APS April meeting is scheduled for April 9-12, 2022, in New York City, NY. See below where and when to learn more about AMEGO-X.
- Sun., April 10, at 4:45 PM, Soho: Tonia Venters, Probing the Multimessenger Nature of AGNs with AMEGO-X (L14.00006). Multimessenger Detection Strategies.
- Mon., April 11, at 2:30 PM, Empire: Henrike Fleischhack, Surveying the MeV gamma-ray sky with AMEGO-X (S13.00006). MeV-GeV Gamma Rays and Cosmic Rays.
- Mon., April 11, at 2:42 PM, Empire: Amanda Steinhebel, AstroPix: ATLAS-Inspired Silicon Pixels for Future Space-Based Gamma-ray Telescopes (S13.00007). MeV-GeV Gamma Rays and Cosmic Rays.
- Tues., April 12, at 4:09 PM, Salon 1: Tiffany Lewis, Modeling TXS 0506+056 Neutrino Flares & AMEGO-X (Z03.00003). Astrophysical Neutrinos II.