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NASA's Scientific Ballooning Program |
Science Results
Space Science & Cosmology
Here there should be a summary of the science done with balloons. Several paragraphs are suggested,
covering gamma-ray, x-ray, cosmic-ray astrophysics.
Selected Publications
ADS search for Gamma-ray ballooning papers since 1990 (36 items)
ADS search for X-ray ballooning papers since 1990 (67 items)
ADS search for Cosmic-ray ballooning papers since 1990 (6 items)
ADS search for Cosmology ballooning papers since 1990 (15 items)
Earth Science & Aurorae
A few other paragraphs to discuss Earth science results would be good, too.
Selected Publications
ADS search for Earth-science ballooning papers since 1990 (73 items)
ADS search for Auroral studies ballooning papers since 1990 (7 items)