In this Section, we describe the details of how we obtained the photometric measurements at various wavelengths to determine the properties of the candidates from PaperI. The optical through far-IR photometry are reported in Table2, and the extended SEDs are shown in Figures 7 and 8.
We utilized VizieR
(Ochsenbein et al.2000) to search for other observations of the candidates, in
particular for WISE (Wright et al. 2010,
), 2MASS
(Cutri et al. 2003,
), SDSS (Abazajian et al. 2009,
and X-ray detections. For M33, we used the
images from the
Massey et al. (2006) optical survey, and archival HST images of
NGC300, NGC2403, M81, NGC247 and NGC7793. Finally, we used
Herschel PACS data to supplement the Spitzer measurements.
For the Spitzer IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and as well as MIPS
(Rieke et al.2004) 24, 70, and
data, we use the
measurements reported in PaperI. For M33, our measurements were
based on IRAC data from McQuinn et al. (2007)
and MIPS data from the
Spitzer Heritage Archive
Data from the LVL survey (Dale et al.2009) were used for NGC300 and
NGC247, and data from the SINGS survey (Kennicutt et al.2003) for
NGC6822, NGC2403, and M81.
We used the Herschel PACS (Poglitsch et al.2010) 70, 100, and
images available from the public
Herschel Science Archive
Although both MIPS and PACS cover the same far-IR wavelength range
), Herschel has significantly higher resolution
(see Figure3). All three PACS
band data were available for M33 and NGC7793, 70 and 160
were available for NGC2403 and M81, and 100 and 160
data were
available for NGC300. There are no publicly available PACS images of the
candidates in NGC247. We used aperture photometry (IRAF
ApPhot/Phot) with
the extraction apertures and aperture corrections from Balog et al. (2013)
and given in Table1. As with our treatment of the MIPS 70 and 160
measurements in PaperI, we treat the measurements obtained in the PACS bands
as upper limits because the spatial resolution of these bands requires
increasingly large apertures at longer wavelengths. For similar
reasons, we also treat the WISE
fluxes, where available, as upper
For the optical photometry of the candidates in M33, we used the Local Group
Galaxies Survey images (Massey et al.2006). First we verified that the coordinates
match with the IRAC images to within few
and then used
radius extraction apertures centered on the IRAC source locations. We
transformed the aperture fluxes to Vega-calibrated magnitudes using zero point
offsets determined from the difference between our aperture magnitudes and
calibrated magnitudes for bright stars in the Massey et al. (2006) catalog
of M33.
For the candidates in NGC300, M81, NGC2403, and NGC247, we
searched the ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey
(ANGST, Dalcanton et al.2009) ,
and (where available)
point source catalogs derived
using DOLPHOT (Dolphin2000).
We verified that the IRAC and HST astrometry of the NGC300, NGC2403 and NGC247 images agree
within (mostly)
to (in a few cases)
We corrected the astrometry of the M81 HST images using the LBT images described later in this section
to achieve similar astrometric accuracy.
We also used the HST
photometry of M81 from HST program GO-10250 (P.I. J.Huchra).
We retrieved all publicly available archival HST images of NGC7793 overlapping
the IRAC source locations along with the associated photometry tables from the Hubble Legacy
. The HST and Spitzer
images have a significant (few
) astrometric mis-match, and there are too few
reference stars in the HST images to adequately improve the astrometry. Therefore, we utilized the
IRAF GEOXYMAP and GEOXYTRAN tasks to locally match the overlapping HST and Spitzer
images of NGC7793 within uncertainties of
We have variability data for the galaxies M81 and NGC2403
from a Large Binocular Telescope survey in the bands
that is searching for failed supernovae
(Kochanek et al.2008), and studying supernova progenitors
and impostors (Szczygie
et al.2012), and
Cepheid variables (Gerke et al.2011). We analyzed 27 epochs of data for
M81 and 28 epochs of data for NGC2403, spanning a 5year period.
The images were analyzed with the ISIS image subtraction
package (Alard2000; Alard & Lupton1998) to produce light
curves (see Figure5).