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Literature Catalog: Compact Binaries: Inspiral: Non-Spinning BH Binary

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Last updated Feb 10, 2004.

L. Bel, T. Damour, N. Deruelle, J. Ibañez, and J. Martin, ``Poincaré-invariant gravitational-field and equations of motion of 2 point-like objects - The post-linear approximtion of general-relativity,'' Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 13, 963 (1981).

L. Blanchet and G. Schaefer, "Higher order gravitational radiation losses in binary ststems," Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 239, 845 (1989).

L. Blanchet, T. Damour, B.R. Iyer, C.M. Will and A.G. Wiseman, `` Gravitational radiation damping of compact binary systems to second postNewtonian order,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3515 (1995)

L. Blanchet, T. Damour and B.R. Iyer, `` Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy loss and waveform to second-post-Newtonian order," Phys. Rev. D 51, 5360 (1995)

L. Blanchet, `` Second-post-Newtonian generation of gravitational radiation," Phys. Rev. D 51, 2559 (1995)

L. Blanchet, B.R. Iyer, C.M. Will and A.G. Wiseman, `` Gravitational wave forms from inspiralling compact binaries to second-post-Newtonian order,'' Class. Quant. Grav. 13, 575 (1996)

L. Blanchet, `` Energy losses by gravitational radiation in inspiralling compact binaries to five halves post-Newtonian order,'' Phys. Rev. D 54, 1417 (1996)

L. Blanchet, `` Gravitational-wave tails of tails,'' Class. Quant. Grav. 15, 113 (1998)

L. Blanchet and G. Faye, `` Equations of motion of point-particle binaries at the third post-Newtonian order,'' Phys. Lett. A 271, 58 (2000)

L.Blanchet and G. Faye, `` Lorentzian regularization and the problem of point-like particles in general relativity,'' J. Math. Phys. 42, 4391 (2001)

L. Blanchet and G. Faye, `` General relativistic dynamics of compact binaries at the third post-Newtonian order,'' Phys. Rev. D 63, 062005 (2001)

L. Blanchet, B.R. Iyer and B. Joguet, `` Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy flux to third post-Newtonian order,'' Phys. Rev. D 65, 064005 (2002)

L. Blanchet, G. Faye, B.R. Iyer and B. Joguet, `` Gravitational-wave inspiral of compact binary systems to 7/2 post-Newtonian order,'' Phys. Rev. D 65, 061501 (2002)

L. Blanchet, `` Innermost circular orbit of binary black holes at the third post-Newtonian approximation,'' Phys. Rev. D 65, 124009 (2002)

L. Blanchet, T. Damour and G. Esposito-Farese, Dimensional regularization of the third postnewtonian dynamics of point particles in harmonic coordinates, 2003.

T. Damour and N. Deruelle, ``Generalized lagrangian of two point masses in the post-post-Newtonian approximation of general-relativity,'' Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Ser. II 293, 537 (1981).

T. Damour and N. Deruelle, ``Radiation Reaction And Angular Momentum Loss In Small Angle Gravitational Scattering,'' Phys. Lett. A 87, 81 (1981).

T. Damour, ``The two-body problem and radiation damping in general-relativity,'' Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Ser. II 294, 1355 (1982).

T. Damour, ``Gravitational radiation reaction in the binary pulsar and the quadrupole-formula controversy," Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 1019 (1983).

T. Damour and N. Deruelle, ``General relativistic celestial mechanics of binary systems I. The post-Newtonian motion," Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 43, 107 (1985)

T. Damour, P. Jaranowski and G. Schaefer, `` Dynamical invariants for general relativistic two-body systems at the third post-Newtonian approximation,'' Phys. Rev. D 62, 044024 (2000)

T. Damour, P. Jaranowski and G. Schaefer, `` Equivalence between the ADM-Hamiltonian and the harmonic-coordinates approaches to the third post-Newtonian dynamics of compact binaries,'' Phys. Rev. D 63, 044021 (2001) [Erratum-ibid. D 66, 029901 (2002)].

T. Damour, P. Jaranowski and G. Schaefer, `` Dimensional regularization of the gravitational interaction of point masses,'' Phys. Lett. B 513, 147 (2001)

V.C. de Andrade, L. Blanchet and G. Faye, `` Third post-Newtonian dynamics of compact binaries: Noetherian conserved quantities and equivalence between the harmonic coordinate and ADM-Hamiltonian formalisms,'' Class. Quant. Grav. 18, 753 (2001)

A. Einstein, Sb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. 688 (1916)

A. Einstein, Sb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. 154 (1918)

A. Gopakumar, B.R. Iyer and S. Iyer, `` Second post-Newtonian gravitational radiation reaction for two-body systems: Nonspinning bodies,'' Phys. Rev. D 55, 6030 (1997) [Erratum-ibid. D 57, 6562 (1998)].

A. Gopakumar and B.R. Iyer, `` Gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries: angular momentum flux, evolution of the orbital elements, and the waveform to the second post-Newtonian order," Phys. Rev. D 56, 7708 (1997)

A. Gopakumar, B.R. Iyer and S. Iyer, `` Second post-Newtonian gravitational wave polarizations for compact binaries in elliptical orbits," Phys. Rev. D 65, 084011 (2002)

B. Iyer and L. Blanchet, " Third Post-Newtonian dynamics of compact binaries: equations in the center-of-mass frame," to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity (2003)

B.R. Iyer and C.M. Will, ``Post-Newtonian Gravitational Radiation Reaction For Two Body Systems,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 113 (1993).

B.R. Iyer and C.M. Will, ``Post-Newtonian Gravitational Radiation Reaction For Two Body Systems: Nonspinning Bodies,'' Phys. Rev. D 52, 6882 (1995).

P. Jaranowski and G. Schaefer, `` Nonuniqueness of the third post-Newtonian binary point mass dynamics," Phys. Rev. D 57, 5948 (1998)

P. Jaranowski and G. Schaefer, `` 3rd post-Newtonian higher order Hamilton dynamics for two-body point-mass systems,'' Phys. Rev. D 57, 7274 (1998) [Erratum-ibid. D 63, 029902 (2001)].

P. Jaranowski and G. Schaefer, `` The binary black-hole problem at the third post-Newtonian approximation in the orbital motion: Static part,'' Phys. Rev. D 60, 124003 (1999)

L.E. Kidder, C.M. Will and A.G. Wiseman, ``Innermost stable orbits for coalescing binary systems of compact objects," Class. Quantum Grav. 9, L127 (1992).

L.E. Kidder, C.M. Will and A.G. Wiseman, ``Coalescing binary systems of compact objects to (post) 2.5-Newtonian order. III. Transition from inspiral to plunge," Phys. Rev. D 47, 3281 (1993)

L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, ``The classical theory of fields,'' Chap. 11, (Addison-Wesley, Reading Massachusetts, 1959).

C.W. Lincoln and C.M. Will, ``Coalescing Binary Systems Of Compact Objects To (Post) 5/2 Newtonian Order: Late Time Evolution And Gravitational Radiation Emission,'' Phys. Rev. D 42, 1123 (1990)

T. Mora and C. M. Will, A post-newtonian diagnostic of quasi-equilibrium binary configurations of compact objects, 2003.

M.E. Pati and C.M. Will, `` Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation and equations of motion via direct integration of the relaxed Einstein equations. 1. Foundations," Phys. Rev. D 62, 124015 (2000)

M.E. Pati, C.M. Will, `` Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation and equations of motion via direct integration of the relaxed Einstein equations. 2. Two body equations of motion to second post-Newtonian order, and radiation reaction to 3.5 post-Newtonian order," Phys. Rev. D 65, 104008 (2002)

P.C. Peters and J. Mathews, ``Gravitational radiation from point masses in a Keplerian orbit," Phys. Rev. 131, 435 (1963).

P.C. Peters, ``Gravitational radiation and the motion of two point masses," Phys. Rev. 136, 1224 (1964).

K.S. Thorne, ``Multipole expansion of gravitational radiation," Rev. Mod. Phys. 52, 285 (1980).

R.V. Wagoner and C.M. Will, ``Postnewtonian Gravitational Radiation From Orbiting Point Masses,'' Astrophys. J. 210, 764 (1976) [Erratum-ibid. 215, 984 (1977)].

C.M. Will and A.G. Wiseman, `` Gravitational radiation from compact binary systems: gravitational waveforms and energy loss to second post-Newtonian order,'' Phys. Rev. D 54, 4813 (1996)


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