TES VII: 7th International Workshop on Transition
Edge Sensors
The Applied
Superconductivity Conference is pleased to
host the 7th International Workshop on Transition
Edge Sensor Device Physics from August 10th-15th,
2014 at the Charlotte Convention Center
Charlotte, NC. This workshop will focus on the
topics at the forefront of TES research. The people
organizing the TES-VII workshop part of this meeting
consists primarily of members of the program
committee: Warren Holmes, Sherry Cho, Flavio Gatti
and Simon Bandler. If there is anyone else who is
willing to contribute their efforts to making this
and the next workshop a better meeting, please let
one of these people know.
The workshop will consist of both oral
presentations and poster sessions. ASC
presentation guidelines can be found here.
invited oral presentations are 15 minutes and 30
minutes respectively, where the 15-minute
presentation should last 12-13 minutes with 2-3
minutes available for questions afterwards and
30-minute presentations should last 25 minutes with
5 minutes available for questions. Oral
presentations need to be submitted at least one day
prior to the scheduled talk. There are no formal
invited overview talks for this workshop this time,
although the invited speakers that have been given
30-minute presentations are encouraged to provide a
brief introduction to the session and general area.
ASC publication guidelines can be found here.
must be electronically submitted.
Accommodations will be handled through the ASC
conference. Please look at their web page here.
Pre-conference registration ends August 1st - you
can register here.