[Thu Jun 20 21:12:05 2013] Detection parameters: Position = (127.5, 476.1) = 23 42 36.40 -54 25 19.3 Extent = 10.9" x 10.9", rotation angle = 0 degrees Source counts = 58.0 +/- 11.7 Background counts = 17.9 Rate = 0.0005 +/- 0.0001 [Thu Jun 20 21:12:10 2013] Off-axis axis estimate = 17.88' [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] Using EEF radius (= 15.37 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 15.37" [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] source mask rpix=3.5, npix_max = 65, mask sum = 59, frac = 0.907 [Thu Jun 20 21:19:23 2013] Giving source the simple spatial ID 10 for pass 0, mean size = 15.37" [Fri Jun 21 01:02:45 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src10.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 01:02:45 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src10_1.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 01:02:45 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src10 appears to have run properly [Fri Jun 21 01:02:47 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src10.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 01:02:47 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src10_1.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 01:02:47 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src10 appears to have run properly [Fri Jun 21 03:28:14 2013] Source 15 is offset by -1.222170 and 4.783781 pixels which is larger than 2 X fitted extent = 3.936377 x 1.766216, not incorporating fit results [Fri Jun 21 03:28:14 2013] Spatial fit model total counts = 88.301300, observed total counts = 82.000000 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:14 2013] Offset between fit and detection position for source 15 = 4.343187 pixels [Fri Jun 21 03:28:14 2013] Warning, changing simple spatial fit ID from 10 to 16 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:14 2013] 65.985300 total counts/ 23.507300 bgd. counts: snr = 8.761182 Spatial fit parameters: Offset between fit and detection position for source 15 = 4.343187 pixels Position = (123.2, 475.9) = 23 42 38.57 -54 25 22.5 Extent = 31.6 (27.8-63.2)" x 9.8 (7.9-13.1)", rotation angle = 184 (170-194) degrees Source counts = 42.5 +/- 8.1 Background counts = 23.5 Rate = 0.0005 +/- 0.0001 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Assessing source extent using major axis lower bound [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Computing asymmetry using errors on major and minor axis (from spatial fitting), asym = 2.12 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is asymmetric [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 17 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 25 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 37 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 39 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 41 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:15 2013] Source is confused with source 84 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:56 2013] Using previous fit value to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Fri Jun 21 03:28:56 2013] Setting initial spatial extent for simple fitting to maximum allowed for this pass [Fri Jun 21 03:28:56 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 20.69" [Fri Jun 21 03:28:56 2013] source mask rpix=4.8, npix_max = 110, mask sum = 84, frac = 0.760 [Fri Jun 21 03:28:56 2013] Giving source the simple spatial ID 8 for pass 1, mean size = 20.69" [Fri Jun 21 06:49:45 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 06:49:45 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8_1.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 06:49:45 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8 appears to have run properly [Fri Jun 21 06:49:47 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 06:49:47 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8_1.ximg exists [Fri Jun 21 06:49:47 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8 appears to have run properly [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Warning, spatial fit 8 centroid is now closest to src. 25 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Spatial fit model total counts = 90.078700, observed total counts = 85.000000 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Offset between fit and detection position for source 15 = 0.360534 pixels [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Warning, changing simple spatial fit ID from 8 to 20 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] 86.131200 total counts/ 60.734500 bgd. counts: snr = 3.258814 Spatial fit parameters: Offset between fit and detection position for source 15 = 0.360534 pixels Position = (123.3, 475.6) = 23 42 38.51 -54 25 24.0 Extent = 31.4 (13.8-62.8)" x 6.1 (3.9-13.8)", rotation angle = 12 (358-30) degrees Source counts = 25.4 +/- 9.3 Background counts = 60.7 Rate = 0.0003 +/- 0.0001 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Assessing source extent using major axis lower bound [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Fri Jun 21 08:40:20 2013] Computing asymmetry using errors on major and minor axis (from spatial fitting), asym = 1.00 [Fri Jun 21 08:40:57 2013] XMMSAS src. selection expression = ellipse(10676.503400, 41324.358000, 1885.074054, 367.333211, 12.459500, X, Y) [Fri Jun 21 08:40:57 2013] Writing source region out to fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15_src.reg [Fri Jun 21 08:40:57 2013] Extracting stamp from image fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_cl_sm2.00.img.gz, (15, 367) - (232, 584) [Fri Jun 21 08:40:57 2013] XMMSAS bgd. selection expression = annulus(10676.503400, 41324.358000, 3141.790090, 6283.580181, X, Y) && !ellipse(7672.860847, 35717.983765, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(6959.190964, 48268.535583, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(3688.899117, 46233.397217, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(3977.429447, 44815.457581, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(8426.034912, 43024.494293, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(12224.168960, 40536.962000, 779.071222, 261.971208, 8.157660, X, Y) && !ellipse(14259.824800, 36588.905400, 511.494415, 260.556807, 56.476386, X, Y) && !ellipse(4646.963783, 45380.288513, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(10179.934654, 41978.192383, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(5832.570435, 44060.590271, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(9391.448000, 43068.082000, 2526.200073, 2526.200073, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(10543.977005, 42033.730286, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(12070.844000, 42306.194000, 2173.264063, 2173.264063, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(12927.899933, 41082.664276, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(12452.709427, 41101.703491, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(14063.007263, 40948.258728, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(13437.125259, 40950.252655, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(10616.564800, 38528.279800, 698.758420, 334.256010, 37.458198, X, Y) && !ellipse(11717.084442, 41151.450775, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Fri Jun 21 08:40:57 2013] Writing fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15.gif [Fri Jun 21 09:00:40 2013] Mean detx,y = (-201.91, -4503.01) [Fri Jun 21 09:00:55 2013] Setting backscal keywords in source and bgd. spectrum [Fri Jun 21 09:01:37 2013] Binned source spectrum to 10 counts/bin [Fri Jun 21 09:01:38 2013] Setting source spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15_src_b10.pi.gz [Fri Jun 21 09:01:38 2013] Setting bgd. spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15_bgd.pi.gz [Fri Jun 21 11:15:57 2013] Not generating rmf since there are only 25 counts [Fri Jun 21 11:15:57 2013] rmf not generated due to insufficient counts [Fri Jun 21 12:08:40 2013] Updating aperture counts using extracted products [Fri Jun 21 12:08:40 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15_src_b10.pi.gz = 68.00 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:40 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15_bgd.pi.gz = 2009.00 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:40 2013] Got source and background scale factors 942.000000, 21315687.000000 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:40 2013] User source parameters: Position = (123.3, 475.6) = 23 42 38.51 -54 25 24.0 Extent = 31.4 (13.8-62.8)" x 6.1 (3.9-13.8)", rotation angle = 12 (358-30) degrees Source aperture counts = 67.9 +/- 9.3 Background aperture counts = 0.1 Rate = 0.0008 +/- 0.0001 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:58 2013] Calculating source flux in energy range 0.30-8.00 [Fri Jun 21 12:08:58 2013] Using photon index=1.80, rate=0.000299, arf fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15.arf [Fri Jun 21 12:08:58 2013] Assuming count rate is from the 0.30-10.00 bandpass [Fri Jun 21 12:08:58 2013] Getting flux using calc_pl_flux failed [Sat Jun 22 16:03:29 2013] Flag b found in src. 15 procflags, skipping spectral fitting [Sat Jun 22 16:03:29 2013] Flag c found in src. 15 procflags, skipping spectral fitting [Sat Jun 22 16:03:29 2013] Source 15 has fewer than 100.000000 counts, skipping spectral fitting [Sat Jun 22 16:04:25 2013] xmm0677840101/analysis//spectral/fullrun_pn_xmm0677840101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src15_pl.csv not found, spectral fit skipped or did not complete