[Thu Jun 20 21:12:08 2013] Detection parameters: Position = (291.2, 4.7) = 23 41 14.87 -54 59 39.4 Extent = 10.9" x 10.9", rotation angle = 0 degrees Source counts = 46.8 +/- 10.9 Background counts = 5.5 Rate = 0.0004 +/- 0.0001 [Thu Jun 20 21:12:10 2013] Off-axis axis estimate = 21.30' [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] Using EEF radius (= 17.08 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 17.08" [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] Spatial fitting skipped for pass 0: source has 46.8 net counts, is at off-axis angle 21.3' [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Assessing source extent using major [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 76 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:57 2013] Using EEF radius (= 17.08 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Fri Jun 21 03:28:57 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 17.08" [Fri Jun 21 03:28:57 2013] Spatial fitting skipped for pass 1: source has 46.8 net counts, is at off-axis angle 21.3' [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Assessing source extent using major [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:58 2013] XMMSAS src. selection expression = ellipse(25283.100006, 364.194974, 652.500000, 652.500000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Fri Jun 21 08:40:58 2013] Writing source region out to fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72_src.reg [Fri Jun 21 08:40:58 2013] Extracting stamp from image fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_sm2.00.img.gz, (254, 0) - (329, 42) [Fri Jun 21 08:40:58 2013] XMMSAS bgd. selection expression = annulus(25283.100006, 364.194974, 1087.500000, 2175.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23889.143250, 740.654856, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24877.315948, 598.490897, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25215.502960, 1357.457655, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23673.807098, 1427.117161, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26355.994690, 2886.371708, 1740.000000, 1740.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Fri Jun 21 08:40:58 2013] Writing fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72.gif [Fri Jun 21 10:20:58 2013] Mean detx,y = (-4941.79, 927.88) [Fri Jun 21 10:21:09 2013] Setting backscal keywords in source and bgd. spectrum [Fri Jun 21 10:21:20 2013] Binned source spectrum to 10 counts/bin [Fri Jun 21 10:21:20 2013] Setting source spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72_src_b10.pi.gz [Fri Jun 21 10:21:20 2013] Setting bgd. spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72_bgd.pi.gz [Fri Jun 21 11:28:53 2013] Not generating rmf since there are only 46 counts [Fri Jun 21 11:28:53 2013] rmf not generated due to insufficient counts [Fri Jun 21 12:08:51 2013] Updating aperture counts using extracted products [Fri Jun 21 12:08:51 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72_src_b10.pi.gz = 94.00 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:51 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72_bgd.pi.gz = 478.00 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:51 2013] Got source and background scale factors 1.000000, 0.000000 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:51 2013] Background scale factor is not positive, halting re-assessment of this source [Fri Jun 21 12:08:58 2013] No arf file for this source, not re-computing flux [Sat Jun 22 16:03:48 2013] Simple spatial fitting not done (or not done successfully), skipping spectral fitting [Sat Jun 22 16:04:25 2013] xmm0677840101/analysis//spectral/fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src72_pl.csv not found, spectral fit skipped or did not complete