smart_error 2 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_mos2_xmm0505410101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src4_pl_Nh.log param_name=Nh {xtitle=N\dH\u (x 10\u22\d cm\u-2\d)} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_mos2_xmm0505410101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src4_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.001000 Current chisq = 10.044100 Current parameter value = 0.0710009 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.0700009 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.0720009 smart_step 2 0.0710009 0.0700009 10 Stepping range = 0.0700009 - 0.0710009 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0.0700009 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0709 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0708 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0707 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0706 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0705 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0704 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0703 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0702 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0701 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.07 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.0710009 0.0720009 10 Stepping range = 0.0710009 - 0.0720009 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0.0720009 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0711 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0712 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0713 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0714 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0715 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0716 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0717 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0718 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0719 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.072 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 10.044100 New lower guess = 0.0690009 New upper guess = 0.0730009 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 10.044100 Current parameter value = 0.0710009 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.0690009 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.0730009 smart_step 2 0.0710009 0.0690009 10 Stepping range = 0.0690009 - 0.0710009 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0.0690009 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0708 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0706 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0704 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0702 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.07 10.0441 10.0443 0.0002 0.0698 10.0441 10.0443 0.0002 0.0696 10.0441 10.0444 0.0003 0.0694 10.0441 10.0445 0.0004 0.0692 10.0441 10.0446 0.0005 0.069 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.0710009 0.0730009 10 Stepping range = 0.0710009 - 0.0730009 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0.0730009 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0712 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0714 10.0441 10.0441 0.0000 0.0716 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.0718 10.0441 10.0442 0.0001 0.072 10.0441 10.0443 0.0002 0.0722 10.0441 10.0443 0.0002 0.0724 10.0441 10.0444 0.0003 0.0726 10.0441 10.0445 0.0004 0.0728 10.0441 10.0446 0.0005 0.073 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 10.044100 New lower guess = -0.147272 Resetting lower guess to hard limit = 0.000000 New upper guess = 0.289273 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 10.044100 Current parameter value = 0.0710009 Parameter lower bound guess = 0 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.289273 smart_step 2 0.0710009 0 10 Stepping range = 0 - 0.0710009 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.0501 0.0060 0.0639 10.0441 10.0682 0.0241 0.0568 10.0441 10.0989 0.0548 0.0497 10.0441 10.1424 0.0983 0.0426 10.0441 10.1994 0.1553 0.0355 10.0441 10.2701 0.2260 0.0284 10.0441 10.3549 0.3108 0.0213 10.0441 10.4543 0.4102 0.0142 10.0441 10.5687 0.5246 0.0071 10.0441 10.6985 0.6544 0 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 2 0.0710009 0.289273 10 Stepping range = 0.0710009 - 0.289273 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0.289273 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.0974 0.0533 0.09283 10.0441 10.2498 0.2057 0.1147 10.0441 10.4901 0.4460 0.1365 10.0441 10.8078 0.7637 0.1583 10.0441 11.1928 1.1487 0.1801 10.0441 11.6359 1.5918 0.202 10.0441 12.1284 2.0843 0.2238 10.0441 12.6627 2.6186 0.2456 10.0441 13.2317 3.1876 0.2674 10.0441 13.8293 3.7852 0.2893 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 10.044100 New lower guess = -0.148126 Hit hard lower limit with delta chisq = 0.524600 New upper guess = 0.375064 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 10.044100 Current parameter value = 0.0710009 Parameter lower bound = 0 Parameter upper bound guess = 0.375064 smart_step 2 0.0710009 0.375064 10 Stepping range = 0.0710009 - 0.375064 Hard limits = 0, 1e+06 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 2 0.0710009 0.375064 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 2 Chi-Squared 10.0441 0.0000 0.071 10.0441 10.1461 0.1020 0.1014 10.0441 10.4319 0.3878 0.1318 10.0441 10.8721 0.8280 0.1622 10.0441 11.4398 1.3957 0.1926 10.0441 12.1105 2.0664 0.223 10.0441 12.8629 2.8188 0.2534 10.0441 13.6783 3.6342 0.2838 10.0441 14.5409 4.4968 0.3143 10.0441 15.4371 5.3930 0.3447 10.0441 16.3559 6.3118 0.3751 10.0441 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 10.044100 Found upper bound smart_error iteration no. 4 Final error range: (0 - 0.318074) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_mos2_xmm0505410101_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src4_pl_Nh.qdp