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Goddard Space Flight Center

Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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HST Project Science Office
HST Project Science Office

Servicing Mission PreLaunch Walkdown

Hubble Space Telescope Project personnel at Kennedy Space Center, conducting a "walkdown" in which they review equipment and configuration with the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Systems Team.

JSC systems personnel
JSC systems personnel
JSC Systems personnel at FSS during hardware walkdown
JSC Systems personnel at ORUC during hardware walkdown
JSC systems personnel
FSS Overview
JSC Systems personnel at FSS BAPS during hardware walkdown
FSS overview
Group photo of project personnel
JSC systems walkdown
Group photo of project personnel in front of FSS
JSC Systems walkdown of FSS and ORUC showing an overview of the ORUC
Group photo of JSC systems group and HST personnel
JSC systems walkdown
Group photo of JSC Systems group and HST personnel in front of ORUC
JSC Systems walkdown of FSS and ORUC showing an overview of FSS