smart_error 3 dchi=4.605 log=param_log/fullrun_pn_xmm0502220301_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src27_pl_Gamma.log param_name=Gamma {xtitle=\gG} qdp=param_qdp/fullrun_pn_xmm0502220301_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src27_pl init_step=1 Initial range guess = 0.010000 Current chisq = 21.295900 Current parameter value = 1.7671 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.7571 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.7771 smart_step 3 1.7671 1.7571 10 Stepping range = 1.7571 - 1.7671 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 1.7571 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.766 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.765 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.764 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.763 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.762 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.761 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.76 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.759 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.758 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.757 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 1.7671 1.7771 10 Stepping range = 1.7671 - 1.7771 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 1.7771 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.768 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.769 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.77 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.771 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.772 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.773 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.774 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.775 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.776 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.777 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 21.295900 New lower guess = 1.7471 New upper guess = 1.7871 smart_error iteration no. 1 Current chisq = 21.295900 Current parameter value = 1.7671 Parameter lower bound guess = 1.7471 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.7871 smart_step 3 1.7671 1.7471 10 Stepping range = 1.7471 - 1.7671 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 1.7471 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.765 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.763 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.761 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.759 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.757 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.755 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.753 21.2959 21.2961 0.0002 1.751 21.2959 21.2961 0.0002 1.749 21.2959 21.2962 0.0003 1.747 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 1.7671 1.7871 10 Stepping range = 1.7671 - 1.7871 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 1.7871 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.769 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.771 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.773 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.775 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.777 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.779 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.781 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.783 21.2959 21.2961 0.0002 1.785 21.2959 21.2961 0.0002 1.787 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 21.295900 New lower guess = 0.137603 New upper guess = 1.8071 smart_error iteration no. 2 Current chisq = 21.295900 Current parameter value = 1.7671 Parameter lower bound guess = 0.137603 Parameter upper bound guess = 1.8071 smart_step 3 1.7671 0.137603 10 Stepping range = 0.137603 - 1.7671 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 0.137603 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.3167 0.0208 1.604 21.2959 21.3866 0.0907 1.441 21.2959 21.5181 0.2222 1.278 21.2959 21.7247 0.4288 1.115 21.2959 22.0190 0.7231 0.9524 21.2959 22.4284 1.1325 0.7894 21.2959 23.1355 1.8396 0.6265 21.2959 24.1242 2.8283 0.4635 21.2959 25.2871 3.9912 0.3006 21.2959 26.5112 5.2153 0.1376 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step smart_step 3 1.7671 1.8071 10 Stepping range = 1.7671 - 1.8071 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 1.8071 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.771 21.2959 21.2959 0.0000 1.775 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.779 21.2959 21.2960 0.0001 1.783 21.2959 21.2961 0.0002 1.787 21.2959 21.2963 0.0004 1.791 21.2959 21.2964 0.0005 1.795 21.2959 21.2965 0.0006 1.799 21.2959 21.2967 0.0008 1.803 21.2959 21.2969 0.0010 1.807 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 21.295900 Found lower bound New upper guess = 4.85456 smart_error iteration no. 3 Current chisq = 21.295900 Current parameter value = 1.7671 Parameter lower bound = 0.216128 Parameter upper bound guess = 4.85456 smart_step 3 1.7671 4.85456 10 Stepping range = 1.7671 - 4.85456 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 4.85456 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.3519 0.0560 2.076 21.2959 21.4850 0.1891 2.385 21.2959 21.6563 0.3604 2.693 21.2959 21.8429 0.5470 3.002 21.2959 22.0322 0.7363 3.311 21.2959 22.2180 0.9221 3.62 21.2959 22.3974 1.1015 3.928 21.2959 22.5695 1.2736 4.237 21.2959 22.7342 1.4383 4.546 21.2959 22.8916 1.5957 4.855 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 21.295900 New upper guess = 11.1914 Resetting upper guess to hard limit = 10.000000 smart_error iteration no. 4 Current chisq = 21.295900 Current parameter value = 1.7671 Parameter lower bound = 0.216128 Parameter upper bound guess = 10 smart_step 3 1.7671 10 10 Stepping range = 1.7671 - 10 Hard limits = -3, 10 smart_step iteration 1 steppar 3 1.7671 10 10 Chi-Squared Delta Mod param Original Chi-Squared 3 Chi-Squared 21.2959 0.0000 1.767 21.2959 21.5966 0.3007 2.59 21.2959 22.0947 0.7988 3.414 21.2959 22.5695 1.2736 4.237 21.2959 22.9926 1.6967 5.06 21.2959 23.3688 2.0729 5.884 21.2959 23.7048 2.4089 6.707 21.2959 24.0060 2.7101 7.53 21.2959 24.2778 2.9819 8.353 21.2959 24.5253 3.2294 9.177 21.2959 24.7523 3.4564 10 21.2959 No new minimum was found during steppar Exiting smart_step Current chisq = 21.295900 New upper guess = 19.4941 Hit hard upper limit with delta chisq = 3.229400 smart_error iteration no. 5 Final error range: (0.216128 - 10) Saving qdp file in param_qdp/fullrun_pn_xmm0502220301_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src27_pl_Gamma.qdp