smart_error 3 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_mos2_xmm0511010301_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src2_pl_Gamma.log param_name=Gamma {xtitle=\gG} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_mos2_xmm0511010301_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src2_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.010000 Current chisq = 8.305000 Current parameter value = 2.0831 Parameter lower bound guess = 2.0731 Parameter upper bound guess = 2.0931 smart_step 3 2.0831 2.0731 10 Stepping range = 2.0731 - 2.0831 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 2.0731 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.082 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.081 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.08 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.079 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.078 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.077 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.076 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.075 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.074 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.073 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 2.0831 2.0931 10 Stepping range = 2.0831 - 2.0931 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 2.0931 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.084 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.085 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.086 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.087 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.088 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.089 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.09 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.091 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.092 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.093 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 8.305000 New lower guess = 2.0631 New upper guess = 2.1031 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 8.305000 Current parameter value = 2.0831 Parameter lower bound guess = 2.0631 Parameter upper bound guess = 2.1031 smart_step 3 2.0831 2.0631 10 Stepping range = 2.0631 - 2.0831 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 2.0631 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.081 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.079 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.077 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.075 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.073 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.071 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.069 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.067 8.3050 8.3052 0.0001 2.065 8.3050 8.3052 0.0002 2.063 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 2.0831 2.1031 10 Stepping range = 2.0831 - 2.1031 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 2.1031 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.085 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.087 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.089 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.091 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.093 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.095 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.097 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.099 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.101 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.103 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 8.305000 New lower guess = 2.0431 New upper guess = 2.1231 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 8.305000 Current parameter value = 2.0831 Parameter lower bound guess = 2.0431 Parameter upper bound guess = 2.1231 smart_step 3 2.0831 2.0431 10 Stepping range = 2.0431 - 2.0831 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 2.0431 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.079 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.075 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.071 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.067 8.3050 8.3052 0.0002 2.063 8.3050 8.3053 0.0002 2.059 8.3050 8.3054 0.0003 2.055 8.3050 8.3055 0.0004 2.051 8.3050 8.3056 0.0005 2.047 8.3050 8.3057 0.0006 2.043 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 2.0831 2.1231 10 Stepping range = 2.0831 - 2.1231 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 2.1231 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.087 8.3050 8.3050 0.0000 2.091 8.3050 8.3051 0.0000 2.095 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.099 8.3050 8.3051 0.0001 2.103 8.3050 8.3052 0.0002 2.107 8.3050 8.3053 0.0002 2.111 8.3050 8.3054 0.0003 2.115 8.3050 8.3055 0.0004 2.119 8.3050 8.3056 0.0005 2.123 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 8.305000 New lower guess = -3.1513 Resetting lower guess to hard limit = -3.000000 New upper guess = 6.90352 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 8.305000 Current parameter value = 2.0831 Parameter lower bound guess = -3 Parameter upper bound guess = 6.90352 smart_step 3 2.0831 -3 10 Stepping range = -3 - 2.0831 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 -3 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.4074 0.1023 1.575 8.3050 8.7385 0.4334 1.066 8.3050 9.3358 1.0307 0.5582 8.3050 10.2341 1.9291 0.04986 8.3050 11.4630 3.1580 -0.4585 8.3050 13.0441 4.7391 -0.9668 8.3050 15.7720 7.4670 -1.475 8.3050 21.5857 13.2807 -1.983 8.3050 Chisq exceeded max value of 9.210000, discontinuing step No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 2.0831 6.90352 10 Stepping range = 2.0831 - 6.90352 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 6.90352 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.3849 0.0799 2.565 8.3050 8.6053 0.3003 3.047 8.3050 8.9378 0.6327 3.529 8.3050 9.3569 1.0519 4.011 8.3050 9.8412 1.5362 4.493 8.3050 10.3731 2.0681 4.975 8.3050 10.9388 2.6338 5.457 8.3050 11.5276 3.2226 5.939 8.3050 12.1317 3.8267 6.421 8.3050 12.7456 4.4406 6.904 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 8.305000 Found lower bound New upper guess = 8.39625 smart_error iteration no. 4 Current chisq = 8.305000 Current parameter value = 2.0831 Parameter lower bound = -0.927327 Parameter upper bound guess = 8.39625 smart_step 3 2.0831 8.39625 10 Stepping range = 2.0831 - 8.39625 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 2.0831 8.39625 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 8.3050 0.0000 2.083 8.3050 8.4395 0.1345 2.714 8.3050 8.7997 0.4947 3.346 8.3050 9.3248 1.0197 3.977 8.3050 9.9644 1.6594 4.608 8.3050 10.6799 2.3749 5.24 8.3050 11.4429 3.1379 5.871 8.3050 12.2341 3.9291 6.502 8.3050 13.0408 4.7358 7.134 8.3050 13.8547 5.5497 7.765 8.3050 14.6706 6.3656 8.396 8.3050 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 8.305000 Found upper bound smart_error iteration no. 5 Final error range: (-0.927327 - 7.03514) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_mos2_xmm0511010301_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src2_pl_Gamma.qdp