Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src1_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:00:48 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 296 312 314 330 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (295:313, 311:329) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 296 312 314 330 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (295:313, 311:329) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 3.1456 0.0274326 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00436088 0.00127185 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00975988 0.000927936 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 36.1131 0.23136 -39.5566 39.5566 -1 setpar 5 -5.57298 0.140831 -39.5566 39.5566 -1 setpar 6 31.5445 1.19523 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.21073 0.0738487 2.47229 19.7783 -1 setpar 8 3.21073 0.001 2.47229 19.7783 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 14.3499 -0.01 -27.0688 55.7686 -1 setpar 11 2.59598 -0.01 -38.8227 44.0147 -1 setpar 12 13.7573 0.183749 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.3547 -0.01 5.17734 20.7093 -1 setpar 14 10.3547 -0.01 5.17734 20.7093 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 3.92891 -0.01 -23.6841 31.5419 -1 setpar 17 -49.1799 -0.01 -76.7929 -21.5669 -1 setpar 18 1.34582 0.134582 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 6.90325 -0.01 3.45163 13.8065 -1 setpar 20 6.90325 -0.01 3.45163 13.8065 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -2284.09 -2 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 2 tries -2284.09 -1 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 3 tries -2284.09 0 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 4 tries -2284.09 1 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 5 tries -2284.09 2 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 6 tries -2284.09 3 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 7 tries -2284.09 4 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 8 tries -2284.09 5 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 9 tries -2284.09 6 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 No new minimim found after 10 tries -2284.09 7 3.146 -0.004361 -0.00976 36.11 -5.573 31.54 3.211 3.211 0 13.76 1.346 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src2_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:01:30 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 192 327 208 343 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (191:207, 326:342) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 192 327 208 343 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (191:207, 326:342) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.66265 0.0187988 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0143033 0.00102539 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0109183 0.00108948 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 40.8384 8.16768 -40.8384 40.8384 -1 setpar 5 -40.8384 8.16768 -40.8384 40.8384 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.5524 1.78668 2.5524 20.4192 -1 setpar 8 2.5524 0.001 2.5524 20.4192 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 406.92 -2 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 406.92 -1 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 406.92 0 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 406.92 1 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 406.92 2 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 406.92 3 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 406.92 4 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 406.92 5 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 406.92 6 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 406.92 7 1.663 0.0143 0.01092 40.84 -40.84 1e-06 2.552 2.552 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src3_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:02:22 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 361 399 377 415 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (360:376, 398:414) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 361 399 377 415 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (360:376, 398:414) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.9668 0.0224707 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0298858 0.00147583 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0245116 0.00130859 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 44.1706 0.0414843 -44.3784 44.3784 -1 setpar 5 -14.3907 2.99879 -44.3784 44.3784 -1 setpar 6 439289 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.77633 0.000268333 2.77365 22.1892 -1 setpar 8 2.77633 0.001 2.77365 22.1892 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 246.23 -2 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 246.23 -1 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 246.23 0 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 246.23 1 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 246.23 2 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 246.23 3 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 246.23 4 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 246.23 5 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 246.23 6 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 246.23 7 1.967 -0.02989 0.02451 44.17 -14.39 4.393e+05 2.776 2.776 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src4_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:03:31 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 300 314 316 330 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (299:315, 313:329) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 300 314 316 330 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (299:315, 313:329) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 4.02511 0.0340234 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0117468 0.00156714 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0321847 0.00142644 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 41.4187 0.0399609 -41.4187 41.4187 -1 setpar 5 41.4187 8.28374 -41.4187 41.4187 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 41902.1 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.58867 1.81206 2.58867 20.7093 -1 setpar 8 2.58867 0.001 2.58867 20.7093 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -10.5924 -0.01 -50.149 28.9642 -1 setpar 11 -3.88377 -0.01 -43.4404 35.6728 -1 setpar 12 12.8274 0.200776 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 9.88914 -0.01 4.94457 19.7783 -1 setpar 14 9.88914 -0.01 4.94457 19.7783 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -2407.04 -2 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 2 tries -2407.04 -1 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 3 tries -2407.04 0 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 4 tries -2407.04 1 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 5 tries -2407.04 2 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 6 tries -2407.04 3 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 7 tries -2407.04 4 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 8 tries -2407.04 5 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 9 tries -2407.04 6 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 No new minimim found after 10 tries -2407.04 7 4.025 0.01175 0.03218 41.42 41.42 1e-06 2.589 2.589 0 12.83 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src5_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:04:37 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 233 346 249 362 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (232:248, 345:361) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 233 346 249 362 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (232:248, 345:361) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.61347 0.0186328 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00841407 0.000986938 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00337639 0.00110413 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -36.5311 7.43576 -37.1788 37.1788 -1 setpar 5 -36.5951 0.0586558 -37.1788 37.1788 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.34605 1.62657 2.32368 18.5894 -1 setpar 8 2.34605 0.001 2.32368 18.5894 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -58.4279 -0.01 -96.5424 -20.3134 -1 setpar 11 -31.3105 -0.01 -69.425 6.80399 -1 setpar 12 0 3.19 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 9.52862 -0.01 4.76431 19.0572 -1 setpar 14 9.52862 -0.01 4.76431 19.0572 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 404.05 -2 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 404.05 -1 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 404.05 0 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 404.05 1 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 404.05 2 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 404.05 3 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 404.05 4 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 404.05 5 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 404.05 6 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 404.05 7 1.613 0.008414 0.003376 -36.53 -36.6 1e-06 2.346 2.346 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src6_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:05:31 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 408 430 426 448 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (407:425, 429:447) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 408 430 426 448 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (407:425, 429:447) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.23796 0.0130273 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00340487 0.000684814 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00106425 0.000730591 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 52.319 0.0199902 -52.319 52.319 -1 setpar 5 52.319 0.0199902 -52.319 52.319 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.26994 2.047 3.26994 26.1595 -1 setpar 8 3.26994 0.001 3.26994 26.1595 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 581.52 -2 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 581.52 -1 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 581.52 0 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 581.52 1 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 581.52 2 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 581.52 3 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 581.52 4 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 581.52 5 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 581.52 6 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 581.52 7 1.238 0.003405 -0.001064 52.32 52.32 1e-06 3.27 3.27 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src7_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:06:46 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 157 244 173 260 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (156:172, 243:259) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 157 244 173 260 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (156:172, 243:259) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.15435 0.0144596 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00781253 0.000882768 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000860552 0.000866203 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 26.2071 0.0399609 -26.2071 26.2071 -1 setpar 5 -26.2071 5.24142 -26.2071 26.2071 -1 setpar 6 0.303075 0.0302562 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.51084 0.187112 1.63794 13.1036 -1 setpar 8 3.51084 0.001 1.63794 13.1036 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 24.0658 -0.01 -20.9824 69.1141 -1 setpar 11 40.2934 -0.01 -4.75481 85.3416 -1 setpar 12 0 0.0375 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.2621 -0.01 5.63103 22.5241 -1 setpar 14 11.2621 -0.01 5.63103 22.5241 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 501.46 -2 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 501.46 -1 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 501.46 0 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 501.46 1 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 501.46 2 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 501.46 3 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 501.46 4 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 501.46 5 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 501.46 6 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 501.46 7 1.154 0.007813 -0.0008606 26.21 -26.21 0.3031 3.511 3.511 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:08:08 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 219 339 235 355 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (218:234, 338:354) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 219 339 235 355 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (218:234, 338:354) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.845292 0.0186676 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00397656 0.00129896 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00713002 0.00075531 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.32352 0.20787 -38.1145 38.1145 -1 setpar 5 2.89809 0.221502 -38.1145 38.1145 -1 setpar 6 6.01949 0.272771 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.59414 0.11878 2.38216 19.0572 -1 setpar 8 4.59414 0.001 2.38216 19.0572 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 62.4403 -0.01 25.2615 99.6191 -1 setpar 11 28.9036 -0.01 -8.27522 66.0824 -1 setpar 12 0 39.6606 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 9.2947 -0.01 4.64735 18.5894 -1 setpar 14 9.2947 -0.01 4.64735 18.5894 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 221.31 -2 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 221.31 -1 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 221.31 0 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 221.31 1 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 221.31 2 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 221.31 3 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 221.31 4 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 221.31 5 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 221.31 6 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 221.31 7 0.8453 0.003977 -0.00713 2.324 2.898 6.019 4.594 4.594 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src9_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:09:03 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 288 284 304 300 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (287:303, 283:299) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 288 284 304 300 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (287:303, 283:299) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.22689 0.01511 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00842843 0.000707317 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00852451 0.000766226 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.683433 0.164919 -15.7454 15.7454 -1 setpar 5 1.59929 0.16242 -15.7454 15.7454 -1 setpar 6 9.67378 0.387852 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.92957 0.105412 0.984088 7.8727 -1 setpar 8 3.92957 0.001 0.984088 7.8727 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -28.8943 -0.01 -43.6389 -14.1497 -1 setpar 11 29.9129 -0.01 15.1683 44.6575 -1 setpar 12 0 0.175 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 3.68615 -0.01 1.84308 7.3723 -1 setpar 14 3.68615 -0.01 1.84308 7.3723 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 370.18 -2 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 370.18 -1 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 370.18 0 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 370.18 1 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 370.18 2 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 370.18 3 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 370.18 4 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 370.18 5 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 370.18 6 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 370.18 7 1.227 -0.008428 -0.008525 0.6834 1.599 9.674 3.93 3.93 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src10_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:09:54 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 334 267 350 283 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (333:349, 266:282) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 334 267 350 283 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (333:349, 266:282) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.01849 0.0135924 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00108585 0.000683594 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0060644 0.000680173 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.03059 0.180139 -15.518 15.518 -1 setpar 5 5.5035 0.191195 -15.518 15.518 -1 setpar 6 8.30262 0.382367 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.96024 0.103785 0.969875 7.759 -1 setpar 8 3.96024 0.001 0.969875 7.759 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 423.17 -2 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 423.17 -1 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 423.17 0 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 423.17 1 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 423.17 2 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 423.17 3 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 423.17 4 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 423.17 5 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 423.17 6 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 423.17 7 1.018 -0.001086 0.006064 3.031 5.503 8.303 3.96 3.96 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src11_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:11:19 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 281 291 297 307 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (280:296, 290:306) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 281 291 297 307 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (280:296, 290:306) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.39821 0.0163179 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0108829 0.0007809 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.004951 0.000743508 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.55842 0.195172 -14.7446 14.7446 -1 setpar 5 2.79314 0.196855 -14.7446 14.7446 -1 setpar 6 8.02003 0.350838 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.75329 0.144478 0.921538 7.3723 -1 setpar 8 3.75329 0.001 0.921538 7.3723 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 31.1465 -0.01 15.4011 46.8919 -1 setpar 11 -29.8947 -0.01 -45.6401 -14.1493 -1 setpar 12 0 0.22 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 3.93635 -0.01 1.96818 7.8727 -1 setpar 14 3.93635 -0.01 1.96818 7.8727 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -2.34909 -0.01 -24.2154 19.5172 -1 setpar 17 39.8034 -0.01 17.9371 61.6698 -1 setpar 18 0 0.22 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 5.46658 -0.01 2.73329 10.9332 -1 setpar 20 5.46658 -0.01 2.73329 10.9332 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 377.70 -2 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 377.70 -1 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 377.70 0 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 377.70 1 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 377.70 2 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 377.70 3 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 377.70 4 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 377.70 5 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 377.70 6 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs No new minimim found after 10 tries 377.70 7 1.398 0.01088 0.004951 1.558 2.793 8.02 3.753 3.753 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src12_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:12:13 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 233 281 249 297 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (232:248, 280:296) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 233 281 249 297 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (232:248, 280:296) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.875188 0.0152054 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00233824 0.000772871 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00132651 0.000757027 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.91248 0.221139 -34.0885 34.0885 -1 setpar 5 4.63349 0.192589 -34.0885 34.0885 -1 setpar 6 7.32462 0.35 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.75998 0.123131 2.13053 17.0443 -1 setpar 8 3.75998 0.001 2.13053 17.0443 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 282.17 -2 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 282.17 -1 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 282.17 0 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 282.17 1 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 282.17 2 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 282.17 3 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 282.17 4 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 282.17 5 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 282.17 6 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 282.17 7 0.8752 0.002338 0.001327 2.912 4.633 7.325 3.76 3.76 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src13_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:13:48 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 445 434 465 454 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (444:464, 433:453) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 445 434 465 454 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (444:464, 433:453) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.832798 0.0145476 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00062473 0.000525283 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00497959 0.000479945 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.04554 0.312273 -56.6844 56.6844 -1 setpar 5 5.07349 0.292735 -56.6844 56.6844 -1 setpar 6 4.71738 0.273258 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.20672 0.066395 3.54277 28.3422 -1 setpar 8 4.20672 0.001 3.54277 28.3422 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 548.35 -2 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 548.35 -1 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 548.35 0 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 548.35 1 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 548.35 2 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 548.35 3 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 548.35 4 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 548.35 5 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 548.35 6 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 548.35 7 0.8328 0.0006247 -0.00498 3.046 5.073 4.717 4.207 4.207 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src14_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:15:06 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 209 427 226 444 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (208:225, 426:443) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 209 427 226 444 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (208:225, 426:443) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.89166 0.0116551 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00510167 0.000594904 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000953418 0.00064176 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -33.5898 0.833807 -48.7095 48.7095 -1 setpar 5 37.872 0.514384 -48.7095 48.7095 -1 setpar 6 2.4431 0.219497 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.09447 0.005013 3.04434 24.3547 -1 setpar 8 3.09447 0.001 3.04434 24.3547 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 567.27 -2 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 567.27 -1 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 567.27 0 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 567.27 1 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 567.27 2 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 567.27 3 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 567.27 4 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 567.27 5 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 567.27 6 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 567.27 7 0.8917 0.005102 -0.0009534 -33.59 37.87 2.443 3.094 3.094 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src15_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:16:03 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 335 291 351 307 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (334:350, 290:306) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 335 291 351 307 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (334:350, 290:306) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.954287 0.01661 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00590736 0.000668904 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00382766 0.000712499 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.2777 0.352622 -25.878 25.878 -1 setpar 5 2.3417 0.393325 -25.878 25.878 -1 setpar 6 3.29132 0.154281 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.79982 0.458338 1.61738 12.939 -1 setpar 8 6.79982 0.001 1.61738 12.939 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 456.04 -2 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 456.04 -1 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 456.04 0 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 456.04 1 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 456.04 2 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 456.04 3 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 456.04 4 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 456.04 5 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 456.04 6 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 456.04 7 0.9543 -0.005907 -0.003828 2.278 2.342 3.291 6.8 6.8 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src16_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:17:24 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 162 253 178 269 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (161:177, 252:268) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 162 253 178 269 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (161:177, 252:268) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.970963 0.0129899 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000726247 0.000722814 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00454298 0.000822194 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -21.5301 0.317769 -45.0482 45.0482 -1 setpar 5 37.2269 0.468998 -45.0482 45.0482 -1 setpar 6 8.13461 0.597021 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.81551 0.169531 2.81551 22.5241 -1 setpar 8 2.81551 0.001 2.81551 22.5241 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -19.9923 -0.01 -46.1994 6.21487 -1 setpar 11 -42.101 -0.01 -68.3081 -15.8939 -1 setpar 12 1.99995 0.199995 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 6.55178 -0.01 3.27589 13.1036 -1 setpar 14 6.55178 -0.01 3.27589 13.1036 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 482.41 -2 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 2 tries 482.41 -1 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 3 tries 482.41 0 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 4 tries 482.41 1 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 5 tries 482.41 2 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 6 tries 482.41 3 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 7 tries 482.41 4 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 8 tries 482.41 5 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 9 tries 482.41 6 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 No new minimim found after 10 tries 482.41 7 0.971 0.0007262 0.004543 -21.53 37.23 8.135 2.816 2.816 0 2 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src17_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:18:47 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 280 300 296 316 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (279:295, 299:315) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 280 300 296 316 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (279:295, 299:315) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.19133 0.0146519 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0136478 0.000707886 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000303621 0.000643955 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.95715 0.346641 -21.8663 21.8663 -1 setpar 5 1.55247 0.375485 -21.8663 21.8663 -1 setpar 6 3.61463 0.1849 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.61133 0.195653 1.36665 10.9332 -1 setpar 8 5.61133 0.001 1.36665 10.9332 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 5.90571 -0.01 -8.83889 20.6503 -1 setpar 11 -39.6871 -0.01 -54.4317 -24.9425 -1 setpar 12 0 4.88906 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 3.68615 -0.01 1.84308 7.3723 -1 setpar 14 3.68615 -0.01 1.84308 7.3723 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 437.65 -2 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 437.65 -1 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 437.65 0 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 437.65 1 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 437.65 2 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 437.65 3 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 437.65 4 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 437.65 5 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 437.65 6 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 437.65 7 1.191 0.01365 -0.0003036 1.957 1.552 3.615 5.611 5.611 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src18_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:19:48 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 219 159 235 175 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (218:234, 158:174) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 219 159 235 175 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (218:234, 158:174) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.697877 0.0111402 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00284402 0.000535158 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0046862 0.000577087 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -3.24685 0.296779 -26.7544 26.7544 -1 setpar 5 2.48184 0.296822 -26.7544 26.7544 -1 setpar 6 3.58101 0.163652 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.69743 0.175418 1.67215 13.3772 -1 setpar 8 5.69743 0.001 1.67215 13.3772 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 445.67 -2 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 445.67 -1 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 445.67 0 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 445.67 1 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 445.67 2 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 445.67 3 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 445.67 4 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 445.67 5 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 445.67 6 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 445.67 7 0.6979 0.002844 0.004686 -3.247 2.482 3.581 5.697 5.697 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src19_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:23:12 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 298 302 314 318 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (297:313, 301:317) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 298 302 314 318 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (297:313, 301:317) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.3975 0.0208975 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00699612 0.000116017 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0462018 8.63907e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -27.613 0.00478728 -27.613 27.613 -1 setpar 5 27.613 2.09604e-07 -27.613 27.613 -1 setpar 6 1.97578 0.197578 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.60657 0.0882016 1.72581 13.8065 -1 setpar 8 2.60657 0.001 1.72581 13.8065 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -1.89241 -0.01 -41.449 37.6642 -1 setpar 11 48.3162 -0.01 8.75965 87.8728 -1 setpar 12 2.47719 0.247759 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 9.88914 -0.01 4.94457 19.7783 -1 setpar 14 9.88914 -0.01 4.94457 19.7783 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 9.9999 -0.01 -31.4188 51.4186 -1 setpar 17 50.446 -0.01 9.0273 91.8647 -1 setpar 18 1.05147 0.105147 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 10.3547 -0.01 5.17734 20.7093 -1 setpar 20 10.3547 -0.01 5.17734 20.7093 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 84.04 -2 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 2 tries 84.04 -1 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 3 tries 84.04 0 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 4 tries 84.04 1 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 5 tries 84.04 2 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 6 tries 84.04 3 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 7 tries 84.04 4 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 8 tries 84.04 5 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 9 tries 84.04 6 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 No new minimim found after 10 tries 84.04 7 2.397 0.006996 -0.0462 -27.61 27.61 1.976 2.607 2.607 0 2.477 1.051 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src20_1.ximg # Saved at Mon Jun 10 08:24:19 2013 data ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 183 167 200 184 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (182:199, 166:183) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 183 167 200 184 Reading ../../../xmm0673180201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (182:199, 166:183) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.822473 0.0121171 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00358614 0.000574529 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00625569 0.000557245 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -16.6649 0.347234 -49.354 49.354 -1 setpar 5 -48.9793 0.03747 -49.354 49.354 -1 setpar 6 2.87983e+06 167445 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.08463 0.0146067 3.08463 24.677 -1 setpar 8 3.08463 0.001 3.08463 24.677 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 545.23 -2 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 545.23 -1 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 545.23 0 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 545.23 1 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 545.23 2 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 545.23 3 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 545.23 4 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 545.23 5 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 545.23 6 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 545.23 7 0.8225 -0.003586 0.006256 -16.66 -48.98 2.88e+06 3.085 3.085 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0673180201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs