[Mon Feb 20 09:43:55 2012] Detection parameters: Position = (260.2, 374.2) = 5 34 39.56 22 7 46.5 Extent = 10.9" x 10.9", rotation angle = 0 degrees Source counts = 244.2 +/- 33.6 Background counts = 399.0 Rate = 0.02 +/- 0.003 [Mon Feb 20 09:43:56 2012] Off-axis axis estimate = 6.15' [Mon Feb 20 19:05:59 2012] Using EEF radius (= 9.50 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Mon Feb 20 19:05:59 2012] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 9.50" [Mon Feb 20 19:05:59 2012] source mask rpix=2.2, npix_max = 28, mask sum = 30, frac = 1.040 [Mon Feb 20 19:05:59 2012] Giving source the simple spatial ID 83 for pass 0, mean size = 9.50" [Tue Feb 21 07:26:33 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src83.ximg exists [Tue Feb 21 07:26:33 2012] Warning: poor agreement between model and actual number of counts may be indicative of a poor fit in csv/fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src83.csv [Tue Feb 21 07:26:33 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src83_1.ximg exists [Tue Feb 21 07:26:33 2012] Warning: poor agreement between model and actual number of counts may be indicative of a poor fit in csv/fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src83.csv [Tue Feb 21 07:26:33 2012] It looks like the fit did not converge You should probably delete fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src83_1.ximg Either tweak this fit manually starting from fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src83.ximg or adjust the simplespatial fit parameters in $XASSIST/data/missions/*/*/spatial.dat and re-run simplespatial fitting after setting file recreation parameter to yes [Tue Feb 21 07:26:37 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src83.ximg exists [Tue Feb 21 07:26:37 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src83_1.ximg exists [Tue Feb 21 07:26:37 2012] Fit fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src83 appears to have run properly [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Spatial fit model total counts = 5146.270000, observed total counts = 5145.000000 [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Offset between fit and detection position for source 50 = 4.971387 pixels [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] 4896.360000 total counts/ 3708.930000 bgd. counts: snr = 19.497714 Spatial fit parameters: Offset between fit and detection position for source 50 = 4.971387 pixels Position = (256.8, 377.8) = 5 34 40.62 22 8 1.2 Extent = 19.0 (19.0-19.0)", rotation angle = 0 Source counts = 1187.4 +/- 70.0 Background counts = 3708.9 Rate = 0.09 +/- 0.005 [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Assessing source extent using major axis lower bound [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Source does appear to be extended [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Tue Feb 21 07:27:20 2012] Source is confused with source 59 [Tue Feb 21 22:13:39 2012] Using previous fit value to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Tue Feb 21 22:13:39 2012] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 19.00" [Tue Feb 21 22:13:39 2012] source mask rpix=4.4, npix_max = 94, mask sum = 100, frac = 1.055 [Tue Feb 21 22:13:39 2012] Giving source the simple spatial ID 78 for pass 1, mean size = 19.00" [Wed Feb 22 17:00:33 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src78.ximg exists [Wed Feb 22 17:00:33 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src78_1.ximg exists [Wed Feb 22 17:00:33 2012] Fit fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src78 appears to have run properly [Wed Feb 22 17:00:38 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src78.ximg exists [Wed Feb 22 17:00:38 2012] fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src78_1.ximg exists [Wed Feb 22 17:00:38 2012] Fit fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src78 appears to have run properly [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Warning: source 65 in spatial fitting list does not appear to have a counterpart in memory, closest src. was src. 50 at 10.686714 pixels away [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Warning, spatial fit 78 centroid is now closest to src. 47 [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Assessing source extent using major axis lower bound [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Source does appear to be extended [Wed Feb 22 17:01:43 2012] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Wed Feb 22 21:58:32 2012] Counts = 1187.430000, rescaling region sizes by 2.000000 [Wed Feb 22 21:58:32 2012] XMMSAS src. selection expression = ellipse(22294.510000, 32821.300000, 2279.784066, 2279.784066, 0.000000, X, Y) [Wed Feb 22 21:58:32 2012] Writing source region out to fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src50_src.reg [Wed Feb 22 21:58:32 2012] Extracting stamp from image fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_cl_sm2.00.img.gz, (126, 247) - (388, 509) [Wed Feb 22 21:58:32 2012] XMMSAS bgd. selection expression = annulus(22294.510000, 32821.300000, 7599.280219, 15198.560437, X, Y) && !ellipse(24595.194000, 17396.162000, 442.894413, 301.546409, 330.106000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25474.394000, 31461.695200, 1026.104030, 1026.104030, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25096.888450, 17466.941291, 1032.909695, 550.808960, 359.600450, X, Y) && !ellipse(32676.062000, 27297.578000, 1460.760042, 1460.760042, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25257.773000, 16806.098000, 1667.152048, 456.131213, 5.977000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24142.700020, 31551.406400, 1397.984040, 1397.984040, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31526.512909, 23874.126404, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24367.340000, 31554.309200, 1414.800041, 1414.800041, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23259.238000, 31629.730520, 1435.176041, 1435.176041, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31729.487244, 25787.120148, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25239.775238, 37879.990051, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31522.992340, 23266.817657, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26116.434800, 31368.530400, 1399.984040, 1399.984040, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26223.455627, 32829.980957, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25370.260000, 32856.096000, 430.412012, 430.412012, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31318.604000, 21029.756000, 1555.816045, 194.476806, 272.355000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22104.924000, 17475.917400, 1653.432048, 1653.432048, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24696.808000, 32352.930000, 525.672015, 525.672015, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31700.077484, 22056.636719, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31830.309326, 25169.878937, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31859.764000, 27035.697600, 1460.760042, 1460.760042, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26453.594000, 31611.798200, 2638.680076, 2638.680076, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22853.922000, 31690.058000, 1477.936043, 1477.936043, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31608.147095, 21534.136246, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(28028.487915, 32251.391663, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31813.202972, 24738.999542, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(21859.816000, 31715.703800, 1482.808043, 1482.808043, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32537.362000, 23439.502000, 1401.688040, 1401.688040, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24883.827300, 33961.380519, 1452.048042, 334.920181, 91.336020, X, Y) && !ellipse(31838.929000, 26658.451200, 1244.048036, 1244.048036, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27427.732000, 31431.355200, 1416.640041, 1416.640041, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17791.455600, 26214.066000, 1544.920044, 1544.920044, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25312.005310, 33708.785034, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31680.853000, 20813.024000, 1583.488046, 1583.488046, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20157.316376, 17647.497269, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31770.295044, 24310.974304, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25500.485840, 16345.801453, 1740.000000, 1740.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24222.646790, 32410.090729, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31945.473877, 20136.838135, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22327.747070, 31707.989471, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(28483.490906, 31268.908691, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27392.539368, 32670.976562, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20936.651400, 17663.293800, 1250.648036, 1250.648036, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20935.724001, 31685.599153, 1482.808043, 1195.037435, 3.013015, X, Y) && !ellipse(27288.204681, 32298.128143, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31409.276000, 20222.946000, 2114.704061, 1091.272031, 96.848760, X, Y) && !ellipse(23601.806000, 32701.228600, 1497.496043, 1497.496043, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(19691.284000, 16751.232000, 1725.656050, 1725.656050, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17589.834400, 23658.736400, 1217.640035, 1217.640035, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20326.312000, 31783.674000, 1592.512046, 1592.512046, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32432.231600, 28037.240000, 2921.520084, 2921.520084, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27907.371400, 31363.425400, 1305.248038, 1305.248038, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26908.330000, 17433.188800, 1399.400040, 1399.400040, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17801.336000, 26000.396000, 1593.304046, 1593.304046, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32684.474731, 21964.958557, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(28837.205000, 31301.463000, 1446.976042, 1446.976042, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17993.976000, 27109.114000, 363.148810, 363.148810, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32304.441803, 27014.707458, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23092.716766, 17522.400253, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17385.781738, 21927.056686, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25696.142000, 33970.448600, 885.152025, 885.152025, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32066.142303, 27502.778839, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24734.298000, 33602.250000, 1244.752036, 1244.752036, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17882.351600, 28049.706000, 1582.216046, 1582.216046, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32422.882660, 20136.818222, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17607.812000, 22478.320000, 1172.936034, 1172.936034, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17410.347397, 27092.197144, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24842.281600, 34444.227200, 524.753615, 524.753615, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20000.463882, 31962.699707, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(33110.444977, 22156.188370, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(32710.438263, 21283.963455, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31672.066925, 27963.399872, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17755.706000, 24749.926600, 1606.632046, 1310.304038, 351.549000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31228.005310, 19451.622864, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(19355.195800, 17710.241600, 1260.880036, 1260.880036, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(33254.504000, 21157.933400, 1606.632046, 1606.632046, 324.851400, X, Y) && !ellipse(32911.036346, 24420.892517, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22579.860000, 17552.235000, 1505.464043, 524.140815, 3.248000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25965.532806, 36173.053131, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17790.025879, 30074.657928, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(16320.745941, 25379.567841, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27682.537598, 17360.049194, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(17205.191956, 23128.971191, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20911.960663, 32616.423676, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(18254.659988, 29618.104401, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25859.830780, 35070.934540, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(18255.074173, 29105.264252, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(31306.418945, 18801.663727, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25587.323883, 37477.076080, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(18644.474045, 36821.541382, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26468.902466, 38402.730804, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25965.041626, 39804.381836, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Wed Feb 22 21:58:32 2012] Writing fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src50.gif [Thu Feb 23 00:57:59 2012] Mean detx,y = (-2658.80, -8261.22) [Thu Feb 23 00:58:04 2012] Setting backscal keywords in source and bgd. spectrum [Thu Feb 23 01:03:31 2012] Binned source spectrum to 10 counts/bin [Thu Feb 23 01:03:31 2012] Setting source spectrum file to fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src50_src_b10.pi.gz [Thu Feb 23 01:03:31 2012] Setting bgd. spectrum file to fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src50_bgd.pi.gz [Thu Feb 23 06:23:42 2012] Updating aperture counts using extracted products [Thu Feb 23 06:23:42 2012] Error reading totcts from fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src50_src_b10.pi.gz [Thu Feb 23 06:23:47 2012] Calculating source flux in energy range 0.30-8.00 [Thu Feb 23 06:23:47 2012] Using photon index=1.80, rate=0.0876, arf fullrun_mos2_xmm0412591201_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src50.arf [Thu Feb 23 06:23:47 2012] Assuming count rate is from the 0.30-10.00 bandpass [Thu Feb 23 06:23:47 2012] Updating source flux to 1.3e-12 [Thu Feb 23 06:33:04 2012] Flag c found in src. 50 procflags, skipping spectral fitting