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Literature Catalog: Stellar CollapseAlso sorted by dateLast updated January 14, 2005. Arnaud, N. and Barsuglia, M. and Bizouard, M. and Brisson, V. and Cavalier, F. and Davier, M. and Hello, P. and Kreckelbergh, S. and Porter, E.K., Detection of a close supernova gravitational wave burst in a network of interferometers, neutrino and optical detectors, Astroparticle Physics 21, 201 (2004) Bonazzola, S. and Frieben, J. and Gourgoulhon, E. " Spontaneous symmetry breaking of rapidly rotating stars in general relativity: influence of the 3D-shift vector," Astron. Astrophys., 331, 280 (1997). Bonazzola, S. and Frieben, J. and Gourgoulhon, E. " Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Rapidly Rotating Stars in General Relativity," ApJ, 460, 379 (1996). Bonazzola, S. and Marck, J. A. " Efficiency of gravitational radiation from axisymmetric and 3D stellar collapse. I - Polytropic case," Astron. Astrophys., 267, 623 (1993). Brown, J. D. 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