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Goddard Space Flight Center

Astrophysics Science Division | Sciences and Exploration

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HST Project Science Office

Flight Day 4, December 22, 1999
Crew Activities

Flight Day 4 Activities
Flight Day 4 Activities
Mike Foale in middeck
Jean-Francois Clervoy crunching numbers in the mid deck
Flight Day 4 Activities
Flight Day 4 Activities
Jean-Francois Clervoy and Steve Smith in Mid deck
John Grunsfeld in mid deck
Flight Day 4 Activities
Flight Day 4 Activities
Pilot Scott Kelly in flight deck
Claude Nicollier in mid deck
Flight Day 4 Activities
Flight Day 4 Activities
Mission Commander Curt Brown in flight deck
Steve Smith and John Grunsfeld RMS EVA -v3 aft shroud doors open
Flight Day 4 Activities
Flight Day 4 Activities
Smith, Grunsfeld EVA with RMS to -v3 aft shroud door to replace RSU
Smith, Grunsfeld EVA with RMS to -v3 aft shroud door to replace RSU. ORUC in view
Flight Day 4 Activities
Smith, Grunsfeld EVA with RMS to -v3 aft shroud door to replace RSU