Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src1_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:08:52 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 249 292 272 315 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (248:271, 291:314) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 249 292 272 315 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (248:271, 291:314) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 11.9702 0.0737973 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0657119 0.00157936 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0443628 0.00172499 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 4.3679 0.432494 -51.1476 51.1476 -1 setpar 5 -15.0803 0.475005 -51.1476 51.1476 -1 setpar 6 9.95323 0.126739 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 25.5344 0.00787615 3.19672 25.5738 -1 setpar 8 25.5344 0.001 3.19672 25.5738 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -21.5458 -0.01 -53.4798 10.3882 -1 setpar 11 -17.0619 -0.01 -48.9959 14.8721 -1 setpar 12 0 0.23375 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 7.9835 -0.01 3.99175 15.967 -1 setpar 14 7.9835 -0.01 3.99175 15.967 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -13.1918 -0.01 -78.5122 52.1286 -1 setpar 17 25.0591 -0.01 -40.2613 90.3795 -1 setpar 18 0 0.0575 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 -1 setpar 20 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 82.8278 -0.01 24.9918 140.664 -1 setpar 23 -18.26 -0.01 -76.096 39.576 -1 setpar 24 0 4.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 -1 setpar 26 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 50.721 -0.01 21.0831 80.3589 -1 setpar 29 -47.9526 -0.01 -77.5905 -18.3147 -1 setpar 30 0 0.38 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 7.40947 -0.01 3.70473 14.8189 -1 setpar 32 7.40947 -0.01 3.70473 14.8189 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 34 11.462 -0.01 -19.5475 42.4716 -1 setpar 35 -60.525 -0.01 -91.5345 -29.5154 -1 setpar 36 14.0382 1.40382 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 37 7.75239 -0.01 3.8762 15.5048 -1 setpar 38 7.75239 -0.01 3.8762 15.5048 36 setpar 39 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -27799.02 -2 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 2 tries -27799.02 -1 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 3 tries -27799.02 0 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 4 tries -27799.02 1 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 5 tries -27799.02 2 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 6 tries -27799.02 3 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 7 tries -27799.02 4 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 8 tries -27799.02 5 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 9 tries -27799.02 6 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 No new minimim found after 10 tries -27799.02 7 11.97 0.06571 -0.04436 4.368 -15.08 9.953 25.53 25.53 0 0 0 0 0 14.04 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg exit Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src2_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:10:27 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 259 249 275 265 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (258:274, 248:264) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 259 249 275 265 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (258:274, 248:264) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 4.01441 0.0294873 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00963778 0.00134753 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.018081 0.00128672 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.10532 0.331201 -22.6596 22.6596 -1 setpar 5 2.02153 0.284506 -22.6596 22.6596 -1 setpar 6 6.53126 0.283008 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.68267 0.206656 1.41623 11.3298 -1 setpar 8 5.68267 0.001 1.41623 11.3298 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -922.63 -2 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -922.63 -1 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -922.63 0 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -922.63 1 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -922.63 2 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -922.63 3 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -922.63 4 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -922.63 5 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -922.63 6 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -922.63 7 4.014 0.009638 -0.01808 3.105 2.022 6.531 5.683 5.683 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src3_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:14:50 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 299 347 315 363 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (298:314, 346:362) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 299 347 315 363 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (298:314, 346:362) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0 0.000103851 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.155862 4.67879e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -2.51562 1.51902e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.17238 0.00034707 -33.9443 33.9443 -1 setpar 5 10.4991 0.000160278 -33.9443 33.9443 -1 setpar 6 34.1325 0.000211047 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 8.12131 0.000419226 2.12152 16.9721 -1 setpar 8 8.12131 0.001 2.12152 16.9721 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -671.31 -2 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -671.31 -1 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -671.31 0 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -671.31 1 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -671.31 2 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -671.31 3 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -671.31 4 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -671.31 5 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -671.31 6 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -671.31 7 0 0.1559 -2.516 3.172 10.5 34.13 8.121 8.121 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src4_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:20:14 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 248 292 264 308 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (247:263, 291:307) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 248 292 264 308 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (247:263, 291:307) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 11.4149 0.092014 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0988604 0.00407862 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.110463 0.0028038 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 22.5784 0.600689 -31.934 31.934 -1 setpar 5 -13.2158 0.681913 -31.934 31.934 -1 setpar 6 6.94201 0.303375 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 12.3276 0.463831 1.99588 15.967 -1 setpar 8 12.3276 0.001 1.99588 15.967 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 22.5165 -0.01 -28.6311 73.6641 -1 setpar 11 15.9469 -0.01 -35.2007 67.0945 -1 setpar 12 0 0.145 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 -1 setpar 14 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 6.3832 -0.01 -58.9372 71.7036 -1 setpar 17 40.2841 -0.01 -25.0363 105.605 -1 setpar 18 0.649223 0.0650037 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 -1 setpar 20 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 31.037 -0.01 0.02746 62.0466 -1 setpar 23 -45.3 -0.01 -76.3095 -14.2904 -1 setpar 24 51.9029 5.10919 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 7.75239 -0.01 3.8762 15.5048 -1 setpar 26 7.75239 -0.01 3.8762 15.5048 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -9298.16 -2 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 2 tries -9298.16 -1 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 3 tries -9298.16 0 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 4 tries -9298.16 1 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 5 tries -9298.16 2 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 6 tries -9298.16 3 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 7 tries -9298.16 4 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 8 tries -9298.16 5 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 9 tries -9298.16 6 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 No new minimim found after 10 tries -9298.16 7 11.41 0.09886 -0.1105 22.58 -13.22 6.942 12.33 12.33 0 0 0.6492 51.9 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src5_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:21:44 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 291 246 307 262 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (290:306, 245:261) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 291 246 307 262 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (290:306, 245:261) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 3.72417 0.0288281 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.013807 0.00140442 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000195861 0.00167664 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -32.324 6.4648 -32.324 32.324 -1 setpar 5 -32.324 6.4648 -32.324 32.324 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 0.49 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.02025 1.41417 2.02025 16.162 -1 setpar 8 2.02025 0.001 2.02025 16.162 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -583.94 -2 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -583.94 -1 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -583.94 0 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -583.94 1 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -583.94 2 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -583.94 3 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -583.94 4 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -583.94 5 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -583.94 6 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -583.94 7 3.724 -0.01381 -0.0001959 -32.32 -32.32 1e-06 2.02 2.02 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg exit Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src6_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:23:31 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 340 169 356 185 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (339:355, 168:184) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 340 169 356 185 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (339:355, 168:184) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.42709 0.0158203 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0034421 0.000971985 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00502955 0.000991821 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 44.841 0.00127553 -44.8474 44.8474 -1 setpar 5 19.5618 5.05457 -44.8474 44.8474 -1 setpar 6 889992 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.80413 0.000116627 2.80296 22.4237 -1 setpar 8 2.80413 0.001 2.80296 22.4237 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 464.00 -2 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 464.00 -1 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 464.00 0 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 464.00 1 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 464.00 2 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 464.00 3 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 464.00 4 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 464.00 5 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 464.00 6 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 464.00 7 1.427 0.003442 0.00503 44.84 19.56 8.9e+05 2.804 2.804 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src7_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:25:08 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 393 241 409 257 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (392:408, 240:256) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 393 241 409 257 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (392:408, 240:256) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.86841 0.0181689 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00374513 0.0012085 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0127364 0.00112793 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 42.3449 8.46898 -42.3449 42.3449 -1 setpar 5 -42.3449 8.46898 -42.3449 42.3449 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.64655 1.85258 2.64655 21.1724 -1 setpar 8 2.64655 0.001 2.64655 21.1724 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 346.44 -2 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 346.44 -1 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 346.44 0 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 346.44 1 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 346.44 2 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 346.44 3 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 346.44 4 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 346.44 5 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 346.44 6 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 346.44 7 1.868 0.003745 0.01274 42.34 -42.34 1e-06 2.647 2.647 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:29:01 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 246 298 269 321 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (245:268, 297:320) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 246 298 269 321 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (245:268, 297:320) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 15.1641 0.0436724 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.134152 0.00139574 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00707263 0.00136719 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 65.3204 0.0399609 -65.3204 65.3204 -1 setpar 5 -65.3204 13.0641 -65.3204 65.3204 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 41902.1 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.08253 2.85777 4.08253 32.6602 -1 setpar 8 4.08253 0.001 4.08253 32.6602 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 15.9915 -0.01 -35.1561 67.1391 -1 setpar 11 -25.3781 -0.01 -76.5257 25.7695 -1 setpar 12 0.52851 0.0526386 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 -1 setpar 14 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -8.49583 -0.01 -40.4298 23.4382 -1 setpar 17 -43.1619 -0.01 -75.0959 -11.2279 -1 setpar 18 0 0.13 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 7.9835 -0.01 3.99175 15.967 -1 setpar 20 7.9835 -0.01 3.99175 15.967 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 58.6222 -0.01 27.6668 89.5777 -1 setpar 23 56.2955 -0.01 25.34 87.251 -1 setpar 24 0 2.39 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 7.73887 -0.01 3.86944 15.4777 -1 setpar 26 7.73887 -0.01 3.86944 15.4777 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -44.8386 -0.01 -78.4669 -11.2103 -1 setpar 29 35.7701 -0.01 2.14183 69.3985 -1 setpar 30 0 0.08 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 8.40708 -0.01 4.20354 16.8142 -1 setpar 32 8.40708 -0.01 4.20354 16.8142 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -27400.21 -2 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -27400.21 -1 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -27400.21 0 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -27400.21 1 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -27400.21 2 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -27400.21 3 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -27400.21 4 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -27400.21 5 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -27400.21 6 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -27400.21 7 15.16 0.1342 0.007073 65.32 -65.32 1e-06 4.083 4.083 0 0.5285 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src9_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:31:55 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 269 289 289 309 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (268:288, 288:308) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 269 289 289 309 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (268:288, 288:308) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 10.3363 0.0809946 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.105231 0.00289099 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0495547 0.00189515 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 57.836 0.000912076 -57.836 57.836 -1 setpar 5 22.7927 2.31965 -57.836 57.836 -1 setpar 6 4.3283 0.342957 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 19.8125 1.02246 3.61475 28.918 -1 setpar 8 19.8125 0.001 3.61475 28.918 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -77.5335 -0.01 -128.681 -26.3859 -1 setpar 11 20.2969 -0.01 -30.8507 71.4445 -1 setpar 12 0 8.86844 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 -1 setpar 14 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -29.754 -0.01 -59.3919 -0.116103 -1 setpar 17 -28.3776 -0.01 -58.0155 1.26026 -1 setpar 18 1.5793 0.15793 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 7.40947 -0.01 3.70473 14.8189 -1 setpar 20 7.40947 -0.01 3.70473 14.8189 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -12159.95 -2 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 2 tries -12159.95 -1 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 3 tries -12159.95 0 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 4 tries -12159.95 1 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 5 tries -12159.95 2 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 6 tries -12159.95 3 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 7 tries -12159.95 4 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 8 tries -12159.95 5 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 9 tries -12159.95 6 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 No new minimim found after 10 tries -12159.95 7 10.34 -0.1052 -0.04955 57.84 22.79 4.328 19.81 19.81 0 0 1.579 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src10_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:33:36 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 360 230 376 246 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (359:375, 229:245) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 360 230 376 246 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (359:375, 229:245) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.10557 0.0371478 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.037219 0.00195914 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00302576 0.00109889 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.53179 0.142372 -39.2066 39.2066 -1 setpar 5 5.20147 0.150173 -39.2066 39.2066 -1 setpar 6 14.6491 0.808953 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.93318 0.048277 2.45041 19.6033 -1 setpar 8 2.93318 0.001 2.45041 19.6033 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 89.30 -2 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 89.30 -1 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 89.30 0 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 89.30 1 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 89.30 2 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 89.30 3 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 89.30 4 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 89.30 5 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 89.30 6 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 89.30 7 2.106 -0.03722 0.003026 1.532 5.201 14.65 2.933 2.933 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src11_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:37:32 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 264 285 280 301 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (263:279, 284:300) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 264 285 280 301 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (263:279, 284:300) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 11.2994 0.0463188 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0303308 0.00260453 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0792723 0.00234146 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -27.8114 0.182937 -29.6379 29.6379 -1 setpar 5 -18.4648 0.653311 -29.6379 29.6379 -1 setpar 6 6.20345 0.329542 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 10.1989 0.331833 1.85237 14.8189 -1 setpar 8 10.1989 0.001 1.85237 14.8189 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -47.0835 -0.01 -98.2311 4.0641 -1 setpar 11 46.3969 -0.01 -4.7507 97.5445 -1 setpar 12 0 0.690937 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 -1 setpar 14 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -63.2168 -0.01 -128.537 2.1036 -1 setpar 17 70.7341 -0.01 5.4137 136.055 -1 setpar 18 0 16.6319 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 -1 setpar 20 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 32.8028 -0.01 -25.0332 90.6388 -1 setpar 23 27.415 -0.01 -30.421 85.251 -1 setpar 24 0 0.19 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 -1 setpar 26 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -38.563 -0.01 -69.5725 -7.5534 -1 setpar 29 -14.85 -0.01 -45.8595 16.1596 -1 setpar 30 0 0.6 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 7.75239 -0.01 3.8762 15.5048 -1 setpar 32 7.75239 -0.01 3.8762 15.5048 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -9022.38 -2 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -9022.38 -1 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -9022.38 0 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -9022.38 1 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -9022.38 2 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -9022.38 3 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -9022.38 4 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -9022.38 5 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -9022.38 6 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -9022.38 7 11.3 -0.03033 -0.07927 -27.81 -18.46 6.203 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src12_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:38:53 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 321 305 337 321 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (320:336, 304:320) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 321 305 337 321 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (320:336, 304:320) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 2.95733 0.0234722 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0016916 0.00117188 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.000713342 0.00115356 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.23747 0.127375 -13.2323 13.2323 -1 setpar 5 4.95304 0.121094 -13.2323 13.2323 -1 setpar 6 18.8416 0.682529 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.45276 0.07753 0.827021 6.61617 -1 setpar 8 3.45276 0.001 0.827021 6.61617 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -414.98 -2 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -414.98 -1 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -414.98 0 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -414.98 1 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -414.98 2 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -414.98 3 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -414.98 4 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -414.98 5 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -414.98 6 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -414.98 7 2.957 -0.001692 0.0007133 1.237 4.953 18.84 3.453 3.453 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src13_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:41:13 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 263 315 279 331 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (262:278, 314:330) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 263 315 279 331 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (262:278, 314:330) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 8.77763 0.0721875 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.107194 0.00352051 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.156421 0.00352539 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 14.6782 0.795625 -30.9555 30.9555 -1 setpar 5 -5.40605 0.575781 -30.9555 30.9555 -1 setpar 6 5.15509 0.25 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 15.4777 0.00199902 1.93472 15.4777 -1 setpar 8 15.4777 0.001 1.93472 15.4777 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -58.8668 -0.01 -124.187 6.4536 -1 setpar 11 -59.7659 -0.01 -125.086 5.5545 -1 setpar 12 24.2566 2.46763 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 -1 setpar 14 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 41.8912 -0.01 12.5576 71.2248 -1 setpar 17 -28.5867 -0.01 -57.9203 0.746869 -1 setpar 18 5.64565 0.564565 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 7.33339 -0.01 3.6667 14.6668 -1 setpar 20 7.33339 -0.01 3.6667 14.6668 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -7709.15 -2 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 2 tries -7709.15 -1 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 3 tries -7709.15 0 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 4 tries -7709.15 1 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 5 tries -7709.15 2 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 6 tries -7709.15 3 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 7 tries -7709.15 4 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 8 tries -7709.15 5 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 9 tries -7709.15 6 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 No new minimim found after 10 tries -7709.15 7 8.778 -0.1072 0.1564 14.68 -5.406 5.155 15.48 15.48 0 24.26 5.646 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src14_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:46:01 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 255 282 271 298 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (254:270, 281:297) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 255 282 271 298 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (254:270, 281:297) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 9.09255 0.0600902 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.034246 0.00238832 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0401255 0.00383863 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 11.5083 0.46392 -31.0096 31.0096 -1 setpar 5 -26.0082 0.499371 -31.0096 31.0096 -1 setpar 6 7.90015 0.323879 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 11.6977 0.487728 1.9381 15.5048 -1 setpar 8 11.6977 0.001 1.9381 15.5048 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -7.9335 -0.01 -59.0811 43.2141 -1 setpar 11 59.4469 -0.01 8.2993 110.594 -1 setpar 12 0 1.03 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 -1 setpar 14 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -32.4208 -0.01 -64.3548 -0.486824 -1 setpar 17 41.6631 -0.01 9.72911 73.5971 -1 setpar 18 0 0.47 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 7.9835 -0.01 3.99175 15.967 -1 setpar 20 7.9835 -0.01 3.99175 15.967 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -24.0668 -0.01 -89.3872 41.2536 -1 setpar 23 83.7841 -0.01 18.4637 149.105 -1 setpar 24 0 14.0731 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 -1 setpar 26 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 71.9528 -0.01 14.1168 129.789 -1 setpar 29 40.465 -0.01 -17.371 98.301 -1 setpar 30 0 15.3525 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 -1 setpar 32 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 34 39.846 -0.01 10.2081 69.4839 -1 setpar 35 10.7724 -0.01 -18.8655 40.4103 -1 setpar 36 0 0.761719 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 37 7.40947 -0.01 3.70473 14.8189 -1 setpar 38 7.40947 -0.01 3.70473 14.8189 36 setpar 39 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -6483.15 -2 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -6483.15 -1 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -6483.15 0 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -6483.15 1 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -6483.15 2 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -6483.15 3 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -6483.15 4 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -6483.15 5 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -6483.15 6 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -6483.15 7 9.093 0.03425 -0.04013 11.51 -26.01 7.9 11.7 11.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src15_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:48:29 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 239 310 255 326 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (238:254, 309:325) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 239 310 255 326 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (238:254, 309:325) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 8.70715 0.0789352 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0647502 0.00365626 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00444273 0.00220343 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 33.6283 0.0170427 -33.6283 33.6283 -1 setpar 5 24.3699 0.781178 -33.6283 33.6283 -1 setpar 6 6.67577 0.301426 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 12.4162 0.481031 2.10177 16.8142 -1 setpar 8 12.4162 0.001 2.10177 16.8142 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 61.6665 -0.01 10.5189 112.814 -1 setpar 11 -62.3531 -0.01 -113.501 -11.2055 -1 setpar 12 0 245.64 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 -1 setpar 14 12.7869 -0.01 6.39345 25.5738 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 45.5332 -0.01 -19.7872 110.854 -1 setpar 17 -38.0159 -0.01 -103.336 27.3045 -1 setpar 18 0 0.39 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 -1 setpar 20 16.3301 -0.01 8.16505 32.6602 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -5714.28 -2 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -5714.28 -1 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -5714.28 0 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -5714.28 1 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -5714.28 2 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -5714.28 3 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -5714.28 4 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -5714.28 5 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -5714.28 6 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -5714.28 7 8.707 0.06475 -0.004443 33.63 24.37 6.676 12.42 12.42 0 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src16_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:49:45 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 154 297 170 313 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (153:169, 296:312) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 154 297 170 313 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (153:169, 296:312) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.69644 0.0169922 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00111352 0.000870361 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00160512 0.00095459 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 45.4724 0.0199902 -45.4724 45.4724 -1 setpar 5 -45.4724 9.09448 -45.4724 45.4724 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.84203 1.98942 2.84203 22.7362 -1 setpar 8 2.84203 0.001 2.84203 22.7362 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 409.60 -2 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 409.60 -1 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 409.60 0 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 409.60 1 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 409.60 2 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 409.60 3 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 409.60 4 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 409.60 5 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 409.60 6 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 409.60 7 1.696 0.001114 0.001605 45.47 -45.47 1e-06 2.842 2.842 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src17_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:52:27 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 272 308 288 324 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (271:287, 307:323) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 272 308 288 324 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (271:287, 307:323) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 10.068 0.0515625 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.107033 0.00291687 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0363297 0.00307129 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 28.6353 0.105211 -29.3336 29.3336 -1 setpar 5 -27.0667 0.252232 -29.3336 29.3336 -1 setpar 6 2.54941 0.254555 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 14.6668 0.00199902 1.83335 14.6668 -1 setpar 8 14.6668 0.001 1.83335 14.6668 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -1.9972 -0.01 -59.8332 55.8388 -1 setpar 11 -72.635 -0.01 -130.471 -14.799 -1 setpar 12 3.85704 0.383986 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 -1 setpar 14 14.459 -0.01 7.2295 28.918 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -39.2528 -0.01 -70.2082 -8.29727 -1 setpar 17 28.0205 -0.01 -2.93496 58.976 -1 setpar 18 3.63014 0.363014 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 7.73887 -0.01 3.86944 15.4777 -1 setpar 20 7.73887 -0.01 3.86944 15.4777 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -7696.28 -2 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 2 tries -7696.28 -1 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 3 tries -7696.28 0 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 4 tries -7696.28 1 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 5 tries -7696.28 2 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 6 tries -7696.28 3 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 7 tries -7696.28 4 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 8 tries -7696.28 5 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 9 tries -7696.28 6 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 No new minimim found after 10 tries -7696.28 7 10.07 -0.107 0.03633 28.64 -27.07 2.549 14.67 14.67 0 3.857 3.63 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src18_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:54:11 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 163 210 179 226 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (162:178, 209:225) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 163 210 179 226 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (162:178, 209:225) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.28886 0.0153328 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00511032 0.000730591 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00421391 0.000761719 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 5.01889 0.238672 -47.527 47.527 -1 setpar 5 4.45792 0.259296 -47.527 47.527 -1 setpar 6 6.18823 0.338159 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.94592 0.097548 2.97044 23.7635 -1 setpar 8 3.94592 0.001 2.97044 23.7635 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 431.47 -2 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 431.47 -1 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 431.47 0 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 431.47 1 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 431.47 2 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 431.47 3 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 431.47 4 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 431.47 5 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 431.47 6 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 431.47 7 1.289 0.00511 -0.004214 5.019 4.458 6.188 3.946 3.946 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src19_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:55:18 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 358 308 374 324 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (357:373, 307:323) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 358 308 374 324 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (357:373, 307:323) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.62762 0.0210828 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0157995 0.00132172 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00604425 0.00104141 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -30.7318 0.51706 -35.9018 35.9018 -1 setpar 5 14.8307 4.21226 -35.9018 35.9018 -1 setpar 6 9.1405e+06 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.37687 0.0133011 2.24386 17.9509 -1 setpar 8 2.37687 0.001 2.24386 17.9509 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 321.14 -2 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 321.14 -1 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 321.14 0 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 321.14 1 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 321.14 2 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 321.14 3 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 321.14 4 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 321.14 5 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 321.14 6 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 321.14 7 1.628 -0.0158 0.006044 -30.73 14.83 9.14e+06 2.377 2.377 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src20_1.ximg # Saved at Wed May 23 12:56:36 2012 data ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 119 234 137 252 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (118:136, 233:251) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 119 234 137 252 Reading ../../../xmm0504320201/products/images/fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (118:136, 233:251) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 1.33675 0.01354 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00121898 0.000664062 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00059419 0.000674438 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 51.6868 0.00215555 -51.7042 51.7042 -1 setpar 5 14.1264 6.58924 -51.7042 51.7042 -1 setpar 6 835468 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.25989 0.00283792 3.23151 25.8521 -1 setpar 8 3.25989 0.001 3.23151 25.8521 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 612.02 -2 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 612.02 -1 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 612.02 0 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 612.02 1 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 612.02 2 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 612.02 3 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 612.02 4 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 612.02 5 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 612.02 6 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 612.02 7 1.337 0.001219 0.0005942 51.69 14.13 8.355e+05 3.26 3.26 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_mos1_xmm0504320201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs