Source List

Observation details report
Detailed source parameters (including errors) in a comma-separated values file

Click on source number for detailed analysis, including spectral fits if applicable

data idnum idradec telescope instrument x y cnts cntserr rate rateerr SNR poisprob sigmaj sigmin incang offax cnts_soft cnts_hard hr hr_err ext var N_H flux vign flags
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 1 X160545.96+255144.9 xmm mos1 295.829 275.111 1390.64 48.5322 0.213112 0.00743743 44.7724 1 5.09368 5.09368 0 1.70363 F F 6.77773 1.91269e-12 1 dsxf
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 2 X160451.80+254955.6 xmm mos2 463.92 250.124 45.396 8.90507 0.005667 0.00111166 8.08012 1 7.86785 2.40064 296.713 12.5148 A F 6.96907 2.69231e-13 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X160451.97+254959.0 xmm pn 463.41 250.89 92.1041 12.7501 0.0135089 0.00187006 5.7761 1 9.85949 4.33322 96.2758 12.4775 F F 6.96906 1.20811e-13 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 2 X160545.91+255145.1 xmm pn 295.994 275.141 6103.69 87.4138 0.89523 0.012821 382.779 1 5.75677 5.75677 0 1.70143 F F 6.77799 2.24624e-12 1 dsxf
Report srcpi bgdpi arf rmf 3 X160558.76+255408.7 xmm pn 256.133 308.164 240.257 19.1062 0.0352386 0.00280232 15.0672 1 6.50434 4.79217 344.379 3.13504 F F 6.74014 1.15224e-13 1 dspx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 1 X160540.08+254311.3 xmm mos2 314.09 157.033 28.6787 7.81331 0.0035801 0.000975373 5.10458 0.999998 9.16101 4.86332 350.58 10.3449 F F 6.76733 8.85104e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 4 X160546.72+255658.0 xmm pn 293.476 347.076 45.8832 10.3872 0.00672972 0.0015235 2.87746 0.997657 13.8744 5.35735 79.0375 3.5528 A F 6.79351 3.27504e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 5 X160518.77+255609.1 xmm pn 380.154 335.874 30.2421 10.251 0.00443563 0.00150353 1.89656 0.969291 4.88503 4.88503 0 6.55801 F F 6.89391 2.4367e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 7 X160606.15+255240.3 xmm pn 233.188 287.868 70.0678 11.6548 0.0102769 0.00170941 4.39414 0.999988 6.36292 6.36292 0 4.79706 F F 6.70741 3.43861e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 8 X160624.59+254923.7 xmm pn 175.917 242.72 51.7464 9.90266 0.00758967 0.00145243 3.24516 0.99927 11.7124 6.93971 37.1183 9.64706 A F 6.62974 3.39776e-14 1 dsx
Report srcpi bgdpi arf 9 X160527.65+255828.2 xmm pn 352.589 367.839 62.6271 10.728 0.00918555 0.00157348 3.92752 0.999918 5.88902 5.88902 0 6.38657 F F 6.86986 5.11987e-14 1 dsx

counts and rate are bgd.-subtracted, based on simple spatial fitting (if done) or extracted counts from aperture otherwise (N.B., in either case aperture counts are given csv file).
cntserr, rateerr = Error on (source) counts and count rate, based on error in total counts
SNR = signal-to-noise ratio, computed using Nsrc/sqrt(Nbgd)
poisprob = Poisson probability of observing total counts given bgd. counts
sigmaj, sigmin = source extent (from detection output or spatial fitting) in units of arcsecs.
incang = position angle of source (inclination from x-axis)
cnts_soft = bgd.-subtracted counts in soft band (0.50 - 2.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
cnts_hard = bgd.-subtracted counts in hard band (2.00 - 10.00 KeV, always taken directly from source aperture rather than model fitting)
hr, hr_err = hardness ratio ([cnts_hard-cnts_soft]/[cnts_hard+cnts_soft]) and error
ext = source extension flag: F = false (not extended), A = true (extended), A = asymetric (ratio of sigmaj/sigmin > 1 + x, where x = 0.5 by default)
var = variability flag: U = unknown, F = false (is not variable), T = true
N_H = Galactic column density as determined from LHEASOFT nh program
flux = flux determined from count rate using pimms (in the 0.30-8.00 keV bandpass for a power-law model with ph. index = 1.8)
vign = vignetting correction
Flags: d = detection parameters, s = simple spatial fitting parameters, b = simple spatial fitting failed, p = poor simple spatial fit, x = extracted events parameters, t = temporal anaylsis parameters, i = psf spatial fitting parameters, f = spectral fitting parameters, c = source is confused, u = user-defined source, v = detected source coincident with user-defined source, r = source is in region-of-interest