Source List

Observation details report
Detailed source parameters (including errors) in a comma-separated values file

Click on source number for detailed analysis, including spectral fits if applicable

data idnum idradec telescope instrument x y cnts cntserr rate rateerr SNR poisprob sigmaj sigmin incang offax cnts_soft cnts_hard hr hr_err ext var N_H flux vign flags
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 1 X021434.62-004243.8 xmm pn 275.586 330.846 2644.35 91.2397 0.0602272 0.00207806 25.3556 1 5.37103 4.92161 52.7923 2.87024 1884.54 371.301 -0.67081 0.0394787 F F 2.66e+20 1.85832e-13 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi 1 X021352.59-004022.4 xmm mos1 420.496 363.349 32.5298 16.8871 0.00687059 0.00356671 2.26369 0.987777 23.1653 23.1653 0 10.3504 21.5425 38.0301 0.276765 0.521616 T F 2.63e+20 0 1 dbcs
Report srcpi bgdpi 12 X021355.57-004141.5 xmm mos1 410.225 345.17 92.9732 18.2594 0.0196368 0.00385655 6.46984 1 22.0224 22.0224 0 9.16527 60.6268 59.6343 -0.00825277 0.245563 T F 2.63e+20 0 1 ds
Report srcpi bgdpi 7 X021353.04-003934.6 xmm mos1 418.949 373.885 51.8494 14.7022 0.0109511 0.00310524 4.45999 0.99999 10.875 10.875 0 10.3082 32.1822 20.7068 -0.216972 0.284627 F F 2.63e+20 0 1 dc
Report srcpi bgdpi 10 X021349.80-004206.8 xmm mos1 430.13 339.362 26.1587 14.7948 0.00552497 0.00312479 1.82034 0.962812 22.715 3.39782 314.662 9.85788 3.49268 4.44893 0.12041 1.35648 F F 2.52e+20 0 1 dsc
Report srcpi bgdpi 3 X021347.17-004120.1 xmm mos1 439.17 350.087 45.8227 20.5405 0.00967818 0.00433835 3.18872 0.999042 23.2075 23.2075 0 10.8769 -63.2701 12.9417 1 2.52819 T F 2.62e+20 0 1 dsc
Report srcpi bgdpi 8 X021347.87-003951.1 xmm mos1 436.756 370.272 88.422 11.0374 0.0186756 0.00233121 25.9863 1 10.875 10.875 0 11.2999 36.1055 51.3165 0.173995 0.127717 F T 2.62e+20 0 1 dc
Report srcpi bgdpi 9 X021345.92-004011.3 xmm mos1 443.492 365.909 82.1864 12.1029 0.0173585 0.00255624 5.71921 1 24.1571 24.1571 0 11.4717 -131.449 -75.6367 T F 2.62e+20 0 1 dbcs
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 3 X021437.87-004513.9 xmm pn 264.351 295.953 777.489 69.8241 0.0177079 0.0015903 12.3574 1 10.875 10.875 0 2.47775 454.828 208.242 -0.371886 0.107477 F F 2.66e+20 4.48951e-14 1 dbx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 4 X021442.83-004528.3 xmm pn 247.275 293.023 1045.46 48.9356 0.0238113 0.00111455 10.0245 1 16.6356 10.4715 17.016 3.77847 2722.59 4844.59 0.280422 0.0133743 T T 2.66e+20 8.22829e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 7 X021433.41-004601.2 xmm pn 279.749 285.469 84863.1 332.36 1.93282 0.00756976 813.718 1 5.81492 5.74447 34.1304 1.65906 68406.7 28227.8 -0.415782 0.00350209 F F 2.65e+20 5.38581e-12 1 dsx

counts and rate are bgd.-subtracted, based on simple spatial fitting (if done) or extracted counts from aperture otherwise (N.B., in either case aperture counts are given csv file).
cntserr, rateerr = Error on (source) counts and count rate, based on error in total counts
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, computed using Nsrc/sqrt(Nbgd)
poisprob = Poisson probability of observing total counts given bgd. counts
sigmaj, sigmin = source extent (from detection output or spatial fitting) in units of arcsecs.
incang = position angle of source (inclination from x-axis)
cnts_soft = bgd.-subtracted counts in soft band (0.50 - 2.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
cnts_hard = bgd.-subtracted counts in hard band (2.00 - 10.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
hr, hr_err = hardness ratio ([cnts_hard-cnts_soft]/[cnts_hard+cnts_soft]) and error
ext = source extension flag: F = false (not extended), A = true (extended), A = asymetric (ratio of sigmaj/sigmin > 1 + x, where x = 0.5 by default)
var = variability flag: U = unknown, F = false (is not variable), T = true
N_H = Galactic column density as determined from LHEASOFT nh program
flux = flux determined from count rate using pimms (in the 0.30-8.00 keV bandpass for a power-law model with ph. index = 1.8)
vign = vignetting correction
Flags: d = detection parameters, s = simple spatial fitting parameters, b = simple spatial fitting failed, p = poor simple spatial fit, x = extracted events parameters, t = temporal anaylsis parameters, i = psf spatial fitting parameters, f = spectral fitting parameters, c = source is confused, u = user-defined source, v = detected source coincident with user-defined source, r = source is in region-of-interest