This page was generated at Wed Jul 18 10:42:47 2012
Data taken from csv/fullrun_mos1_xmm0651471401_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src1.csv
C/dof = 413.40/434
Total counts = 95
Model total counts = 95.0
1 const = 0.1619 (0.1235 - 0.2083)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = -8.151e-05 (-0.001662 - 0.00155)
3 liny = -0.0005138 (-0.002071 - 0.001093)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = 3.173 (0.3346 - 5.697)
5 yc = 0.8607 (-1.68 - 3.401)
6 norm = 3.509 (1.501 - 6.934)
7 sigmax = 4.538 (3.159 - 7.309)
8 sigmay = 4.538 (= 7)
9 theta = 0 (frozen)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 4 19 0.79 -50 23 56.5 (64.753298, -50.399018)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (434.229513, 306.302130)
Data taken from csv/fullrun_mos1_xmm0651471401_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src2.csv
C/dof = 278.33/181
Total counts = 78
Model total counts = 93.3
Warning, poor agreement between model and actual number of counts may be indicative of a poor fit
1 const = 0.3723 (0.2833 - 0.4706)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = 0.003959 (-0.003641 - 0.00975)
3 liny = 0.0004126 (-0.006618 - 0.008057)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = -29.15 (indef)
5 yc = -29.15 (indef)
6 norm = 1e-06 (<38.25)
7 sigmax = 1.822 (indef)
8 sigmay = 1.822 (indef)
9 theta = -115.6 (<89.1)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 4 20 4.91 -50 22 15.7 (65.020441, -50.371028)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (293.299287, 329.700713)
Data taken from csv/fullrun_mos1_xmm0651471401_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src3.csv
C/dof = 261.96/219
Total counts = 55
Model total counts = 62.6
Warning, poor agreement between model and actual number of counts may be indicative of a poor fit
1 const = 0.2499 (0.1859 - 0.3221)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = 0.003241 (-0.0008164 - 0.006862)
3 liny = 0.0007585 (-0.002907 - 0.004967)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = -43.83 (indef)
5 yc = -43.83 (indef)
6 norm = 1e-06 (<204.7)
7 sigmax = 2.739 (indef)
8 sigmay = 2.739 (= 7)
9 theta = 0 (frozen)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 4 19 36.94 -50 16 4.1 (64.903925, -50.267818)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (354.924483, 415.075517)
Data taken from csv/fullrun_mos1_xmm0651471401_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src4.csv
C/dof = 204.89/232
Total counts = 48
Model total counts = 48.1
1 const = 0.1169 (0.07354 - 0.1747)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = -0.0007439 (-0.002923 - 0.001435)
3 liny = 0.0004732 (-0.001604 - 0.00255)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = 2.233 (-0.7936 - 5.357)
5 yc = 4.86 (0.01067 - 8.348)
6 norm = 1.879 (0.8807 - 6.448)
7 sigmax = 5.303 (<7.389)
8 sigmay = 5.303 (= 7)
9 theta = 0 (frozen)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 4 19 15.24 -50 22 44.8 (64.813503, -50.379100)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (402.513297, 322.882651)
Data taken from csv/fullrun_mos1_xmm0651471401_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src5.csv
C/dof = 321.96/249
Total counts = 71
Model total counts = 70.9
1 const = 0.2832 (0.2166 - 0.3588)
Model 1
Model 1
2 linx = 0.002629 (-0.001154 - 0.005739)
3 liny = -0.0003107 (-0.003922 - 0.004169)
Model 2
Model 2
4 xc = -41.28 (indef)
5 yc = -41.28 (indef)
6 norm = 1e-06 (<4.19e+05)
7 sigmax = 2.58 (indef)
8 sigmay = 2.58 (= 7)
9 theta = 0 (frozen)
Model 3
Model 3
Model 3 Position (J2000) = 4 20 22.15 -50 31 11.6 (65.092289, -50.519879)
Model 3 Position (xc, yc) = (255.509724, 206.490276)