas Nova Cassiopeiae 2021 CzeV3217 PNV J23244760+6111140 |
23 24 47.745 +61 11 14.82 | 2021-03-18 | 5.1 | CBET 4945, ATels 14471, 14472, 14476, and 14478 | LAT transient; NuSTAR, Swift, E-Nova, ARAS |
V3732 Oph Gaia21avt AT 2021ddo |
17 33 14.83 -27 43 10.99 | 2021-02-15 | 15.75 (G) | ATels 14402, 14410, and 14413 |
Galactic Novae in 2020 (13)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1112 Per Nova Persei 2020 TCP J04291884+4354232 TCP J04291888+4354233 |
04 29 18.84 +43 54 23.2 | 2020-11-25 | 8.3 | CBET 4890, ATel 14224 | Swift, ARAS, E-Nova |
V6593 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2020 No. 4 PNV J17545999-2122401 PGIR20evr |
17 54 59.99 -21 22 40.1 | 2020-10-02 | 10.3 | CBET 4865, ATels 14062 & 14064 | ARAS |
V1708 Sco Nova Scorpii 2020 TCP J17234205-3103072 |
17 23 41.93 -31 03 07.6 | 2020-09-08 | 12.3 | CBET 4848 | Symbiotic; Swift |
V1391 Cas Nova Cassiopeiae 2020 TCP J00114297+6611190 |
00 11 42.97 +66 11 19.0 | 2020-07-27 | 10.6 | CBET 4842, ATel 13903 | Swift, ARAS |
V6568 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2020 No. 3 PNV J17580848-3005376 |
17 58 08.48 -30 05 37.6 | 2020-07-16 | 9.9 | CBET 4813 & 4827, ATel 13872 | Swift, ARAS |
YZ Ret Nova Reticuli 2020MGAB-V207 |
03 58 29.55 -54 46 41.2 | 2020-07-15 | 3.7 | CBET 4811, 4812 & 4826, ATel 13867 | LAT Transient first detected on 2020-07-10, Swift |
V2029 Aql PGIR20eig AT 2020qpq |
19 14 26.3 +14 44 44.0 | 2020-07-13 | 13.35 (J) | ATel 13914 | Swift, E-Nova |
Gaia20dfb (Nova in Norma) |
15 25 50.94 -55 10 29.68 | 2020-07-09 | 15.9 | ATel 14928 | (added on 2021-09-22) |
V6567 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2020 No. 2 PGIR20dsv AT 2020lrv ASASSN-20ga |
18 22 45.2 -19 36 02.6 | 2020-05-31 | 15.3 | CBET 4827, ATel 13790 | Swift, E-Nova |
V2000 Aql Nova Aquilae 2020PGIR20duo AT 2020kvq MASTER OTJ184353.33+000350.9 |
18 43 53.33 +00 03 49.4 | 2020-05-12 | 15.6 (r) | ATel 13817 | |
V1709 Sco PNV J17120009-4017560 |
17 12 00.09 -40 17 56.0 | 2020-04-05 | 12.7 | CBAT Transient Object Followup Reports, ATel 14118 | |
V670 Ser Nova Serpentis 2020 TCP J18104219-1534184 |
18 10 42.29 -15 34 18.5 | 2020-02-22 | 11.8 | CBET 4726, ATel 13517, ATel 13519 | |
V6566 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2020 PNV J17561375-2942546 |
17 56 13.75 -29 42 54.6 | 2020-01-30 | 11.03 | CBET 4720, ATel 13449 |
Galactic Novae in 2019 (10)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V659 Sct Nova Scuti 2019 TCP J18395972-1025415 ASASSN-19aad AT 2019tpb |
18 39 59.825 -10 25 41.92 | 2019-10-29 | 8.3 | CBET 4690; ATel 13241 | Swift, ARAS |
V2891 Cyg Nova Cygni 2019 PGIR19brv |
21 09 25.515 +48 10 51.90 | 2019-09-17 | 10.6 (J) | CBET 4694; ATel 13130 | Swift, ARAS, E-Nova |
V1707 Sco Nove Scorpii 2019 No. 2 PNV J17370958-3510211 |
17 37 09.58 -35 10 21.1 | 2019-09-15 | 10.3 | CBET 4667; ATel 13112 | LAT transient, Swift, E-Nova |
V3730 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2019 Gaia19edn |
17 38 31.820 -29 03 47.12 | 2019-09-14 | 12.3 | ATel 13134 | |
V3890 Sgr (RN: 1962, 1990, 2019) |
18 30 43.28 -24 01 08.9 | 2019-08-27 | 6.7 | CBET 4660; ATel 13047 | Symbiotic; LAT transient, Swift, ARAS, E-Nova |
V569 Vul Nova Vulpeculae 2019 Gaia19dum |
19 52 08.25 +27 42 20.88 | 2019-08-18 | 16.3 (g) | Gaia Alert; ATel 13068, 13070, 13074 | E-Nova; First noticed on 2019-08-24 as a Gaia transient. |
V2860 Ori Nova Orionis 2019 PNV J06095740+121225 |
06 09 57.453 +12 12 25.15 | 2019-08-07 | 9.4 | CBET 4659; ATel 13027 | Swift, ARAS |
V3731 Oph PGIR20ekz AT 2019aafo ZTF19abgnhzj |
17 38 35.0 -25 19 03.5 | 2019-07-12 | 13.3 | ATel 14014 | Retroactively discovered as a nova in 2020 September |
V1706 Sco Nova Scorpii 2019 ASASSN-19mo |
17 07 34.18 -36 08 22.8 | 2019-05-13 | 13.0 | ATel 12795 | Swift |
Gaia19buy AT 2019flb PGIR20fbe ZTF19aaontsz (Nova in Aquila) |
19 03 14.950 +01 20 28.25 | 2019-04-02 | 16.23 | ATel 14657 | First report by Gaia, earliest detection by ZTF (added 2021-05-24) |
Galactic Novae in 2018 (15)
Designations for Galactic novae that erupted in 2018 (except for V392 Per) are given in Kazarovets & Samus (2018).
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V556 Nor Nova Normae 2018 PNV J16143400-5330050 |
16 14 32.92 -53 30 14.7 | 2018-10-13 | 10.16 | CBET 4568, ATel 12142 | Swift |
Gaia18cew (Nova in Ophiuchus) |
17 42 38.85 -27 54 37.48 | 2018-08-13 | 14.9 | ATel 14928 | (added on 2021-09-22) |
V3666 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2018 No. 3 PNV J17422408-2053088 |
17 42 24.10 -20 53 08.8 | 2018-08-08 | 9.0 | CBET 4540; ATel 11928 | ARAS, SMARTS |
V613 Sct Nova Scuti 2018 TCP J18292290-1430460 |
18 29 22.96 -14 30 44.0 | 2018-06-29 | 10.3 | CBET 4530; ATel 11802 | Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V408 Lup Nova Lupi 2018 PNV J15384000-4744500 |
15 38 43.84 -47 44 41.1 | 2018-06-03 | 9.0 | CBET 4520; ATel 11681, 11684 | Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V392 Per TCP J04432130+4721280 |
04 43 21.37 +47 21 25.8 | 2018-04-29 | 6.2 | CBET 4515 (second version); ATel 11588 | LAT transient, Swift, E-Nova, ARAS |
V5857 Sgr PNV J18040967-1803581 |
18 04 09.46 -18 03 55.7 | 2018-04-08 | 10.8 | CBET 4507 (the fourth of four versions); ATel 11528 | |
V435 CMa Nova Canis Majoris 2018 TCP J07134590-2112330 |
07 13 45.843 -21 12 31.28 | 2018-03-24 | 12.0 | CBET 4499, ATel 11475 | Swift, ARAS |
V906 Car Nova Carinae 2018 ASASSN-18fv |
10 36 15.42 -59 35 54.0 | 2018-03-22 | 5.9 | CBET 4498, ATel 11454, 11457, 11460 | LAT transient; NuSTAR, Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V3665 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2018 No. 2 TCP J17140253-2849233 PNV J17140261-2849237 |
17 14 02.53 -28 49 23.3 | 2018-03-10 | 9.4 | CBET 4492, ATel 11398 | Swift, SMARTS |
V1663 Sco ASASSN-18ds |
17 03 47.509 -38 16 57.14 | 2018-02-24 | 12.3 | ATel 11348, 11360 | |
V1662 Sco Nova Scorpii 2018 No. 2 PNV J16484962-4457032 |
16 48 49.68 -44 57 02.9 | 2018-02-06 | 10.1 | CBET 4488, ATel 11289 | Swift, SMARTS |
FM Cir Nova Circini 2018 PNV J13532700-6725110 |
13 53 27.60 -67 25 00.7 | 2018-01-19 | 5.9 | CBET 4482, ATel 11209 | LAT transient; Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V1661 Sco Nova Scorpii 2018 PNV J17180658-3204279 |
17 18 06.37 -32 04 27.7 | 2018-01-17 | 10.2 | CBET 4481, ATel 11209 | SMARTS |
V357 Mus Nova Muscae 2018 PNV J11261220-6531086 |
11 26 15.16 -65 31 23.3 | 2018-01-14 | 6.5 | CBET 4473 (supersedes 4472), ATel 11183 | LAT transient; Swift (see also Swift/XRT detection), ARAS, SMARTS; Was already bright on January 3 |
Galactic Novae in 2017 (9)
Variable star designations for 2016 and 2017 novae were published in Kazarovets & Samus (2017).
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V3663 Oph PNV J17184490-2454220 PNV J17184504-2454221 |
17 18 45.01 -24 54 22.0 | 2017-11-11 | 9.4 | CBET 4453, ATel 10959 | ARAS |
ASASSN-17no Gaia18ajn (Nova in Scorpius) |
17 49 36.09 -30 55 45.01 | 2017-10-17 | 14.1 | ATEL 14928 | ASAS-SN detected the rise just before it entered the seasonal gap; true peak brightness uncertain (added on 2021-09-22) |
V1660 Sco ASASSN-17nj |
17 30 34.18 -31 06 06.80 | 2017-10-14 | 13.0 | ATel 10850, ATel 10852 | ARAS |
V3664 Oph PNV J17244011-2421463 |
17 24 40.11 -24 21 46.3 | 2017-10-02 | 12.5 | CBET 4489, ATel 11338 | Eruption was not noticed until 2018 February. |
V549 Vel ASASSN-17mt |
08 50 29.576 -47 45 28.56 | 2017-09-24 | 9.3 | ATel 10772, ATel 10795 | LAT transient; Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V612 Sct ASASSN-17hx ASASSN-17ib (deprecated) |
18 31 45.918 -14 18 55.575 | 2017-06-19 | 8.5 | ATel 10523, ATel 10527 | Swift, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V1405 Cen ASASSN-17gk |
13 20 55.32 -63 42 18.5 | 2017-05-17 | 10.9 | ATel 10387, ATel 10399 | ARAS, SMARTS (First ASAS-SN detection on Apr 25) |
V3662 Oph TCP J17394608-2457555 |
17 39 46.08 -24 57 55.5 | 2017-05-08 | 14.1 | CBET 4389, ATel 10366, ATel 10367 | Swift, SMARTS; Heavily reddened |
V1657 Sco Nova Scorpii 2017 PNV J16521887-3754189 |
16 52 18.87 -37 54 18.9 | 2017-02-01 | 11.7 | CBET 4364, ATel 10071, IAUC 9285 | (Discovered after peak?) |
Galactic Novae in 2016 (11)
Revised notes on 2016 novae in Sgr: After some confusion, the version of IAUC 9284 now posted on the web, has settled on the following.
- V5854 Sgr (= OGLE-2016-NOVA-02, not sure how well confirmed its nova nature is) is Nova Sgr 2016 No. 1.
- V5853 Sgr (= TCP J1801780-2631434 = ASASSN-16ig; variable star designation was anoounced in IAUC 9283) is Nova Sgr 2016 No. 2.
- V5855 Sgr (= TCP J18102829-2729590) is Nova Sgr 2016 No. 3.
Note, however, the earlier version of IAUC 9284 differed from the current online version in this respect. Also considering the long delay in announcing the "Nova Sgr 2016 No. x" designations for these novae, I strongly recommend we the community not call them Nova Sgr 2016 No. x, but use the variable star designations and/or the discovery names (ASASSN, PNV, OGLE, TCP).
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V5856 SgrNova Sagittarii 2016 No. 4 PNV J18205200-2822100 ASASSN-16ma |
18 20 52.12 -28 22 13.52 | 2016-10-25 | 5.4 | CBET 4334, ATel 9669, IAUC 9286 | LAT transient (more on LAT detection); Swift, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V5855 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2016 No. 3 TCP J18102829-2729590 |
18 10 28.29 -27 29 59.0 | 2016-10-20 | 7.3 | CBET 4332 and 4333, ATel 9658, IAUC 9284 | LAT transient; Swift, E-Nova, ARAS |
V407 Lup Nova Lupi 2016 PNV J15290182-4449409 ASASSN-16kt |
15 29 01.82 -44 49 40.89 | 2016-09-24 | 5.6 | ATel 9538 (see Erratum), CBET 4322, IAUC 9284 | Probable LAT transient; Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V1659 Sco ASASSN-16kb |
17 42 57.68 -33 25 42.9 | 2016-09-07 | 12.3 | ATel 9479 | |
V611 Sct ATLAS16crq |
18 25 29.87 -09 47 32.3 | 2016-09-07 | 13.4 | ATel 9492 and 9511 | |
V1656 Sco Nova Scorpii 2016 No. 2 PNV J17225112-3158349 ASASSN-16kd |
17 22 51.43 -31 58 36.3 | 2016-09-06 | 11.4 | ATel 9469, CBET 4320, IAUC 9283 | ARAS, SMARTS |
V5853 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2016 No. 2 TCP J1801780-2631434 ASASSN-16ig |
18 01 07.74 -26 31 42.0 | 2016-08-06 | 10.7 | ATel 9359, CBET 4295 and 4299, IAUC 9283 | Swift, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V5854 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2016 No. 1 OGLE-2016-NOVA-02 |
17 49 57.33 -29 14 37.9 | 2016-07-12 | 13.31 (I) | ATEL 9246, IAUC 9284 | |
V1655 Sco Nova Scorpii 2016 PNV J17381927-3725077 |
17 38 19.22 -37 25 07.8 | 2016-06-10 | 10.4 | CBET 4285, IAUC 9282 | ARAS |
V555 Nor ASASSN-16ra |
15 41 45.24 -53 08 05.9 | 2016-03-08 | 12.43 | ATEL 10740, 10764 | |
V3661 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2016 PNV J17355050-2934240 |
17 35 50.50 -29 34 24.0 | 16-03-11 | 10.6 | CBET 4265, IAUC 9280 | SMARTS |
Galactic Novae in 2015 (9)
Variable star designations for 2013-2015 novae include those published in Kazarovets & Samus (2015). Note that Kazarovets & Samus (2017) contained the correction for OGLE-2015-NOVA-01 from V5852 Sgr to V1658 Sco, and the designation of OGLE-2015-NOVA-03 as V1404 Cen (I have this object listed under "VVV and OGLE Nova Candidates").
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V5850 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 4 PNV J18225925-1914148 |
18 22 59.29 -19 14 12.3 | 2015-10-31 | 11.3 | CBET 4163, IAUC 9281 | |
V2949 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2015 No. 2 TCP J1734475-240942 |
17 34 47.75 -24 09 04.2 | 2015-10-11 | 11.7 | CBET 4150, IAUC 9279, ATel 8156 | |
V1831 Aql Nova Aquilae 2015 ASASSN-15qd PNV J19215012+1509248 |
19 21 50.139 +15 09 25.31 | 2015-10-05 | 14.7 | CBET 4147, IAUC 9278, ATel 8126, 8127 | ARAS |
V5669 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 3 PNV J18033275-2816054 |
18 03 32.75 -28 16 05.4 | 2015-09-27 | 8.7 | CBET 4145, IAUC 9277 | Swift, ARAS, SMARTS |
V2944 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2015 PNV J17291350-1846120 |
17 29 13.50 -18 46 12.0 | 2015-03-29 | 11.9 | CBET 4086, IAUC 9276 | astrosurf, ARAS, SMARTS |
V5668 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 2 PNV J18365700-2855420 |
18 36 56.87 -28 55 39.3 | 2015-03-15 | 4.0 | CBET 4080, IAUC 9275 | LAT transient; Swift, astrosurf, E-Nova, ARAS, SMARTS |
V1658 Sco V5852 Sgr (Retracted) OGLE-2015-NOVA-01 |
17 48 12.78 -32 35 13.44 | 2015-02-15 | 12.7 (I) | ATel 7179, Aydi et al. (2016) | |
V5667 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2015 (No. 1) PNV J18142514-2554343 |
18 14 25.14 -25 54 34.3 | 2015-02-12 | 9.0 | CBET 4079, IAUC 9274 | Swift, E-Nova, astrosurf, ARAS, SMARTS |
V1535 Sco Nova Scorpii 2015 PNV J17032620-3504140 |
17 03 26.2 -35 04 17.5 | 2015-02-11 | 8.2 | CBET 4078, IAUC 9274 | Probable LAT transient, Swift, astrosurf, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
Galactic Novae in 2014 (5)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V2659 Cyg Nova Cygni 2014 PNV J20214234+3103296 |
20 21 42.34 +31 03 29.6 | 2014-03-31 | 10.9 | CBET 3842, IAUC 9271 | Swift, astrosurf, ARAS, E-Nova |
V1534 Sco Nova Scorpii 2014 TCP J17154683-3128303 |
17 15 46.83 -31 28 30.3 | 2014-03-26 | 10.1 | CBET 3841, IAUC 9273 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V962 Cep Nova Cephei 2014 TCP J20542386+6017077 |
20 54 23.86 +60 17 07.7 | 2014-03-08 | 11.0 | CBET 3825, IAUC 9270 | astrosurf, ARAS |
V745 Sco (RN: 1897, 1937, 1989, 2014) |
17 55 22.27 -33 14 58.5 | 2014-02-06 | 9.0 | CBET 3803 | Symbiotic; Probable LAT transient; SMARTS, E-Nova, Swift |
V5666 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2014 PNV J18250860-2236024 |
18 25 08.60 -22 36 02.4 | 2014-01-26 | 8.7 | CBET 3802, IAUC 9269 | Swift, astrosurf, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
Galactic Novae in 2013 (6)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1369 Cen Nova Centauri 2013 PNV J13544700-5909080 |
13 54 45.34 -59 09 04.2 | 2013-12-02 | 3.3 | CBET 3732, IAUC 9265 | LAT transient, Swift, SMARTS, ARAS, E-Nova (South) |
V556 Ser Nova Serpentis 2013 PNV J18090346-1112345 |
18 09 03.46 -11 12 34.5 | 2013-11-24 | 11.7 | CBET 3724, IAUC 9264 | E-Nova |
V1830 Aql Nova Aquilae 2013 PNV J19023335+0315190 |
19 02 33.35 +03 15 19.0 | 2013-10-28 | 13.5 | CBET 3691, IAUC 9263 (see also CBET 3708) | astrosurf |
V339 Del Nova Delphini 2013 PNV J20233073+2046041 |
20 23 30.73 +20 46 04.1 | 2013-08-14 | 4.3 | CBET 3628, IAUC 9258 | LAT transient, Swift, astrosurf, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V1533 Sco Nova Scorpii 2013 PNV J17335943-3606216 |
17 33 59.43 -36 06 21.6 | 2013-06-03 | 11.3 | CBET 3542,3556 | ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V809 Cep Nova Cephei 2013 PNV J23080471+6046521 |
23 08 04.71 +60 46 52.1 | 2013-02-02 | 9.8 | CBET 3397 | Swift, astrosurf, ARAS, E-Nova |
Galactic Novae in 2012 (15)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1724 Aql Nova Aquilae 2012 PNV J18523496-0018423 |
18 52 34.96 -00 18 42.3 | 2012-10-20 | 11.2 | CBET 3273, 3287 | SMARTS |
V959 Mon Nova Monocerotis 2012 PNV J06393874+0553520 |
06 39 38.74 +05 53 52.0 | 2012-08-09 | 9.4 ? | CBET 3202 | LAT transient; Swift, astrosurf, ARAS, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V946 Car PNV J09410000-5759540 |
09 41 01.87 -57 59 55.7 | 2012-07-24 | 9.5 (P) | CBAT Transient Object Followup Reports, ATel 14413 | (added on 2021-02-20) |
V5593 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2012 #5 PSN J18193700-1907400 |
18 19 36.94 -19 07 40.2 | 2012-07-16 | 12.2 | CBET 3182, 3184 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS |
V5592 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2012 #4 PNV J18202726-2744263 |
18 20 27.24 -27 44 27.0 | 2012-07-07 | 7.7 | CBET 3166, 3177 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V5591 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2012 #3 PNV J17522579-2126215 |
17 52 25.79 -21 26 21.5 | 2012-06-26 | 9.0 | CBET 3156 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS |
V1324 Sco Nova Scorpii 2012 |
17 50 53.90 -32 37 20.5 | 2012-05-22 | 9.0 | CBET 3136 | LAT transient; Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V2677 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2012 #2 PNV J17395600-2447420 |
17 39 57.0 -24 47 07.3 | 2012-05-19 | 9.5 | CBET 3124 | astrosurf, SMARTS,E-Nova |
V5590 Sgr Possible Nova Sagittarii 2012 #2 PNV J18110375-2717276 |
18 11 03.76 -27 17 30.2 | 2012-05-08 | 12.5 | CBET 3140 | Symbiotic?!?; Swift, SMARTS |
V5863 Sgr OGLE-2012-NOVA-01 |
17 56 49.39 -27 13 28.2 | 2012-05-02 | 12.5 (I) | ATel 4323 | |
V5589 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2012 PNV J17452791-2305213 |
17 45 28.02 -23 05 22.72 | 2012-04-21 | 9.0 | CBET 3089 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V1428 Cen Nova Centauri 2012 #2? TCP J14250600-5845360 |
14 25 06 -58 45 36 | 2012-04-04 | 9 | SMARTS, Spectra | |
V2676 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2012 PNV J17260708-2551454 |
17 26 07.02 -25 51 42.5 | 2012-03-25 | 10.9 | CBET 3072 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V1368 Cen Nova Centauri 2012 PNV J13410800-5815470 |
13 41 09.36 -58 15 16.9 | 2012-03-23 | 8.4 | CBET 3073 | Swift, SMARTS |
V834 Car TCP J10502000-6406480 |
10 50 20 -64 06 48 | 2012-02-26 | 10.5 | CBET 3040; IAUC 9251 | SMARTS |
Galactic Novae in 2011 (7)
Note: I have added V1703 Sco, which appears to be a symbiotic nova.
Note: I have removed V965 Per (IAUC 9247), as it now appears likely to be a dwarf nova, as pointed out by by Sebastian Otero on the VSX page on this object.
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1703 Sco OGLE-2011-BLG-1444 VVV-NOV-003 |
17 50 19.25 -33 39 07.3 | 2012-09-26 | Ic=10.2 | ATel 5215, IBVS 6069 | Symbiotic Nova; astrosurf |
V1313 Sco Nova Scorpii 2011 #2 PNV J16364300-4132460 |
16 36 44.29 -41 32 37.7 | 2011-09-06 | 9.1 | CBET 2813; IAUC 9233 | SMARTS |
PR Lup PNV J14542000-5505030 |
14 54 23.09 -55 05 11.2 | 2011-08-04 | 8.5 | CBET 2796; IAUC 9228 | Swift, SMARTS |
V1312 Sco PNV J16551100-3838120 |
16 55 09.46 -38 38 04.5 | 2011-06-01 | 9.5 | CBET 2735; IAUC 9216 | SMARTS, E-Nova |
T Pyx (RN: 1890, 1902, 1920, 1944, 1967, 2011) |
09 04 41.50 -32 22 47.5 | 2011-04-14 | 6.0 | CBET 2700; IAUC 9205 | Recurrent; Swift, SMARTS, astrosurf, E-Nova |
V5588 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2011 #2 PNV J18102135-2305306 |
18 10 21.35 -23 05 30.6 | 2011-03-27 | 11.7 | CBET 2679; IAUC 9203 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, E-Nova |
V5587 Sgr PNV J17474639-2335112 |
17 47 46.23 -23 35 13.7 | 2011-01-25 | 11.0 | CBET 2644; IAUC 9196 | E-Nova |
Galactic Novae in 2010 (10)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1723 Aql | 18 47 38.38 -03 47 14.1 | 2010-09-11 | 12.4 | IAUC 9167, 9168 | Swift, E-Nova |
V1311 Sco Nova Scorpii 2010 #2 |
16 55 13.16 -38 03 46.9 | 2010-04-25 | 8.6 | CBET 2262, 2265; IAUC 9142 | Swift, SMARTS |
V5586 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2010 b |
17 53 02.99 -28 12 19.4 | 2010-04-23 | 11.2 | CBET 2261, 2264; IAUC 9140 | SMARTS |
V407 Cyg | 21 02 09.81 +45 46 33.0 | 2010-03-10 | 6.8 | CBET 2199, 2204, 2205, 2210; IAUC 9130 | Symbiotic, LAT transient; Swift, astrosurf, ARAS; E-Nova |
V6345 Sgr WISE J181834.00-284919.6 |
18 18 34.00 -28 49 19.6 | 2010-03-24 | 4.96 (w1) | ATel 4268 | |
V1310 Sco | 17 06 07.53 -37 14 27.4 | 2010-02-20 | 10.5 | CBET 2183, 2186; IAUC 9120 | |
V2674 Oph | 17 26 32.19 -28 49 36.3 | 2010-02-18 | 9.4 | CBET 2176, 2179, 2185; IAUC 9119 | |
U Sco (RN: 1863, 1906, 1917, 1936, 1945, 1969, 1979, 1987, 1999, 2010, 2022) |
16 22 30.80 -17 52 43.2 | 2010-01-20 | 7.5 | IAUC 9111 | Recurrent; Swift, SMARTS |
V5585 Sgr | 18 07 26.95 -29 00 43.6 | 2010-01-20 | 8.5 | CBET 2140, 2142; IAUC 9112 | |
V2673 Oph | 17 39 40.94 -21 39 47.9 | 2010-01-15 | 8.8 | CBET 2128, 2139; IAUC 9111 | Swift |
Galactic Novae in 2009 (9)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V1722 Aql | 19 14 09.73 +15 16 34.7 | 2009-12-14 | 10.9 | CBET 2076; IAUC 9100 | |
KT Eri | 04 47 54.21 -10 10 43.1 | 2009-11-25 | 5.4 | CBET 2050, 2053, 2055; IAUC 9098 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS, Hounsel et al. |
V496 Sct | 18 43 45.65 -07 36 41.5 | 2009-10-08 | 8.8 | CBET 2008, 2034; IAUC IAUC 9093 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS |
V5584 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2009 #4 |
18 31 32.79 -16 19 07.5 | 2009-10-26 | 9.3 | CBET 1994, 1995, 1999; IAUC 9089 | Swift, SMARTS |
V2672 Oph | 17 38 19.68 -26 44 14.0 | 2009-08-16 | 10.0 | CBET 1910, 1911, 1912; IAUC 9064 | Swift, SMRATS |
V5583 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2009 #3 |
18 07 07.67 -33 46 33.9 | 2009-08-06 | 7.7 | CBET 1899, 1900; IAUC 9061 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS |
V1213 Cen | 13 31 15.81 -67 57 38.0 | 2009-05-08 | 8.5 | CBET 1800; IAUC 9043 | Swift, SMARTS |
V5581 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2009 #1 |
17 44 08.48 -26 05 47.4 | 2009-04-18 | 12.5 | IAUC 9041, 9048 | |
V5582 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2009 #2 |
17 45 05.40 -20 03 21.5 | 2009-02-23 | 11.5 | IAUC 9049 |
Galactic Novae in 2008 (13)
Name(s) | Position | Discovery | Peak | Disc. Ref | Notes |
V5580 Sgr Nova Sagittarii 2008 #2 |
18 22 01.39 -28 02 39.8 | 2008-11-29 | 8.0 | CBET 1591; IAUC 9004, 9005 | |
V679 Car | 11 13 53.78 -61 13 48.1 | 2008-11-26 | 7.55 | IAUC 8999 | Probable LAT transient, Swift, SMARTS |
V1375 Cen XMMU J115113.3-623730 |
11 51 13.00 -62 37 28..8 | 2008-11-23 ? | 10.5 ? | ATel 2746 | Swift, SMARTS |
HV Cet CSS081007:030559+054715 |
03 05 59 +05 47 15 | 2008-10-27 | 16 ? | ATel 1825 | (Unusually faint for a classical nova, although the peak may have been missed during the seasonal gap); Swift, SMARTS |
QY Mus | 13 16 36.22 -67 36 50.7 | 2008-09-28 | 8.6 | IAUC 8990 | Swift, SMARTS |
V1721 Aql | 19 06 28.58 +07 06 44.3 | 2008-09-22 | 14.0 | IAUC 8989 | |
V1309 Sco | 17 57 32.93 -30 43 10.1 | 2008-09-02 | 9.5 | CBET 1496; IAUC 8972 | Luminous Red Nova: Swift, SMARTS |
V2671 Oph Nova Ophiuchi 2008 #2 |
17 33 29.67 -27 01 16.4 | 2008-05-31 | 11.3 | IAUC 8950, 8951 | Swift, SMARTS |
V2670 Oph | 17 39 50.93 -23 50 00.9 | 2008-05-25 | 10.3 | IAUC 8947, 8948, 8949 | Swift, SMARTS |
V5579 Sgr | 18 05 58.88 -27 13 56.0 | 2008-04-18 | 8.4 | CBET 1342, 1344, 1352; IAUC 8937, 8940 | Swift, astrosurf, SMARTS |
V2491 Cyg Nova Cygni 2008 #2 |
19 43 01.96 +32 19 13.8 | 2008-04-10 | 7.1 | IAUC 8934 | Swift, astrosurf |
NR TrA | 16 18 48.21 -60 27 48.9 | 2008-04-01 | 9.2 | IAUC 8931 | Swift, SMARTS |
V2468 Cyg | 19 58 33.39 +29 52 06.5 | 2008-03-07 | 7.4 | CBET 1291; IAUC 8927, 8928 | Swift |
VVV and OGLE Nova Candidates
As far as I'm aware, they were announced after the eruption and therefore do not have spectroscopic confirmation, although some of the light curves are very convincing.
- V5991 Sgr (= VVV-NOV-001)
- VVV-NOV-002 (see also ATel 4879)
- VVV-NOV-003 (see also ATel 5215, this astrosurf page, ARAS page, and IBVS 6069)
- OGLE-2014-NOVA-01
- VVV-NOV-004
- OGLE-2010-NOVA-01, OGLE-2010-NOVA-02, and OGLE-2011-NOVA-02
- VVV-NOV-005
- VVV-NOV-006
- VVV-NOV-007
- VVV-NOV-008 through VVV-NOV-017
- VVV-NOV-018, VVV-NOV-019
- OGLE-2014-NOVA-05, V5927 Sgr (= OGLE-2014-NOVA-06), OGLE-2014-NOVA-07, OGLE-2014-NOVA-08, OGLE-2014-NOVA-09, V5933 Sgr (= OGLE-2015-NOVA-02), and V1404 Cen (OGLE-2015-NOVA-03)
- OGLE-2016-NOVA-02 (see also follow-up). As this was announced in real time, I have included in my list for 2016 as a possible nova.
- VVV-NOV-020 (Discovered on image taken on 2013 March 8)
Mroz et al. 2015 lists V5914 Sgr (= OGLE-2006-NOVA-01), OGLE-2008-NOVA-01, V5980 Sgr (= OGLE-2010-NOVA-03), and V5926 Sgr (= OGLE-2013-NOVA-04) as previously unknown novae.
Please let me know if you spot incorrect information or missing novae.