Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src1_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 12:51:09 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 301 311 317 327 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (300:316, 310:326) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 15.0514 0.0679834 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0593652 0.00319892 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00529498 0.00312281 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.0136421 0.011875 -21.6707 21.6707 -1 setpar 5 0.90813 0.0118903 -21.6707 21.6707 -1 setpar 6 1244.5 2.81285 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.447 0.00817627 1.35442 10.8353 -1 setpar 8 5.447 0.001 1.35442 10.8353 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 20.874 -0.01 -41.778 83.526 -1 setpar 11 23.049 -0.01 -39.603 85.701 -1 setpar 12 0 0.22 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 15.663 -0.01 7.8315 31.326 -1 setpar 14 15.663 -0.01 7.8315 31.326 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -144742.08 -2 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -144742.08 -1 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -144742.08 0 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -144742.08 1 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -144742.08 2 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -144742.08 3 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -144742.08 4 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -144742.08 5 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -144742.08 6 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -144742.08 7 15.05 0.05937 0.005295 0.01364 0.9081 1244 5.447 5.447 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src2_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 12:53:40 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 179 286 195 302 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (178:194, 285:301) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 8.64277 0.039375 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.131569 0.00249756 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0415981 0.00249023 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 41.8482 0.0199902 -41.8482 41.8482 -1 setpar 5 41.8482 0.0199902 -41.8482 41.8482 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.61551 1.83086 2.61551 20.9241 -1 setpar 8 2.61551 0.001 2.61551 20.9241 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 47.7004 -0.01 24.4402 70.9607 -1 setpar 11 48.8004 -0.01 25.5402 72.0607 -1 setpar 12 0 20.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 5.81506 -0.01 2.90753 11.6301 -1 setpar 14 5.81506 -0.01 2.90753 11.6301 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 72.8175 -0.01 -7.4813 153.116 -1 setpar 17 -79.6615 -0.01 -159.96 0.637298 -1 setpar 18 0 20.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 -1 setpar 20 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 65.7388 -0.01 3.0172 128.46 -1 setpar 23 -73.2759 -0.01 -135.997 -10.5543 -1 setpar 24 0 20.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 -1 setpar 26 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 50.8995 -0.01 26.2082 75.5908 -1 setpar 29 -1.71601 -0.01 -26.4073 22.9753 -1 setpar 30 0 20.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 6.17282 -0.01 3.08641 12.3456 -1 setpar 32 6.17282 -0.01 3.08641 12.3456 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -5014.53 -2 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -5014.53 -1 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -5014.53 0 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -5014.53 1 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -5014.53 2 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -5014.53 3 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -5014.53 4 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -5014.53 5 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -5014.53 6 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -5014.53 7 8.643 0.1316 0.0416 41.85 41.85 1e-06 2.616 2.616 0 0 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src3_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 12:55:27 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 189 297 205 313 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (188:204, 296:312) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 4.09699 0.02625 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0389832 0.00137634 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0120248 0.00175171 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -23.2602 4.65204 -23.2602 23.2602 -1 setpar 5 23.2602 0.0199902 -23.2602 23.2602 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 1.07 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 1.45376 1.01763 1.45376 11.6301 -1 setpar 8 1.45376 0.001 1.45376 11.6301 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -42.215 -0.01 -84.0632 -0.366816 -1 setpar 11 -49.5037 -0.01 -91.3519 -7.65547 -1 setpar 12 0 0.75 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 -1 setpar 14 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 7.39952 -0.01 -17.2918 32.0908 -1 setpar 17 -49.566 -0.01 -74.2573 -24.8747 -1 setpar 18 0 20.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 6.17282 -0.01 3.08641 12.3456 -1 setpar 20 6.17282 -0.01 3.08641 12.3456 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -820.06 -2 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -820.06 -1 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -820.06 0 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -820.06 1 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -820.06 2 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -820.06 3 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -820.06 4 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -820.06 5 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -820.06 6 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -820.06 7 4.097 0.03898 -0.01202 -23.26 23.26 1e-06 1.454 1.454 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src4_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 12:56:28 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 431 307 447 323 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (430:446, 306:322) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 3.43134 0.0257812 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00402292 0.00171661 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00143025 0.00140991 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 46.2299 0.0199902 -46.2299 46.2299 -1 setpar 5 -46.2299 9.24598 -46.2299 46.2299 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.88937 2.02256 2.88937 23.115 -1 setpar 8 2.88937 0.001 2.88937 23.115 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -415.97 -2 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -415.97 -1 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -415.97 0 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -415.97 1 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -415.97 2 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -415.97 3 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -415.97 4 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -415.97 5 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -415.97 6 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -415.97 7 3.431 -0.004023 0.00143 46.23 -46.23 1e-06 2.889 2.889 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src5_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 12:58:21 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 210 333 226 349 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (209:225, 332:348) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.20268 0.0205765 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00116921 0.00106614 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00639623 0.000996754 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.34034 0.0952344 -38.7771 38.7771 -1 setpar 5 3.92108 0.0997339 -38.7771 38.7771 -1 setpar 6 25.1645 0.342604 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.94077 0.0572344 2.42357 19.3886 -1 setpar 8 5.94077 0.001 2.42357 19.3886 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -911.81 -2 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -911.81 -1 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -911.81 0 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -911.81 1 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -911.81 2 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -911.81 3 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -911.81 4 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -911.81 5 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -911.81 6 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -911.81 7 2.203 -0.001169 0.006396 2.34 3.921 25.16 5.941 5.941 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src6_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 12:59:34 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 277 413 293 429 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (276:292, 412:428) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 3.1781 0.0234375 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0234697 0.00142822 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0161828 0.00138855 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 43.3989 0.0199902 -43.3989 43.3989 -1 setpar 5 -43.3989 8.67978 -43.3989 43.3989 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.71243 1.8987 2.71243 21.6994 -1 setpar 8 2.71243 0.001 2.71243 21.6994 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -264.55 -2 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -264.55 -1 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -264.55 0 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -264.55 1 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -264.55 2 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -264.55 3 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -264.55 4 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -264.55 5 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -264.55 6 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -264.55 7 3.178 0.02347 0.01618 43.4 -43.4 1e-06 2.712 2.712 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src7_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:01:35 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 323 356 339 372 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (322:338, 355:371) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 3.27651 0.0234722 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0232929 0.00141519 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0343126 0.00167204 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -19.7179 0.938517 -29.103 29.103 -1 setpar 5 -29.103 5.8206 -29.103 29.103 -1 setpar 6 5.89495 0.584928 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 1.82876 0.000983409 1.81894 14.5515 -1 setpar 8 1.82876 0.001 1.81894 14.5515 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 41.1565 -0.01 5.32141 76.9917 -1 setpar 11 -40.5998 -0.01 -76.4349 -4.76465 -1 setpar 12 0 0.33 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.95878 -0.01 4.47939 17.9176 -1 setpar 14 8.95878 -0.01 4.47939 17.9176 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -372.49 -2 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -372.49 -1 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -372.49 0 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -372.49 1 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -372.49 2 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -372.49 3 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -372.49 4 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -372.49 5 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -372.49 6 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -372.49 7 3.277 0.02329 0.03431 -19.72 -29.1 5.895 1.829 1.829 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:03:19 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 350 355 366 371 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (349:365, 354:370) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.16232 0.020465 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0015399 0.00106437 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00568526 2.13415e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.129409 0.0747656 -38.4002 38.4002 -1 setpar 5 5.44128 0.073011 -38.4002 38.4002 -1 setpar 6 39.1012 0.89451 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.83812 0.0551601 2.40001 19.2001 -1 setpar 8 3.83812 0.001 2.40001 19.2001 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 63.6405 -0.01 23.1573 104.124 -1 setpar 11 24.8824 -0.01 -15.6008 65.3656 -1 setpar 12 0 25.5875 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.1208 -0.01 5.0604 20.2416 -1 setpar 14 10.1208 -0.01 5.0604 20.2416 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -616.42 -2 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -616.42 -1 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -616.42 0 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -616.42 1 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -616.42 2 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -616.42 3 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -616.42 4 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -616.42 5 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -616.42 6 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -616.42 7 2.162 -0.00154 0.005685 0.1294 5.441 39.1 3.838 3.838 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src9_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:04:59 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 225 261 241 277 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (224:240, 260:276) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.05344 0.0194618 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00127567 0.00109268 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00241176 0.000983892 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.504186 0.10083 -36.1658 36.1658 -1 setpar 5 4.27894 0.108398 -36.1658 36.1658 -1 setpar 6 24.1649 0.745848 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.43303 0.112328 2.26036 18.0829 -1 setpar 8 4.43303 0.001 2.26036 18.0829 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -308.30 -2 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -308.30 -1 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -308.30 0 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -308.30 1 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -308.30 2 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -308.30 3 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -308.30 4 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -308.30 5 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -308.30 6 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -308.30 7 2.053 0.001276 0.002412 0.5042 4.279 24.16 4.433 4.433 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src10_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:06:31 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 387 398 403 414 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (386:402, 397:413) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.55127 0.0207422 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00324935 0.00123047 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.000562842 0.00119202 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 44.6865 0.382672 -46.6008 46.6008 -1 setpar 5 41.0717 1.10528 -46.6008 46.6008 -1 setpar 6 2.10574e+06 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.91255 0.123 2.91255 23.3004 -1 setpar 8 2.91255 0.001 2.91255 23.3004 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 82.01 -2 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 82.01 -1 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 82.01 0 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 82.01 1 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 82.01 2 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 82.01 3 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 82.01 4 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 82.01 5 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 82.01 6 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 82.01 7 2.551 0.003249 0.0005628 44.69 41.07 2.106e+06 2.913 2.913 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src11_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:08:00 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 364 429 380 445 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (363:379, 428:444) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.62115 0.0194355 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0206748 0.00104065 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00450221 0.000794414 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.00294 0.168036 -24.1205 24.1205 -1 setpar 5 3.89225 0.163903 -24.1205 24.1205 -1 setpar 6 11.1396 0.323877 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.9015 0.149995 1.50753 12.0603 -1 setpar 8 5.9015 0.001 1.50753 12.0603 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 70.21 -2 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 70.21 -1 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 70.21 0 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 70.21 1 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 70.21 2 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 70.21 3 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 70.21 4 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 70.21 5 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 70.21 6 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 70.21 7 1.621 0.02067 -0.004502 3.003 3.892 11.14 5.902 5.902 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src12_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:09:27 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 365 301 381 317 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (364:380, 300:316) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.18081 0.0212369 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00582159 0.00101563 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00358267 0.00101899 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.64398 0.107395 -19.0374 19.0374 -1 setpar 5 2.86753 0.0993215 -19.0374 19.0374 -1 setpar 6 24.0168 0.591105 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.80289 0.079461 1.18983 9.51868 -1 setpar 8 4.80289 0.001 1.18983 9.51868 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -458.69 -2 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -458.69 -1 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -458.69 0 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -458.69 1 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -458.69 2 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -458.69 3 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -458.69 4 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -458.69 5 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -458.69 6 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -458.69 7 2.181 0.005822 0.003583 -0.644 2.868 24.02 4.803 4.803 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src13_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:13:03 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 203 252 219 268 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (202:218, 251:267) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.90213 0.0189072 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0101043 0.000972541 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.002262 0.0009375 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.25972 0.16811 -25.3061 25.3061 -1 setpar 5 2.55097 0.186056 -25.3061 25.3061 -1 setpar 6 10.0745 0.268264 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.81842 0.109688 1.58163 12.6531 -1 setpar 8 5.81842 0.001 1.58163 12.6531 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -31.5825 -0.01 -111.881 48.7163 -1 setpar 11 68.2385 -0.01 -12.0603 148.537 -1 setpar 12 0 0.38 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 -1 setpar 14 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -38.6612 -0.01 -101.383 24.0604 -1 setpar 17 74.6241 -0.01 11.9025 137.346 -1 setpar 18 0 2.99062 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 -1 setpar 20 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 27.10 -2 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 27.10 -1 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 27.10 0 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 27.10 1 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 27.10 2 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 27.10 3 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 27.10 4 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 27.10 5 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 27.10 6 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 27.10 7 1.902 -0.0101 -0.002262 1.26 2.551 10.07 5.818 5.818 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src14_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:14:15 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 267 262 283 278 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (266:282, 261:277) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.02101 0.0209775 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00497924 0.000942078 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00683183 0.000976324 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.427078 0.119792 -18.9624 18.9624 -1 setpar 5 3.63683 0.118525 -18.9624 18.9624 -1 setpar 6 19.4546 0.574219 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.73604 0.114972 1.18515 9.4812 -1 setpar 8 4.73604 0.001 1.18515 9.4812 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -200.25 -2 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -200.25 -1 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -200.25 0 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -200.25 1 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -200.25 2 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -200.25 3 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -200.25 4 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -200.25 5 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -200.25 6 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -200.25 7 2.021 0.004979 -0.006832 0.4271 3.637 19.45 4.736 4.736 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src15_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:16:27 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 288 363 304 379 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (287:303, 362:378) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.97395 0.0234375 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0222503 0.00111758 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0251128 0.00117273 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.62671 0.0886863 -36.0888 36.0888 -1 setpar 5 4.4319 0.0801487 -36.0888 36.0888 -1 setpar 6 35.0519 1.07965 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.94189 0.0591474 2.25555 18.0444 -1 setpar 8 2.94189 0.001 2.25555 18.0444 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 29.2211 -0.01 16.1144 42.3277 -1 setpar 11 16.7076 -0.01 3.6009 29.8143 -1 setpar 12 0 0.16 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 3.27667 -0.01 1.63834 6.55334 -1 setpar 14 3.27667 -0.01 1.63834 6.55334 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -579.28 -2 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -579.28 -1 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -579.28 0 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -579.28 1 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -579.28 2 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -579.28 3 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -579.28 4 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -579.28 5 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -579.28 6 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -579.28 7 2.974 0.02225 -0.02511 1.627 4.432 35.05 2.942 2.942 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src16_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:18:23 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 409 323 425 339 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (408:424, 322:338) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.07363 0.0209286 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00134095 0.00115018 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00887665 0.0010513 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.640744 0.16084 -22.2626 22.2626 -1 setpar 5 3.92463 0.190722 -22.2626 22.2626 -1 setpar 6 10.4517 0.238549 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.58065 0.100186 1.39141 11.1313 -1 setpar 8 5.58065 0.001 1.39141 11.1313 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 30.825 -0.01 -14.3758 76.0259 -1 setpar 11 67.9103 -0.01 22.7095 113.111 -1 setpar 12 0 9.34781 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.3002 -0.01 5.6501 22.6004 -1 setpar 14 11.3002 -0.01 5.6501 22.6004 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -37.79 -2 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -37.79 -1 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -37.79 0 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -37.79 1 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -37.79 2 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -37.79 3 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -37.79 4 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -37.79 5 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -37.79 6 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -37.79 7 2.074 -0.001341 0.008877 -0.6407 3.925 10.45 5.581 5.581 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src17_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:20:02 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 214 313 230 329 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (213:229, 312:328) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.0036 0.0189569 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0106601 0.00103821 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00179537 0.000930801 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.528568 0.111562 -14.5436 14.5436 -1 setpar 5 2.68109 0.120283 -14.5436 14.5436 -1 setpar 6 19.8475 0.641102 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.63633 0.0876797 0.908975 7.2718 -1 setpar 8 3.63633 0.001 0.908975 7.2718 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -9.57 -2 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -9.57 -1 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -9.57 0 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -9.57 1 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -9.57 2 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -9.57 3 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -9.57 4 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -9.57 5 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -9.57 6 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -9.57 7 2.004 -0.01066 0.001795 0.5286 2.681 19.85 3.636 3.636 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src18_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:21:25 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 288 340 304 356 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (287:303, 339:355) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 3.08155 0.02375 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00328845 0.00150146 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0185395 0.00125244 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 32.7952 0.0199902 -32.7952 32.7952 -1 setpar 5 -32.7952 6.55904 -32.7952 32.7952 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 1.15 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.0497 1.43479 2.0497 16.3976 -1 setpar 8 2.0497 0.001 2.0497 16.3976 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -39.2774 -0.01 -73.8894 -4.66536 -1 setpar 11 -32.4169 -0.01 -67.0289 2.19514 -1 setpar 12 0 0.1075 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.65301 -0.01 4.32651 17.306 -1 setpar 14 8.65301 -0.01 4.32651 17.306 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -242.27 -2 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -242.27 -1 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -242.27 0 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -242.27 1 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -242.27 2 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -242.27 3 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -242.27 4 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -242.27 5 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -242.27 6 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -242.27 7 3.082 -0.003288 0.01854 32.8 -32.8 1e-06 2.05 2.05 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src19_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:22:30 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 253 285 269 301 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (252:268, 284:300) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.25571 0.0204878 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00910333 0.00098053 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00132895 0.00103516 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.28647 0.12 -16.8839 16.8839 -1 setpar 5 2.01927 0.118125 -16.8839 16.8839 -1 setpar 6 18.6263 0.570768 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.17352 0.0760044 1.05524 8.44194 -1 setpar 8 4.17352 0.001 1.05524 8.44194 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -178.63 -2 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -178.63 -1 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -178.63 0 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -178.63 1 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -178.63 2 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -178.63 3 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -178.63 4 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -178.63 5 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -178.63 6 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -178.63 7 2.256 -0.009103 0.001329 2.286 2.019 18.63 4.174 4.174 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src20_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:25:24 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 294 367 310 383 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (293:309, 366:382) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.87329 0.0230287 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0322347 0.00111705 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0234453 0.0012433 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.15655 0.0997866 -13.1067 13.1067 -1 setpar 5 2.83149 0.0947485 -13.1067 13.1067 -1 setpar 6 26.6637 0.879449 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.29425 0.0519748 0.819168 6.55334 -1 setpar 8 3.29425 0.001 0.819168 6.55334 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -23.8556 -0.01 -59.9443 12.2332 -1 setpar 11 -19.7532 -0.01 -55.8419 16.3356 -1 setpar 12 0 0.03875 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 9.02219 -0.01 4.51109 18.0444 -1 setpar 14 9.02219 -0.01 4.51109 18.0444 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 23.1996 -0.01 -15.7509 62.1502 -1 setpar 17 64.3233 -0.01 25.3727 103.274 -1 setpar 18 0 5.51281 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 9.73764 -0.01 4.86882 19.4753 -1 setpar 20 9.73764 -0.01 4.86882 19.4753 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -603.79 -2 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -603.79 -1 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -603.79 0 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -603.79 1 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -603.79 2 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -603.79 3 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -603.79 4 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -603.79 5 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -603.79 6 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -603.79 7 2.873 -0.03223 0.02345 3.157 2.831 26.66 3.294 3.294 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src21_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:27:02 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 338 329 354 345 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (337:353, 328:344) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.25834 0.0220168 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00242967 0.00102173 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000777458 0.00102148 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.20643 0.0203046 -21.4144 21.4144 -1 setpar 5 3.67197 0.140003 -21.4144 21.4144 -1 setpar 6 14.7315 0.416521 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.42468 0.125873 1.3384 10.7072 -1 setpar 8 5.42468 0.001 1.3384 10.7072 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -264.54 -2 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -264.54 -1 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -264.54 0 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -264.54 1 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -264.54 2 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -264.54 3 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -264.54 4 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -264.54 5 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -264.54 6 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -264.54 7 2.258 -0.00243 -0.0007775 1.206 3.672 14.73 5.425 5.425 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src21.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src21.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src22_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:28:17 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 440 242 457 259 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (439:456, 241:258) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.41039 0.0185938 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0091979 0.000976563 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00368422 0.000964966 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -48.6578 9.73156 -48.6578 48.6578 -1 setpar 5 -48.6578 9.73156 -48.6578 48.6578 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.04112 2.047 3.04112 24.3289 -1 setpar 8 3.04112 0.001 3.04112 24.3289 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 177.89 -2 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 177.89 -1 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 177.89 0 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 177.89 1 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 177.89 2 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 177.89 3 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 177.89 4 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 177.89 5 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 177.89 6 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 177.89 7 2.41 0.009198 -0.003684 -48.66 -48.66 1e-06 3.041 3.041 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src22.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src22.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src23_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:29:58 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 161 404 178 421 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (160:177, 403:420) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.20446 0.0183846 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00249071 0.00102954 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00295684 0.000939804 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 49.8047 0.155997 -50.585 50.585 -1 setpar 5 -40.4692 1.01161 -50.585 50.585 -1 setpar 6 8.49394e+06 167445 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.44445 0.0282893 3.16156 25.2925 -1 setpar 8 3.44445 0.001 3.16156 25.2925 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 28.7648 -0.01 1.23779 56.2919 -1 setpar 11 -48.7635 -0.01 -76.2906 -21.2365 -1 setpar 12 0 1.75 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 6.88176 -0.01 3.44088 13.7635 -1 setpar 14 6.88176 -0.01 3.44088 13.7635 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 267.29 -2 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 267.29 -1 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 267.29 0 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 267.29 1 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 267.29 2 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 267.29 3 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 267.29 4 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 267.29 5 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 267.29 6 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 267.29 7 2.204 0.002491 -0.002957 49.8 -40.47 8.494e+06 3.444 3.444 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src23.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src23.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src24_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:31:02 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 297 253 313 269 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (296:312, 252:268) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.20878 0.022478 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00970667 0.00101563 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00371232 0.00103149 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.16804 0.175519 -19.9183 19.9183 -1 setpar 5 2.98851 0.169365 -19.9183 19.9183 -1 setpar 6 10.9079 0.429638 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.95684 0.129331 1.2449 9.95916 -1 setpar 8 4.95684 0.001 1.2449 9.95916 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -25.17 -2 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -25.17 -1 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -25.17 0 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -25.17 1 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -25.17 2 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -25.17 3 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -25.17 4 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -25.17 5 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -25.17 6 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -25.17 7 2.209 0.009707 -0.003712 2.168 2.989 10.91 4.957 4.957 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src24.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src24.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src25_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:32:00 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 189 431 205 447 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (188:204, 430:446) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.2869 0.0199805 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00263149 0.00108032 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.010249 0.00112061 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 22.9925 4.5985 -22.9925 22.9925 -1 setpar 5 22.9925 4.5985 -22.9925 22.9925 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 0.45 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 1.43703 1.00592 1.43703 11.4962 -1 setpar 8 1.43703 0.001 1.43703 11.4962 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 203.99 -2 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 203.99 -1 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 203.99 0 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 203.99 1 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 203.99 2 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 203.99 3 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 203.99 4 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 203.99 5 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 203.99 6 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 203.99 7 2.287 -0.002631 -0.01025 22.99 22.99 1e-06 1.437 1.437 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src25.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src25.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src26_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:49:40 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 302 313 324 335 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (301:323, 312:334) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 5.80954 9.35677e-06 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -1.66073 0.000304874 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 1.68679 1.42189e-06 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 37.2167 0.000766431 -62.652 62.652 -1 setpar 5 -49.8783 9.58824e-05 -62.652 62.652 -1 setpar 6 19.8867 0.000128698 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 25.9569 3.27338e-05 3.91575 31.326 -1 setpar 8 25.9569 0.001 3.91575 31.326 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -17.3926 -0.01 -39.0633 4.27806 -1 setpar 11 -20.4316 -0.01 -42.1023 1.23906 -1 setpar 12 0 0.0703969 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 5.41767 -0.01 2.70884 10.8353 -1 setpar 14 5.41767 -0.01 2.70884 10.8353 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -103213.62 -2 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -103213.62 -1 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -103213.62 0 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -103213.62 1 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -103213.62 2 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -103213.62 3 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -103213.62 4 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -103213.62 5 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -103213.62 6 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -103213.62 7 5.81 -1.661 1.687 37.22 -49.88 19.89 25.96 25.96 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src26.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src26.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src27_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:51:03 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 440 335 456 351 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (439:455, 334:350) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.15296 0.0192604 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00605996 0.00101463 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00688914 0.00101464 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.93535 0.0818848 -12.9397 12.9397 -1 setpar 5 0.61603 0.0907134 -12.9397 12.9397 -1 setpar 6 31.1303 1.70244 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.23172 0.0965799 0.80873 6.46984 -1 setpar 8 2.23172 0.001 0.80873 6.46984 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 43.73 -2 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 43.73 -1 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 43.73 0 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 43.73 1 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 43.73 2 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 43.73 3 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 43.73 4 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 43.73 5 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 43.73 6 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 43.73 7 2.153 -0.00606 -0.006889 1.935 0.616 31.13 2.232 2.232 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src27.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src27.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src28_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:52:32 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 205 158 221 174 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (204:220, 157:173) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.65387 0.0190191 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00083743 0.000858168 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00321424 0.000876385 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -1.3945 0.2943 -31.7936 31.7936 -1 setpar 5 6.07836 0.227692 -31.7936 31.7936 -1 setpar 6 5.82787 0.183461 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.14994 0.171557 1.9871 15.8968 -1 setpar 8 7.14994 0.001 1.9871 15.8968 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 213.51 -2 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 213.51 -1 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 213.51 0 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 213.51 1 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 213.51 2 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 213.51 3 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 213.51 4 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 213.51 5 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 213.51 6 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 213.51 7 1.654 -0.0008374 -0.003214 -1.395 6.078 5.828 7.15 7.15 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src28.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src28.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src29_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:55:24 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 206 266 222 282 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (205:221, 265:281) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.69566 0.032499 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0124089 0.00169063 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.000870641 0.000955103 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.783625 0.2168 -19.9638 19.9638 -1 setpar 5 4.36008 0.218262 -19.9638 19.9638 -1 setpar 6 7.56583 0.319702 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.00792 0.131818 1.24774 9.9819 -1 setpar 8 5.00792 0.001 1.24774 9.9819 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -44.6325 -0.01 -124.931 35.6663 -1 setpar 11 7.3385 -0.01 -72.9603 87.6373 -1 setpar 12 1.92046 0.192046 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 -1 setpar 14 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -51.7112 -0.01 -114.433 11.0104 -1 setpar 17 13.7241 -0.01 -48.9975 76.4457 -1 setpar 18 1.77377 0.177377 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 -1 setpar 20 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 105.23 -2 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 2 tries 105.23 -1 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 3 tries 105.23 0 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 4 tries 105.23 1 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 5 tries 105.23 2 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 6 tries 105.23 3 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 7 tries 105.23 4 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 8 tries 105.23 5 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 9 tries 105.23 6 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 No new minimim found after 10 tries 105.23 7 1.696 0.01241 0.0008706 0.7836 4.36 7.566 5.008 5.008 0 1.92 1.774 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src29.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src29.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src30_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:56:41 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 341 423 357 439 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (340:356, 422:438) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.01392 0.0220914 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00308448 0.000956798 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00728176 0.000956798 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.32649 0.344839 -46.2441 46.2441 -1 setpar 5 2.17912 0.285205 -46.2441 46.2441 -1 setpar 6 4.77593 0.206519 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.46327 0.357302 2.89025 23.122 -1 setpar 8 6.46327 0.001 2.89025 23.122 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 144.86 -2 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 144.86 -1 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 144.86 0 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 144.86 1 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 144.86 2 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 144.86 3 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 144.86 4 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 144.86 5 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 144.86 6 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 144.86 7 2.014 -0.003084 0.007282 2.326 2.179 4.776 6.463 6.463 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src30.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src30.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src31_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 13:58:28 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 177 321 193 337 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (176:192, 320:336) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.43457 0.0201977 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000691779 0.00118561 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00217831 0.00119827 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 39.8681 0.5739 -42.739 42.739 -1 setpar 5 -42.4916 0.02474 -42.739 42.739 -1 setpar 6 3.06658e+06 167445 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.76597 0.009478 2.67119 21.3695 -1 setpar 8 2.76597 0.001 2.67119 21.3695 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 57.4787 -0.01 16.6684 98.2891 -1 setpar 11 -8.17085 -0.01 -48.9812 32.6395 -1 setpar 12 0 3.68844 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.2026 -0.01 5.1013 20.4052 -1 setpar 14 10.2026 -0.01 5.1013 20.4052 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 132.29 -2 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 132.29 -1 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 132.29 0 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 132.29 1 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 132.29 2 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 132.29 3 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 132.29 4 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 132.29 5 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 132.29 6 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 132.29 7 2.435 -0.0006918 0.002178 39.87 -42.49 3.067e+06 2.766 2.766 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src31.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src31.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src32_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:00:05 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 190 319 206 335 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (189:205, 318:334) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.86192 0.0201357 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00272763 0.000850303 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.002885 0.000932312 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.448328 0.289051 -40.8104 40.8104 -1 setpar 5 1.75528 0.274917 -40.8104 40.8104 -1 setpar 6 5.76878 0.269926 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.5484 0.14052 2.55065 20.4052 -1 setpar 8 5.5484 0.001 2.55065 20.4052 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -57.0772 -0.01 -99.8162 -14.3381 -1 setpar 11 7.70874 -0.01 -35.0303 50.4478 -1 setpar 12 0 1.10344 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.6848 -0.01 5.34238 21.3695 -1 setpar 14 10.6848 -0.01 5.34238 21.3695 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 234.75 -2 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 234.75 -1 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 234.75 0 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 234.75 1 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 234.75 2 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 234.75 3 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 234.75 4 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 234.75 5 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 234.75 6 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 234.75 7 1.862 0.002728 -0.002885 -0.4483 1.755 5.769 5.548 5.548 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src32.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src32.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src33_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:01:20 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 245 356 261 372 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (244:260, 355:371) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.28727 0.0203027 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000475349 0.00104736 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0131757 0.0010675 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 19.9114 0.0199902 -19.9114 19.9114 -1 setpar 5 19.9114 0.0199902 -19.9114 19.9114 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 3.19 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 9.95568 0.871122 1.24446 9.95568 -1 setpar 8 9.95568 0.001 1.24446 9.95568 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 184.30 -2 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 184.30 -1 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 184.30 0 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 184.30 1 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 184.30 2 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 184.30 3 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 184.30 4 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 184.30 5 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 184.30 6 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 184.30 7 2.287 0.0004753 0.01318 19.91 19.91 1e-06 9.956 9.956 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src33.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src33.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src34_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:02:35 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 452 416 472 436 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (451:471, 415:435) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.87228 0.0141162 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000796981 0.000613719 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00422638 0.000643902 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -55.7627 11.1525 -55.7627 55.7627 -1 setpar 5 55.7627 0.0399609 -55.7627 55.7627 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 41902.1 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.48517 2.43962 3.48517 27.8814 -1 setpar 8 3.48517 0.001 3.48517 27.8814 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 550.04 -2 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 550.04 -1 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 550.04 0 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 550.04 1 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 550.04 2 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 550.04 3 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 550.04 4 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 550.04 5 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 550.04 6 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 550.04 7 1.872 -0.000797 0.004226 -55.76 55.76 1e-06 3.485 3.485 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src34.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src34.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src35_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:08:16 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 189 262 217 290 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (188:216, 261:289) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.89192 0.0110748 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0054177 0.000306578 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00108423 0.000306416 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -80.2759 0.00229 -80.2988 80.2988 -1 setpar 5 -75.3135 0.32716 -80.2988 80.2988 -1 setpar 6 97.5006 9.31207 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 12.3205 0.434741 5.01867 40.1494 -1 setpar 8 12.3205 0.001 5.01867 40.1494 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -68.315 -0.01 -110.163 -26.4668 -1 setpar 11 76.6463 -0.01 34.7981 118.495 -1 setpar 12 0.341368 0.0341368 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 -1 setpar 14 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 35.7382 -0.01 10.4321 61.0444 -1 setpar 17 -70.1452 -0.01 -95.4514 -44.8391 -1 setpar 18 0 1.75 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 6.32654 -0.01 3.16327 12.6531 -1 setpar 20 6.32654 -0.01 3.16327 12.6531 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 48.5317 -0.01 28.5679 68.4955 -1 setpar 23 -10.842 -0.01 -30.8058 9.12179 -1 setpar 24 0 0.085 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 4.99095 -0.01 2.49547 9.9819 -1 setpar 26 4.99095 -0.01 2.49547 9.9819 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -3.8612 -0.01 -66.5828 58.8604 -1 setpar 29 5.02412 -0.01 -57.6975 67.7457 -1 setpar 30 2.08552 0.0556724 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 -1 setpar 32 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 34 -18.7005 -0.01 -43.3918 5.9908 -1 setpar 35 76.584 -0.01 51.8927 101.275 -1 setpar 36 0 3.38938 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 37 6.17282 -0.01 3.08641 12.3456 -1 setpar 38 6.17282 -0.01 3.08641 12.3456 36 setpar 39 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 693.47 -2 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 693.47 -1 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 693.47 0 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 693.47 1 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 693.47 2 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 693.47 3 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 693.47 4 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 693.47 5 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 693.47 6 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 693.47 7 1.892 0.005418 0.001084 -80.28 -75.31 97.5 12.32 12.32 0 0.3414 0 0 2.086 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src35.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src35.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src36_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:09:24 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 227 225 243 241 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (226:242, 224:240) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.21965 0.0196582 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000759242 0.00105835 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000884857 0.0010376 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 38.9757 0.0199902 -38.9757 38.9757 -1 setpar 5 38.9757 0.0199902 -38.9757 38.9757 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.43598 1.70519 2.43598 19.4879 -1 setpar 8 2.43598 0.001 2.43598 19.4879 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 232.20 -2 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 232.20 -1 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 232.20 0 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 232.20 1 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 232.20 2 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 232.20 3 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 232.20 4 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 232.20 5 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 232.20 6 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 232.20 7 2.22 0.0007592 -0.0008849 38.98 38.98 1e-06 2.436 2.436 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src36.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src36.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src37_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:11:42 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 168 394 184 410 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (167:183, 393:409) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.86545 0.0246533 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0042723 0.000948429 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00410402 0.00113715 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.427348 0.302221 -27.527 27.527 -1 setpar 5 5.28675 0.315252 -27.527 27.527 -1 setpar 6 5.37728 0.224989 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.70592 0.168526 1.72044 13.7635 -1 setpar 8 6.70592 0.001 1.72044 13.7635 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -26.0043 -0.01 -76.5893 24.5807 -1 setpar 11 46.3038 -0.01 -4.28114 96.8888 -1 setpar 12 0.184417 0.0184417 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.6462 -0.01 6.32312 25.2925 -1 setpar 14 12.6462 -0.01 6.32312 25.2925 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 185.47 -2 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 2 tries 185.47 -1 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 3 tries 185.47 0 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 4 tries 185.47 1 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 5 tries 185.47 2 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 6 tries 185.47 3 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 7 tries 185.47 4 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 8 tries 185.47 5 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 9 tries 185.47 6 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 No new minimim found after 10 tries 185.47 7 1.865 0.004272 -0.004104 0.4273 5.287 5.377 6.706 6.706 0 0.1844 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src37.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src37.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src38_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:12:42 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 416 339 432 355 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (415:431, 338:354) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.69319 0.0168259 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00136972 0.000928491 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000930066 0.000958889 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -45.2008 9.04016 -45.2008 45.2008 -1 setpar 5 -45.2008 9.04016 -45.2008 45.2008 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 83763.2 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 22.6004 1.97754 2.82505 22.6004 -1 setpar 8 22.6004 0.001 2.82505 22.6004 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 409.67 -2 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 409.67 -1 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 409.67 0 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 409.67 1 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 409.67 2 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 409.67 3 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 409.67 4 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 409.67 5 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 409.67 6 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 409.67 7 1.693 -0.00137 -0.0009301 -45.2 -45.2 1e-06 22.6 22.6 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src38.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src38.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src39_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:14:38 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 364 361 380 377 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (363:379, 360:376) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.06451 0.014479 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00724407 0.000648484 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00160878 0.000666483 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -1.87696 0.267627 -40.4832 40.4832 -1 setpar 5 0.934976 0.234848 -40.4832 40.4832 -1 setpar 6 4.80082 0.166113 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.76399 0.168625 2.5302 20.2416 -1 setpar 8 6.76399 0.001 2.5302 20.2416 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -59.5473 -0.01 -97.9475 -21.147 -1 setpar 11 -27.2794 -0.01 -65.6796 11.1209 -1 setpar 12 0 2.69156 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 9.60005 -0.01 4.80003 19.2001 -1 setpar 14 9.60005 -0.01 4.80003 19.2001 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 401.54 -2 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 401.54 -1 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 401.54 0 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 401.54 1 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 401.54 2 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 401.54 3 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 401.54 4 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 401.54 5 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 401.54 6 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 401.54 7 1.065 -0.007244 0.001609 -1.877 0.935 4.801 6.764 6.764 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src39.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src39.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src40_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:16:55 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 332 347 348 363 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (331:347, 346:362) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.38614 0.0209361 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00932912 0.00113216 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00414625 0.00122712 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -35.6163 0.0219592 -35.8351 35.8351 -1 setpar 5 -35.5471 0.028649 -35.8351 35.8351 -1 setpar 6 17.8404 0.931745 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.27287 0.3242 2.2397 17.9176 -1 setpar 8 7.27287 0.001 2.2397 17.9176 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -35.8351 -0.01 -64.9381 -6.73206 -1 setpar 11 37.7516 -0.01 8.64856 66.8546 -1 setpar 12 0 0.14 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 7.27576 -0.01 3.63788 14.5515 -1 setpar 14 7.27576 -0.01 3.63788 14.5515 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -38.38 -2 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -38.38 -1 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -38.38 0 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -38.38 1 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -38.38 2 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -38.38 3 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -38.38 4 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -38.38 5 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -38.38 6 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -38.38 7 2.386 0.009329 0.004146 -35.62 -35.55 17.84 7.273 7.273 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src40.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src40.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src41_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:18:28 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 313 279 329 295 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (312:328, 278:294) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.20891 0.0220799 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00409503 0.00102193 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00464597 0.000970647 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.56708 0.262545 -22.9735 22.9735 -1 setpar 5 4.52856 0.249683 -22.9735 22.9735 -1 setpar 6 6.77724 0.285915 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.5303 0.289953 1.43584 11.4867 -1 setpar 8 5.5303 0.001 1.43584 11.4867 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 55.01 -2 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 55.01 -1 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 55.01 0 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 55.01 1 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 55.01 2 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 55.01 3 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 55.01 4 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 55.01 5 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 55.01 6 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 55.01 7 2.209 -0.004095 -0.004646 1.567 4.529 6.777 5.53 5.53 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src41.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src41.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src42_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:20:40 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 279 333 295 349 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (278:294, 332:348) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.53065 0.0223706 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0179082 0.00111282 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00204818 0.00112527 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 21.9002 0.154348 -34.612 34.612 -1 setpar 5 -21.289 0.156539 -34.612 34.612 -1 setpar 6 13.9182 0.560705 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.05439 0.089114 2.16325 17.306 -1 setpar 8 3.05439 0.001 2.16325 17.306 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 39.6934 -0.01 6.89819 72.4885 -1 setpar 11 29.213 -0.01 -3.58214 62.0082 -1 setpar 12 0 0.215 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.19879 -0.01 4.0994 16.3976 -1 setpar 14 8.19879 -0.01 4.0994 16.3976 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 21.1689 -0.01 -9.48919 51.8271 -1 setpar 17 -37.4394 -0.01 -68.0975 -6.78122 -1 setpar 18 2.79474 0.279474 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 7.66453 -0.01 3.83227 15.3291 -1 setpar 20 7.66453 -0.01 3.83227 15.3291 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -93.98 -2 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 2 tries -93.98 -1 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 3 tries -93.98 0 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 4 tries -93.98 1 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 5 tries -93.98 2 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 6 tries -93.98 3 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 7 tries -93.98 4 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 8 tries -93.98 5 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 9 tries -93.98 6 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 No new minimim found after 10 tries -93.98 7 2.531 0.01791 -0.002048 21.9 -21.29 13.92 3.054 3.054 0 0 2.795 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src42.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src42.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src43_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:22:10 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 294 240 310 256 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (293:309, 239:255) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.70436 0.0178817 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00157625 0.000859756 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00350128 0.000911329 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.07905 0.279696 -17.7153 17.7153 -1 setpar 5 4.45005 0.223743 -17.7153 17.7153 -1 setpar 6 5.90811 0.268184 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.68036 0.191406 1.1072 8.85764 -1 setpar 8 4.68036 0.001 1.1072 8.85764 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 308.32 -2 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 308.32 -1 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 308.32 0 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 308.32 1 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 308.32 2 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 308.32 3 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 308.32 4 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 308.32 5 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 308.32 6 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 308.32 7 1.704 0.001576 0.003501 2.079 4.45 5.908 4.68 4.68 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src43.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src43.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src44_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:26:56 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 191 266 213 288 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (190:212, 265:287) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.73519 0.0193492 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000555447 0.000523325 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -4.35611e-06 0.00046333 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.26558 0.55528 -62.7216 62.7216 -1 setpar 5 4.12458 0.422658 -62.7216 62.7216 -1 setpar 6 2.7889 0.0690422 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 14.0941 0.404371 3.9201 31.3608 -1 setpar 8 14.0941 0.001 3.9201 31.3608 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -63.965 -0.01 -105.813 -22.1168 -1 setpar 11 72.2963 -0.01 30.4481 114.145 -1 setpar 12 44.9085 4.49103 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 -1 setpar 14 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 52.8817 -0.01 32.9179 72.8455 -1 setpar 17 -15.192 -0.01 -35.1558 4.77179 -1 setpar 18 0 0.765313 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 4.99095 -0.01 2.49547 9.9819 -1 setpar 20 4.99095 -0.01 2.49547 9.9819 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 7.5675 -0.01 -72.7313 87.8663 -1 setpar 23 -5.7115 -0.01 -86.0103 74.5873 -1 setpar 24 0.00330903 0.000330903 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 -1 setpar 26 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 429.97 -2 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 2 tries 429.97 -1 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 3 tries 429.97 0 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 4 tries 429.97 1 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 5 tries 429.97 2 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 6 tries 429.97 3 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 7 tries 429.97 4 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 8 tries 429.97 5 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 9 tries 429.97 6 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 No new minimim found after 10 tries 429.97 7 1.735 0.0005554 -4.356e-06 3.266 4.125 2.789 14.09 14.09 0 44.91 0 0.003309 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src44.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src44.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src45_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:29:07 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 359 470 377 488 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (358:376, 469:487) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.0361 0.0113681 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00598786 0.000537341 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0452381 0.000807428 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 53.7434 0.0399609 -53.7434 53.7434 -1 setpar 5 -7.30272 4.64407 -53.7434 53.7434 -1 setpar 6 9.61474e+06 77014.4 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.36765 0.000869 3.35896 26.8717 -1 setpar 8 3.36765 0.001 3.35896 26.8717 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 429.20 -2 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 429.20 -1 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 429.20 0 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 429.20 1 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 429.20 2 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 429.20 3 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 429.20 4 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 429.20 5 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 429.20 6 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 429.20 7 1.036 0.005988 0.04524 53.74 -7.303 9.615e+06 3.368 3.368 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src45.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src45.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src46_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:30:24 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 299 382 315 398 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (298:314, 381:397) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.93175 0.0178613 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.000896875 0.000996094 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0178249 0.000986938 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 38.9421 0.000846663 -38.9506 38.9506 -1 setpar 5 -38.9421 0.000563538 -38.9506 38.9506 -1 setpar 6 1.05659e-06 4.7154e-09 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.43495 5.39711e-05 2.43441 19.4753 -1 setpar 8 2.43495 0.001 2.43441 19.4753 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 309.00 -2 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 309.00 -1 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 309.00 0 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 309.00 1 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 309.00 2 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 309.00 3 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 309.00 4 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 309.00 5 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 309.00 6 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 309.00 7 1.932 -0.0008969 0.01782 38.94 -38.94 1.057e-06 2.435 2.435 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src46.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src46.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src47_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:33:16 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 237 492 257 512 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (236:256, 491:511) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.10516 0.0103773 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0134981 0.000443744 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0400933 0.000508911 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 55.9847 0.0399609 -55.9847 55.9847 -1 setpar 5 55.9847 0.0199902 -55.9847 55.9847 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 41902.1 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.49904 2.44933 3.49904 27.9923 -1 setpar 8 3.49904 0.001 3.49904 27.9923 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -79.4766 -0.01 -135.491 -23.462 -1 setpar 11 -26.3825 -0.01 -82.3971 29.6321 -1 setpar 12 0 1.72266 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 14.0036 -0.01 7.00182 28.0073 -1 setpar 14 14.0036 -0.01 7.00182 28.0073 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 518.54 -2 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 518.54 -1 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 518.54 0 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 518.54 1 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 518.54 2 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 518.54 3 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 518.54 4 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 518.54 5 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 518.54 6 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 518.54 7 1.105 0.0135 0.04009 55.98 55.98 1e-06 3.499 3.499 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src47.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src47.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src48_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:35:32 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 219 486 239 506 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (218:238, 485:505) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.846795 0.0113254 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.016626 0.000545509 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0379862 0.000635236 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 56.0146 0.0399609 -56.0146 56.0146 -1 setpar 5 56.0146 0.0399609 -56.0146 56.0146 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 56.4524 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.50091 2.45064 3.50091 28.0073 -1 setpar 8 3.50091 0.001 3.50091 28.0073 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 81.0701 -0.01 25.0854 137.055 -1 setpar 11 23.5898 -0.01 -32.3949 79.5745 -1 setpar 12 0 3.91125 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 13.9962 -0.01 6.99808 27.9923 -1 setpar 14 13.9962 -0.01 6.99808 27.9923 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 529.16 -2 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 529.16 -1 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 529.16 0 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 529.16 1 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 529.16 2 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 529.16 3 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 529.16 4 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 529.16 5 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 529.16 6 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 529.16 7 0.8468 0.01663 0.03799 56.01 56.01 1e-06 3.501 3.501 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src48.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src48.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src49_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:38:37 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 284 325 300 341 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (283:299, 324:340) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.67003 0.0243425 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0241041 0.00119907 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0172844 0.00119143 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -21.9845 0.3739 -30.6581 30.6581 -1 setpar 5 -30.6581 0.342392 -30.6581 30.6581 -1 setpar 6 5.75005 0.207077 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 8.47008 0.203079 1.91613 15.3291 -1 setpar 8 8.47008 0.001 1.91613 15.3291 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -21.8774 -0.01 -56.4894 12.7346 -1 setpar 11 32.8331 -0.01 -1.77894 67.4451 -1 setpar 12 0 0.0629688 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.65301 -0.01 4.32651 17.306 -1 setpar 14 8.65301 -0.01 4.32651 17.306 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -178.88 -2 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -178.88 -1 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -178.88 0 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -178.88 1 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -178.88 2 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -178.88 3 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -178.88 4 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -178.88 5 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -178.88 6 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -178.88 7 2.67 0.0241 0.01728 -21.98 -30.66 5.75 8.47 8.47 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src49.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src49.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src50_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:41:50 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 190 286 206 302 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (189:205, 285:301) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.26269 0.0196808 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00902372 0.00113929 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00781989 0.00118372 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 24.6913 1.00655 -24.6913 24.6913 -1 setpar 5 24.6913 0.000563903 -24.6913 24.6913 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 0.654663 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 1.5432 1.08024 1.5432 12.3456 -1 setpar 8 1.5432 0.001 1.5432 12.3456 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -46.565 -0.01 -88.4132 -4.71682 -1 setpar 11 -1.65368 -0.01 -43.5019 40.1945 -1 setpar 12 13.2692 0.402949 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 -1 setpar 14 10.4621 -0.01 5.23103 20.9241 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -0.149579 -0.01 -23.4098 23.1107 -1 setpar 17 48.8004 -0.01 25.5402 72.0607 -1 setpar 18 0 3.77156 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 5.81506 -0.01 2.90753 11.6301 -1 setpar 20 5.81506 -0.01 2.90753 11.6301 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 24.9675 -0.01 -55.3313 105.266 -1 setpar 23 -79.6615 -0.01 -159.96 0.637298 -1 setpar 24 0 2.3925 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 -1 setpar 26 20.0747 -0.01 10.0373 40.1494 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 17.8888 -0.01 -44.8328 80.6104 -1 setpar 29 -73.2759 -0.01 -135.997 -10.5543 -1 setpar 30 76.8878 7.68878 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 -1 setpar 32 15.6804 -0.01 7.8402 31.3608 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries -94.53 -2 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 2 tries -94.53 -1 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 3 tries -94.53 0 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 4 tries -94.53 1 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 5 tries -94.53 2 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 6 tries -94.53 3 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 7 tries -94.53 4 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 8 tries -94.53 5 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 9 tries -94.53 6 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 No new minimim found after 10 tries -94.53 7 2.263 -0.009024 0.00782 24.69 24.69 1e-06 1.543 1.543 0 13.27 0 0 76.89 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src50.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src50.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src51_1.ximg # Saved at Sun Feb 19 14:43:42 2012 data ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 179 161 195 177 Reading ../../../xmm0555650201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (178:194, 160:176) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.985194 0.0126947 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0181785 0.000587852 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0245714 0.000671188 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.0699993 0.291132 -30.9077 30.9077 -1 setpar 5 3.45528 0.307544 -30.9077 30.9077 -1 setpar 6 3.63175 0.133865 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.83799 0.147656 1.93173 15.4538 -1 setpar 8 7.83799 0.001 1.93173 15.4538 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No new minimim found after 1 tries 358.28 -2 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 358.28 -1 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 358.28 0 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 358.28 1 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 358.28 2 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 358.28 3 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 358.28 4 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 358.28 5 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 358.28 6 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 358.28 7 0.9852 0.01818 -0.02457 0.07 3.455 3.632 7.838 7.838 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src51.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0555650201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src51.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs