SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions XPROC0 = 'eboxdetect bkgimagesets=bgimage.fits usemap=no usematchedfilter=no &'CONTINUE 'detmasksets=/mnt/data0/pipeline5/xmm/0690744001/xmm0690744001/produ&'CONTINUE 'cts/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0690744001_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz withdet&'CONTINUE 'mask=yes expimagesets=/mnt/data0/pipeline5/xmm/0690744001/xmm069074&'CONTINUE '4001/products/aux/fullrun_pn_xmm0690744001_pi300-10000_expmap.img.g&'CONTINUE 'z withexpimage=yes nruns=4 likemin=15 boxsize=5 imagebuffersizesets&'CONTINUE '=640 withimagebuffersize=no imagebuffersize=640 ecf=1 imagesets=/mn&'CONTINUE 't/data0/pipeline5/xmm/0690744001/xmm0690744001/products/images/full&'CONTINUE 'run_pn_xmm0690744001_pi300-10000_hcl.img.gz boxlistset=fullrun_pn_x&'CONTINUE 'mm0690744001_pi300-10000_hcl_eboxdet.fits withoffsets=no mergedlist&'CONTINUE 'set=mergedlist.fits hrdef=''1 2 2 3 3 4'' pimin=2000 pimax=4500 # (&'CONTINUE 'eboxdetect-4.22.1) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0.0]' XDAL0 = 'fullrun_pn_xmm0690744001_pi300-10000_hcl_eboxdet.fits 2013-06-06T08&'CONTINUE ':51:35.000 Create eboxdetect (eboxdetect-4.22.1) [xmmsas_20110223_1&'CONTINUE '801-11.0.0] High SAS_MEMORY_MODEL= SAS_ROWS= SAS_ZERO_ROWS= SAS_COL&'CONTINUE 'UMN_WISE= ' CREATOR = 'eboxdetect (eboxdetect-4.22.1) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0.0]' / name DATE = '2013-06-06T08:51:35.000' / creation date LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' INSTRUME= 'EPN ' / Instrument name TELESCOP= 'XMM ' / Telescope (mission) name DATAMODE= 'IMAGING ' / Instrument mode (IMAGING, TIMING, BURST, etc.) FILTER = 'Thin1 ' / Filter ID OBS_MODE= 'POINTING' / Observation mode (pointing or slew) OBS_ID = '0690744001' / Observation identifier EXP_ID = '0690744001003' / Exposure identifier EXPIDSTR= 'S003 ' / Exposure identifier (Xnnn) ORIGIN = 'User site' OBJECT = 'LMC survey 40' / Name of observed object RA_PNT = 8.51317916666667E+01 / [deg] Actual (mean) pointing RA of the optical DEC_PNT = -6.82661388888889E+01 / [deg] Actual (mean) pointing Dec of the opticaPA_PNT = 7.10084228515625E+01 / [deg] Actual (mean) measured position angle of RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / World coord. system for this file EQUINOX = 2.00000000000000E+03 / Equinox for sky coordinate x/y axes EXPOSURE= 2.50410921704769E+04 / max of ONTIMEnn values DATE-OBS= '2012-08-29T18:26:00' / Start Time (UTC) of exposure DATE-END= '2012-08-30T01:23:22' / End Time (UTC) of exposure OBSERVER= 'Dr Frank Haberl' / Name of PI ATT_SRC = 'AHF ' / Source of attitude data (AHF|RAF|THF) SUBMODE = 'PrimeFullWindow' / Guest Observer mode TCRPIX1 = 2.98436767578125E+02 / copy of WCS keyword CRPIX1 from input image TCRPIX2 = 2.98436767578125E+02 / copy of WCS keyword CRPIX2 from input image TCRVAL1 = 8.51317901611328E+01 / copy of WCS keyword CRVAL1 from input image TCRVAL2 = -6.82661361694336E+01 / copy of WCS keyword CRVAL2 from input image TCDELT1 = -1.20833329856396E-03 / copy of WCS keyword CDELT1 from input image TCDELT2 = 1.20833329856396E-03 / copy of WCS keyword CDELT2 from input image TCTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / copy of WCS keyword CTYPE1 from input image TCTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / copy of WCS keyword CTYPE2 from input image PN_1_ELO= 2000 / [PI chan] E_min for Instr PN , band 1 PN_1_EHI= 4500 / [PI chan] E_min for Instr PN , band 1 CONTENT = 'EPIC EXPOSURE BOX-LOCAL SOURCE LIST' / Content of file BOXMODE = 'LOCAL ' / EBOXDETECT mode HDUCLASS= 'OGIP ' / Format conforms to OGIP/GSFC conventions HDUCLAS1= 'SRCLIST ' / File contains a source list OARAPN01= 8.52246131832389E+01 / [Optical axis: RA [deg]] OADEPN01= -6.82763074824466E+01 / [Optical axis: DEC [deg]] HISTORY Created by eboxdetect (eboxdetect-4.22.1) [xmmsas_20110223_1801-11.0.0] HISTORY at 2013-06-06T08:51:35 END XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension BITPIX = 8 / 8-bit bytes NAXIS = 2 / 2-dimensional binary table NAXIS1 = 148 / width of table in bytes NAXIS2 = 34 / number of rows in table PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword) TFIELDS = 33 / number of fields in each row TTYPE1 = 'BOX_ID_SRC' / The name of this column TFORM1 = 'J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE2 = 'ID_INST ' / The name of this column TFORM2 = 'J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE3 = 'ID_BAND ' / The name of this column TFORM3 = 'J ' / data format of field: 4-byte INTEGER TTYPE4 = 'SCTS ' / The name of this column TFORM4 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT4 = 'counts ' / physical unit of field TTYPE5 = 'SCTS_ERR' / The name of this column TFORM5 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT5 = 'counts ' / physical unit of field TTYPE6 = 'BOX_CTS ' / The name of this column TFORM6 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT6 = 'counts ' / physical unit of field TTYPE7 = 'X_IMA ' / The name of this column TFORM7 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT7 = 'image pixels' / physical unit of field TTYPE8 = 'X_IMA_ERR' / The name of this column TFORM8 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT8 = 'image pixels' / physical unit of field TTYPE9 = 'Y_IMA ' / The name of this column TFORM9 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT9 = 'image pixels' / physical unit of field TTYPE10 = 'Y_IMA_ERR' / The name of this column TFORM10 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT10 = 'image pixels' / physical unit of field TTYPE11 = 'LIKE ' / The name of this column TFORM11 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE12 = 'BG_MAP ' / The name of this column TFORM12 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT12 = 'counts/pixel' / physical unit of field TTYPE13 = 'BG_RAW ' / The name of this column TFORM13 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT13 = 'counts/pixel' / physical unit of field TTYPE14 = 'EXP_MAP ' / The name of this column TFORM14 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT14 = 'seconds ' / physical unit of field TTYPE15 = 'FLUX ' / The name of this column TFORM15 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT15 = 'cgs ' / physical unit of field TTYPE16 = 'FLUX_ERR' / The name of this column TFORM16 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT16 = 'cgs ' / physical unit of field TTYPE17 = 'RATE ' / The name of this column TFORM17 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT17 = 'counts/pixel' / physical unit of field TTYPE18 = 'RATE_ERR' / The name of this column TFORM18 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT18 = 'counts/pixel' / physical unit of field TTYPE19 = 'RA ' / The name of this column TFORM19 = 'D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT19 = 'deg ' / physical unit of field TTYPE20 = 'DEC ' / The name of this column TFORM20 = 'D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT20 = 'deg ' / physical unit of field TTYPE21 = 'RADEC_ERR' / The name of this column TFORM21 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT21 = 'arcsec ' / physical unit of field TTYPE22 = 'LII ' / The name of this column TFORM22 = 'D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT22 = 'deg ' / physical unit of field TTYPE23 = 'BII ' / The name of this column TFORM23 = 'D ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE TUNIT23 = 'deg ' / physical unit of field TTYPE24 = 'HR1 ' / The name of this column TFORM24 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE25 = 'HR1_ERR ' / The name of this column TFORM25 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE26 = 'HR2 ' / The name of this column TFORM26 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE27 = 'HR2_ERR ' / The name of this column TFORM27 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE28 = 'HR3 ' / The name of this column TFORM28 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE29 = 'HR3_ERR ' / The name of this column TFORM29 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE30 = 'VIGNETTING' / The name of this column TFORM30 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE31 = 'BOX_SIZE' / The name of this column TFORM31 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT31 = 'pixels ' / physical unit of field TTYPE32 = 'EEF ' / The name of this column TFORM32 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TTYPE33 = 'DIST_NN ' / The name of this column TFORM33 = 'E ' / data format of field: 4-byte REAL TUNIT33 = 'arcsec ' / physical unit of field EXTNAME = 'SRCLIST ' / The name of this table END B˘ABLCjs%@?aj@?@?^CBqAaKBCb} @? 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