Rate Limits
One advantage of searching for eruptions in the dust obscured phase is that the
process is relatively easy to simulate. We eject
of material
from a star of luminosity
and temperature
at velocity
time period
and assume it forms dust with total (absorption
plus scattering) visual opacity
once it is sufficiently distant from the star. We
can then use DUSTY (Elitzur & Ivezic2001) to simulate the evolution of the mid-IR
luminosities and determine the time
during which the source would
satisfy our selection criteria. Here we use
roughly appropriate for silicate dust, but this is important only
to the extent that the ejecta mass can be rescaled as
The key variable for estimating rates is the expansion velocity
because the detection period scales as
. The
velocities cited for the supernova impostors (e.g., Smith et al.2011)
and the velocity associated with the long axis of
Car are
. These velocities are very different
from those observed for the older, massive shells in the Galaxy
or the shorter axis of
Car, where
the discussion of this difference in Kochanek2011a). Here
we scale the results to
since, for example, it
results in our detecting systems with parameters similar to
Car at its present age, as observed, and agrees with the expansion
velocities of the other massive Galactic shells around luminous stars.
Detection of a shell at late times (
) is limited by its
optical depth and temperature.
The shell has total visual optical depth greater than
(4) |
and once
it begins to rapidly fade in the mid-IR. Ignoring
Planck factors, the spectral energy (
) peaks at
(5) |
so the emission peak shifts out of the IRAC bands after several decades,
and our survey is primarily limited by the shift of the emission
to longer wavelengths rather than the declining optical depth.
It is better to search for these sources at 24
as has been done in
the galaxy (Gvaramadze et al.2010; Wachter et al.2010) but that would
require the resolution of JWST (Gardner et al.2006).
A reasonable power-law fit to the results (
) of the DUSTY models is that the detection period is
(6) |
and L
may also be
years or more (see the discussion
in Kochanek et al.2012a). For present purposes, we
years as the period over which our selection
criteria would identify an analogue of
Car, consistent
with the fact that our selection criteria do identify
We can normalize the rate of eruptions to the ccSN rate as
(7) |
is the supernova rate and all stars more massive than
eruptions. Following the rate arguments in
Kochanek (2011a), we can estimate the number of eruptions
per massive star needed to explain the massive Galactic shells.
If there are
massive Galactic shells
associated with massive stars (
), then
(8) |
is the minimum optical depth needed to detect a shell
surrounding the star and
/century is the Galaxy's
supernova rate. Since the Galactic shells are identified as shells
primarily at
m, they are easier to find at low optical depths
and temperatures than in our extragalactic survey.
Thus, the massive Galactic shells imply an eruption
rate relative to the supernova rate of
since it is unclear whether
we possess a complete inventory. Note that with this normalization
the rate estimate does not depend on the mass scale
Rubab Khan