Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src1_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 14:43:44 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 275 298 291 314 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (274:290, 297:313) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 275 298 291 314 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (274:290, 297:313) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 83.7734 0.139069 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.721256 0.00676422 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.311436 0.007229 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 2.7619 0.005 -25.3172 25.3172 -1 setpar 5 4.22261 0.005 -25.3172 25.3172 -1 setpar 6 6753.65 4.99443 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.29791 0.00323731 1.58232 12.6586 -1 setpar 8 6.29791 0.001 1.58232 12.6586 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -1400046.31 -2 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -1400046.31 -1 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -1400046.31 0 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -1400046.31 1 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -1400046.31 2 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -1400046.31 3 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -1400046.31 4 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -1400046.31 5 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -1400046.31 6 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -1400046.31 7 83.77 0.7213 0.3114 2.762 4.223 6754 6.298 6.298 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src1.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src2_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 14:48:16 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 427 315 443 331 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (426:442, 314:330) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 427 315 443 331 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (426:442, 314:330) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.535638 0.0204569 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00921207 0.000634073 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00564255 0.000516058 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -10.4637 0.18509 -45.841 45.841 -1 setpar 5 4.157 0.146538 -45.841 45.841 -1 setpar 6 9.10986 0.1239 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 12.7563 0.169349 2.86506 22.9205 -1 setpar 8 12.7563 0.001 2.86506 22.9205 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 34.6771 -0.01 -12.3 81.6542 -1 setpar 11 3.02169 -0.01 -43.9554 49.9988 -1 setpar 12 9.25878 0.161449 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.7443 -0.01 5.87214 23.4885 -1 setpar 14 11.7443 -0.01 5.87214 23.4885 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -58.4308 -0.01 -102.139 -14.7226 -1 setpar 17 -37.4694 -0.01 -81.1776 6.23889 -1 setpar 18 0 1.75714 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 10.9271 -0.01 5.46353 21.8541 -1 setpar 20 10.9271 -0.01 5.46353 21.8541 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -698.96 -2 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -698.96 -1 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -698.96 0 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -698.96 1 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -698.96 2 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -698.96 3 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -698.96 4 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -698.96 5 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -698.96 6 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -698.96 7 0.5356 -0.009212 -0.005643 -10.46 4.157 9.11 12.76 12.76 0 9.259 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src2.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src3_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 14:53:40 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 390 311 406 327 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (389:405, 310:326) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 390 311 406 327 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (389:405, 310:326) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.352469 0.0202048 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00970855 0.000580234 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00410718 0.000525289 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -8.19903 0.253481 -40.4334 40.4334 -1 setpar 5 4.66894 0.164093 -40.4334 40.4334 -1 setpar 6 8.38444 0.122107 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 13.4133 0.274934 2.52709 20.2167 -1 setpar 8 13.4133 0.001 2.52709 20.2167 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 35.7619 -0.01 -5.8649 77.3887 -1 setpar 11 2.48126 -0.01 -39.1456 44.1081 -1 setpar 12 12.5231 0.233924 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.4067 -0.01 5.20335 20.8134 -1 setpar 14 10.4067 -0.01 5.20335 20.8134 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -42.0218 -0.01 -81.1245 -2.91907 -1 setpar 17 -6.62593 -0.01 -45.7286 32.4768 -1 setpar 18 2.89907 0.234786 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 9.77568 -0.01 4.88784 19.5514 -1 setpar 20 9.77568 -0.01 4.88784 19.5514 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -646.04 -2 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 2 tries -646.04 -1 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 3 tries -646.04 0 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 4 tries -646.04 1 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 5 tries -646.04 2 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 6 tries -646.04 3 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 7 tries -646.04 4 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 8 tries -646.04 5 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 9 tries -646.04 6 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 No new minimim found after 10 tries -646.04 7 0.3525 -0.009709 -0.004107 -8.199 4.669 8.384 13.41 13.41 0 12.52 2.899 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src3.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src4_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 14:55:11 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 398 312 414 328 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (397:413, 311:327) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 398 312 414 328 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (397:413, 311:327) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 2.61317 0.0248242 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0213253 0.00157715 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0426243 0.00169189 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -41.6268 0.0199902 -41.6268 41.6268 -1 setpar 5 -41.6268 8.32536 -41.6268 41.6268 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.60168 1.82117 2.60168 20.8134 -1 setpar 8 2.60168 0.001 2.60168 20.8134 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -34.6914 -0.01 -75.1248 5.74199 -1 setpar 11 -6.08374 -0.01 -46.5171 34.3497 -1 setpar 12 4.26778 0.203125 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.1083 -0.01 5.05417 20.2167 -1 setpar 14 10.1083 -0.01 5.05417 20.2167 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -184.92 -2 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 2 tries -184.92 -1 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 3 tries -184.92 0 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 4 tries -184.92 1 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 5 tries -184.92 2 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 6 tries -184.92 3 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 7 tries -184.92 4 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 8 tries -184.92 5 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 9 tries -184.92 6 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 No new minimim found after 10 tries -184.92 7 2.613 0.02133 0.04262 -41.63 -41.63 1e-06 2.602 2.602 0 4.268 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src4.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src5_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 14:56:12 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 333 277 349 293 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (332:348, 276:292) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 333 277 349 293 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (332:348, 276:292) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 3.83544 0.0309814 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00992392 0.00129242 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0933226 0.00124359 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 32.2476 0.0199902 -32.2476 32.2476 -1 setpar 5 32.2476 0.0199902 -32.2476 32.2476 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 0.41 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.01548 1.41083 2.01548 16.1238 -1 setpar 8 2.01548 0.001 2.01548 16.1238 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -122.42 -2 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -122.42 -1 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -122.42 0 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -122.42 1 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -122.42 2 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -122.42 3 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -122.42 4 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -122.42 5 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -122.42 6 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -122.42 7 3.835 0.009924 -0.09332 32.25 32.25 1e-06 2.015 2.015 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src5.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src6_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:03:09 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 434 316 451 333 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (433:450, 315:332) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 434 316 451 333 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (433:450, 315:332) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0 0.000265785 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.218224 8.08883e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0659756 1.44176e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -37.5048 0.109051 -46.9771 46.9771 -1 setpar 5 11.0951 0.00579129 -46.9771 46.9771 -1 setpar 6 14.9985 0.00407353 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 23.4885 0.000106268 2.93607 23.4885 -1 setpar 8 23.4885 0.001 2.93607 23.4885 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -31.7308 -0.01 -77.5718 14.1102 -1 setpar 11 -8.16169 -0.01 -54.0027 37.6793 -1 setpar 12 0 0.00829654 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.4602 -0.01 5.73012 22.9205 -1 setpar 14 11.4602 -0.01 5.73012 22.9205 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -417.62 -2 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -417.62 -1 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -417.62 0 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -417.62 1 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -417.62 2 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -417.62 3 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -417.62 4 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -417.62 5 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -417.62 6 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -417.62 7 0 0.2182 -0.06598 -37.5 11.1 15 23.49 23.49 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src6.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src7_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:07:59 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 355 316 371 332 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (354:370, 315:331) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 355 316 371 332 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (354:370, 315:331) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.26678 0.0131088 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00793527 0.000928644 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0393263 0.000740732 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 3.30666 0.0986938 -35.84 35.84 -1 setpar 5 3.97283 0.109009 -35.84 35.84 -1 setpar 6 20.9043 0.41291 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 4.62918 0.0546563 2.24 17.92 -1 setpar 8 4.62918 0.001 2.24 17.92 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 65.2688 -0.01 10.8836 119.654 -1 setpar 11 -33.6547 -0.01 -88.0399 20.7305 -1 setpar 12 0 1.94062 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 -1 setpar 14 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 39.1014 -0.01 -29.6382 107.841 -1 setpar 17 -39.4883 -0.01 -108.228 29.2513 -1 setpar 18 0 0.05125 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 -1 setpar 20 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -82.2552 -0.01 -148.73 -15.7808 -1 setpar 23 -51.747 -0.01 -118.221 14.7274 -1 setpar 24 0 12.7937 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 -1 setpar 26 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -35.6723 -0.01 -104.954 33.6089 -1 setpar 29 -48.8232 -0.01 -118.104 20.458 -1 setpar 30 1.32582 0.091668 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 -1 setpar 32 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 34 11.8917 -0.01 -24.7469 48.5302 -1 setpar 35 -39.4086 -0.01 -76.0471 -2.77011 -1 setpar 36 0.348333 0.0348333 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 37 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 -1 setpar 38 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 36 setpar 39 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -126.09 -2 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 2 tries -126.09 -1 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 3 tries -126.09 0 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 4 tries -126.09 1 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 5 tries -126.09 2 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 6 tries -126.09 3 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 7 tries -126.09 4 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 8 tries -126.09 5 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 9 tries -126.09 6 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 No new minimim found after 10 tries -126.09 7 1.267 0.007935 0.03933 3.307 3.973 20.9 4.629 4.629 0 0 0 0 1.326 0.3483 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src7.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src8_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:16:08 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 368 307 387 326 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (367:386, 306:325) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 368 307 387 326 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (367:386, 306:325) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.324384 0.0109147 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00615368 0.000481921 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00751266 0.000417299 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 12.5718 0.222626 -54.3852 54.3852 -1 setpar 5 1.63968 0.152349 -54.3852 54.3852 -1 setpar 6 9.40603 0.150811 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 9.3832 0.155859 3.39907 27.1926 -1 setpar 8 9.3832 0.001 3.39907 27.1926 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -59.5056 -0.01 -95.3456 -23.6656 -1 setpar 11 30.2886 -0.01 -5.55142 66.1286 -1 setpar 12 8.62172 0.862172 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 -1 setpar 14 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 47.1532 -0.01 8.05049 86.2559 -1 setpar 17 4.24907 -0.01 -34.8536 43.3518 -1 setpar 18 15.1642 0.390785 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 9.77568 -0.01 4.88784 19.5514 -1 setpar 20 9.77568 -0.01 4.88784 19.5514 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -23.9736 -0.01 -92.7132 44.766 -1 setpar 23 -6.86325 -0.01 -75.6029 61.8763 -1 setpar 24 5.9077 0.0670507 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 -1 setpar 26 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -51.1833 -0.01 -87.8219 -14.5448 -1 setpar 29 -6.78363 -0.01 -43.4221 29.8549 -1 setpar 30 2.85348 0.285348 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 -1 setpar 32 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -702.95 -2 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 2 tries -702.95 -1 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 3 tries -702.95 0 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 4 tries -702.95 1 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 5 tries -702.95 2 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 6 tries -702.95 3 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 7 tries -702.95 4 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 8 tries -702.95 5 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 9 tries -702.95 6 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 No new minimim found after 10 tries -702.95 7 0.3244 0.006154 0.007513 12.57 1.64 9.406 9.383 9.383 0 8.622 15.16 5.908 2.853 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src8.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src9_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:22:50 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 380 310 396 326 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (379:395, 309:325) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 380 310 396 326 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (379:395, 309:325) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.726572 0.0220365 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00585924 0.000776718 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.000284762 0.00069733 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.358423 0.205961 -39.1027 39.1027 -1 setpar 5 4.57853 0.139 -39.1027 39.1027 -1 setpar 6 9.95241 0.139093 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 10.6947 0.120128 2.44392 19.5514 -1 setpar 8 10.6947 0.001 2.44392 19.5514 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 43.6086 -0.01 3.17519 84.042 -1 setpar 11 2.61626 -0.01 -37.8171 43.0497 -1 setpar 12 22.1995 0.57316 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 10.1083 -0.01 5.05417 20.2167 -1 setpar 14 10.1083 -0.01 5.05417 20.2167 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -43.4812 -0.01 -97.8664 10.904 -1 setpar 17 -7.55469 -0.01 -61.9399 46.8305 -1 setpar 18 6.43656 0.172855 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 -1 setpar 20 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -69.6486 -0.01 -138.388 -0.908989 -1 setpar 23 -13.3883 -0.01 -82.1279 55.3513 -1 setpar 24 0 0.617251 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 -1 setpar 26 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -624.33 -2 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -624.33 -1 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -624.33 0 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -624.33 1 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -624.33 2 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -624.33 3 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -624.33 4 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -624.33 5 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -624.33 6 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -624.33 7 0.7266 -0.005859 -0.0002848 -0.3584 4.579 9.952 10.69 10.69 0 22.2 6.437 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src9.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src10_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:31:16 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 360 303 384 327 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (359:383, 302:326) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 360 303 384 327 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (359:383, 302:326) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.14619 0.0138223 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0163381 0.000453185 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0180464 0.000378182 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 46.3779 1.32127 -68.7396 68.7396 -1 setpar 5 68.7396 0.0798828 -68.7396 68.7396 -1 setpar 6 1.60566 0.0876402 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 20.1214 0.775761 4.29622 34.3698 -1 setpar 8 20.1214 0.001 4.29622 34.3698 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -35.5806 -0.01 -71.4206 0.259415 -1 setpar 11 36.8136 -0.01 0.973584 72.6536 -1 setpar 12 0 0.0257812 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 -1 setpar 14 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 26.1188 -0.01 -28.2664 80.504 -1 setpar 17 5.49531 -0.01 -48.8899 59.8805 -1 setpar 18 7.91244 0.0909976 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 -1 setpar 20 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 71.0782 -0.01 31.9755 110.181 -1 setpar 23 10.7741 -0.01 -28.3286 49.8768 -1 setpar 24 0 2.89094 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 9.77568 -0.01 4.88784 19.5514 -1 setpar 26 9.77568 -0.01 4.88784 19.5514 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -74.8223 -0.01 -144.104 -5.5411 -1 setpar 29 -9.67321 -0.01 -78.9544 59.608 -1 setpar 30 9.34798 0.304849 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 -1 setpar 32 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 34 -27.2583 -0.01 -63.8969 9.38019 -1 setpar 35 -0.258629 -0.01 -36.8971 36.3799 -1 setpar 36 11.6239 0.160311 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 37 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 -1 setpar 38 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 36 setpar 39 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -931.12 -2 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 2 tries -931.12 -1 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 3 tries -931.12 0 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 4 tries -931.12 1 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 5 tries -931.12 2 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 6 tries -931.12 3 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 7 tries -931.12 4 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 8 tries -931.12 5 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 9 tries -931.12 6 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 No new minimim found after 10 tries -931.12 7 1.146 -0.01634 -0.01805 46.38 68.74 1.606 20.12 20.12 0 0 7.912 0 9.348 11.62 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src10.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src11_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:40:45 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 332 301 355 324 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (331:354, 300:323) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 332 301 355 324 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (331:354, 300:323) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.467716 0.00981997 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0065178 0.000367192 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00113707 0.000254505 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 15.9942 0.264046 -66.4744 66.4744 -1 setpar 5 0.784024 0.141952 -66.4744 66.4744 -1 setpar 6 10.8264 0.254767 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.60851 0.111332 4.15465 33.2372 -1 setpar 8 7.60851 0.001 4.15465 33.2372 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 49.1527 -0.01 -20.1285 118.434 -1 setpar 11 1.20179 -0.01 -68.0794 70.483 -1 setpar 12 6.01244 0.0974041 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 -1 setpar 14 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -17.191 -0.01 -82.095 47.713 -1 setpar 17 -2.57578 -0.01 -67.4798 62.3282 -1 setpar 18 6.43176 0.0741983 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 -1 setpar 20 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -60.3564 -0.01 -122.234 1.5216 -1 setpar 23 -7.73585 -0.01 -69.6138 54.1422 -1 setpar 24 4.496 0.140809 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 -1 setpar 26 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -943.89 -2 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 2 tries -943.89 -1 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 3 tries -943.89 0 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 4 tries -943.89 1 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 5 tries -943.89 2 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 6 tries -943.89 3 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 7 tries -943.89 4 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 8 tries -943.89 5 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 9 tries -943.89 6 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 No new minimim found after 10 tries -943.89 7 0.4677 -0.006518 0.001137 15.99 0.784 10.83 7.609 7.609 0 6.012 6.432 4.496 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src11.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src12_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:53:16 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 342 301 366 325 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (341:365, 300:324) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 342 301 366 325 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (341:365, 300:324) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.0011493 6.11178e-07 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0804718 7.51881e-08 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0420443 1.39458e-08 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -43.9917 1.09154e-05 -69.2812 69.2812 -1 setpar 5 11.7665 1.94466e-05 -69.2812 69.2812 -1 setpar 6 7.19339 4.5598e-06 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 34.6056 3.10989e-06 4.33007 34.6406 -1 setpar 8 34.6056 0.001 4.33007 34.6406 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 42.7194 -0.01 6.87943 78.5594 -1 setpar 11 45.5136 -0.01 9.67358 81.3536 -1 setpar 12 0 0.0168091 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 -1 setpar 14 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 78.2514 -0.01 9.51181 146.991 -1 setpar 17 8.36175 -0.01 -60.3779 77.1013 -1 setpar 18 1.85164 0.0305411 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 -1 setpar 20 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -43.1052 -0.01 -109.58 23.3692 -1 setpar 23 -3.89698 -0.01 -70.3714 62.5774 -1 setpar 24 2.01755 0.0106192 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 -1 setpar 26 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 51.0417 -0.01 14.4031 87.6802 -1 setpar 29 8.44137 -0.01 -28.1971 45.0799 -1 setpar 30 0 0.148887 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 -1 setpar 32 9.15963 -0.01 4.57981 18.3193 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 34 -62.866 -0.01 -127.77 2.038 -1 setpar 35 -4.75078 -0.01 -69.6548 60.1532 -1 setpar 36 1.41729 0.0194497 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 37 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 -1 setpar 38 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 36 setpar 39 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -699.97 -2 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 2 tries -699.97 -1 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 3 tries -699.97 0 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 4 tries -699.97 1 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 5 tries -699.97 2 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 6 tries -699.97 3 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 7 tries -699.97 4 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 8 tries -699.97 5 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 9 tries -699.97 6 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 No new minimim found after 10 tries -699.97 7 0.001149 0.08047 -0.04204 -43.99 11.77 7.193 34.61 34.61 0 0 1.852 2.018 0 1.417 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src12.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src13_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 15:58:49 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 358 307 374 323 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (357:373, 306:322) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 358 307 374 323 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (357:373, 306:322) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.731898 0.00284506 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.144041 0.000551026 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0210288 0.000298954 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 26.9606 0.0968653 -36.6385 36.6385 -1 setpar 5 33.7386 0.453959 -36.6385 36.6385 -1 setpar 6 3.04538 0.0201542 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 7.10865 0.0902058 2.28991 18.3193 -1 setpar 8 7.10865 0.001 2.28991 18.3193 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 -9.48058 -0.01 -45.3206 26.3594 -1 setpar 11 36.8136 -0.01 0.973584 72.6536 -1 setpar 12 0 0.028169 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 -1 setpar 14 8.96 -0.01 4.48 17.92 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 52.2188 -0.01 -2.1664 106.604 -1 setpar 17 5.49531 -0.01 -48.8899 59.8805 -1 setpar 18 0.501076 0.0501076 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 -1 setpar 20 13.5963 -0.01 6.79815 27.1926 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 26.0514 -0.01 -42.6882 94.791 -1 setpar 23 -0.338252 -0.01 -69.0779 68.4013 -1 setpar 24 10.6475 0.0485884 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 -1 setpar 26 17.1849 -0.01 8.59245 34.3698 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -48.7223 -0.01 -118.004 20.5589 -1 setpar 29 -9.67321 -0.01 -78.9544 59.608 -1 setpar 30 0 0.112813 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 -1 setpar 32 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -881.99 -2 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -881.99 -1 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -881.99 0 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -881.99 1 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -881.99 2 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -881.99 3 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -881.99 4 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -881.99 5 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -881.99 6 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -881.99 7 0.7319 -0.144 -0.02103 26.96 33.74 3.045 7.109 7.109 0 0 0.5011 10.65 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src13.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src14_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:00:56 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 414 307 430 323 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (413:429, 306:322) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 414 307 430 323 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (413:429, 306:322) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.6875 0.0541069 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00667886 0.00126519 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0328964 0.00153633 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -3.86309 0.382556 -43.7083 43.7083 -1 setpar 5 -43.7083 0.31 -43.7083 43.7083 -1 setpar 6 11.5508 0.229888 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 21.8541 0.00399609 2.73177 21.8541 -1 setpar 8 21.8541 0.001 2.73177 21.8541 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 57.4442 -0.01 11.6032 103.285 -1 setpar 11 33.1633 -0.01 -12.6777 79.0043 -1 setpar 12 0 1.19 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 11.4602 -0.01 5.73012 22.9205 -1 setpar 14 11.4602 -0.01 5.73012 22.9205 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -1095.21 -2 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries -1095.21 -1 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries -1095.21 0 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries -1095.21 1 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries -1095.21 2 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries -1095.21 3 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries -1095.21 4 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries -1095.21 5 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries -1095.21 6 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries -1095.21 7 1.688 -0.006679 -0.0329 -3.863 -43.71 11.55 21.85 21.85 0 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src14.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src15_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:11:55 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 328 301 350 323 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (327:349, 300:322) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 328 301 350 323 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (327:349, 300:322) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.512912 0.0108574 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00958652 0.00038682 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00110618 0.00025462 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -24.3525 0.205515 -64.904 64.904 -1 setpar 5 5.52744 0.16394 -64.904 64.904 -1 setpar 6 8.41246 0.11313 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 12.4464 0.164911 4.0565 32.452 -1 setpar 8 12.4464 0.001 4.0565 32.452 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 22.1448 -0.01 -44.3296 88.6192 -1 setpar 11 0.453022 -0.01 -66.0214 66.9274 -1 setpar 12 6.71245 0.0754296 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 -1 setpar 14 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 68.7277 -0.01 -0.553501 138.009 -1 setpar 17 3.37679 -0.01 -65.9044 72.658 -1 setpar 18 6.69162 0.322017 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 -1 setpar 20 17.3203 -0.01 8.66015 34.6406 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -40.7814 -0.01 -102.659 21.0966 -1 setpar 23 -5.56085 -0.01 -67.4388 56.3172 -1 setpar 24 0 0.0759147 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 -1 setpar 26 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -66.2411 -0.01 -110.181 -22.3015 -1 setpar 29 -7.82106 -0.01 -51.7607 36.1185 -1 setpar 30 10.5221 0.735942 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 -1 setpar 32 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -967.14 -2 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 2 tries -967.14 -1 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 3 tries -967.14 0 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 4 tries -967.14 1 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 5 tries -967.14 2 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 6 tries -967.14 3 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 7 tries -967.14 4 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 8 tries -967.14 5 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 9 tries -967.14 6 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 No new minimim found after 10 tries -967.14 7 0.5129 -0.009587 -0.001106 -24.35 5.527 8.412 12.45 12.45 0 6.712 6.692 0 10.52 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src15.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src16_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:14:31 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 308 301 327 320 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (307:326, 300:319) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 308 301 327 320 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (307:326, 300:319) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0 0.0236328 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.0286574 0.00122086 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.0060086 0.000791016 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -34.3946 0.365156 -56.8724 56.8724 -1 setpar 5 11.2539 0.3625 -56.8724 56.8724 -1 setpar 6 8.47017 0.109844 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 28.4362 0.00199902 3.55452 28.4362 -1 setpar 8 28.4362 0.001 3.55452 28.4362 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 52.7436 -0.01 -9.1344 114.622 -1 setpar 11 0.964151 -0.01 -60.9138 62.8422 -1 setpar 12 0 0.16 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 -1 setpar 14 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 27.2839 -0.01 -16.6557 71.2235 -1 setpar 17 -1.29606 -0.01 -45.2357 42.6435 -1 setpar 18 8.15855 0.135791 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 -1 setpar 20 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -34.6958 -0.01 -62.1118 -7.27973 -1 setpar 23 -33.5563 -0.01 -60.9723 -6.1402 -1 setpar 24 0.00589639 0.000589639 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 6.85401 -0.01 3.42701 13.708 -1 setpar 26 6.85401 -0.01 3.42701 13.708 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -1550.19 -2 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 2 tries -1550.19 -1 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 3 tries -1550.19 0 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 4 tries -1550.19 1 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 5 tries -1550.19 2 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 6 tries -1550.19 3 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 7 tries -1550.19 4 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 8 tries -1550.19 5 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 9 tries -1550.19 6 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 No new minimim found after 10 tries -1550.19 7 0 0.02866 -0.006009 -34.39 11.25 8.47 28.44 28.44 0 0 8.159 0.005896 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src16.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src17_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:17:30 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 318 300 340 322 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (317:339, 299:321) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 318 300 340 322 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (317:339, 299:321) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 1.28357 0.0142187 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00967134 0.000648193 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00304038 0.00053833 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -61.878 12.3756 -61.878 61.878 -1 setpar 5 -61.878 12.3756 -61.878 61.878 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 20.47 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.86738 2.047 3.86738 30.939 -1 setpar 8 3.86738 0.001 3.86738 30.939 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 65.6448 -0.01 -0.829598 132.119 -1 setpar 11 4.80302 -0.01 -61.6714 71.2774 -1 setpar 12 0 0.115 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 -1 setpar 14 16.6186 -0.01 8.3093 33.2372 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 45.884 -0.01 -19.02 110.788 -1 setpar 17 3.94922 -0.01 -60.9548 68.8532 -1 setpar 18 8.04252 0.095625 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 -1 setpar 20 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 -48.0425 -0.01 -104.915 8.8299 -1 setpar 23 -2.32545 -0.01 -59.1978 54.547 -1 setpar 24 3.20501 0.103125 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 14.2181 -0.01 7.10905 28.4362 -1 setpar 26 14.2181 -0.01 7.10905 28.4362 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 28 -22.7411 -0.01 -66.6807 21.1985 -1 setpar 29 -3.47106 -0.01 -47.4107 40.4685 -1 setpar 30 7.69069 0.122148 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 31 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 -1 setpar 32 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 30 setpar 33 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -713.62 -2 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 2 tries -713.62 -1 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 3 tries -713.62 0 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 4 tries -713.62 1 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 5 tries -713.62 2 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 6 tries -713.62 3 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 7 tries -713.62 4 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 8 tries -713.62 5 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 9 tries -713.62 6 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 No new minimim found after 10 tries -713.62 7 1.284 -0.009671 0.00304 -61.88 -61.88 1e-06 3.867 3.867 0 0 8.043 3.205 7.691 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src17.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src18_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:22:52 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 316 303 332 319 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (315:331, 302:318) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 316 303 332 319 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (315:331, 302:318) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 0.713407 0.0200188 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.0272489 0.00103807 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.0149818 0.000806178 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -1.08061 0.238211 -43.9396 43.9396 -1 setpar 5 6.45861 0.147928 -43.9396 43.9396 -1 setpar 6 11.7169 0.277812 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.95223 0.112813 2.74622 21.9698 -1 setpar 8 6.95223 0.001 2.74622 21.9698 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 67.634 -0.01 2.73 132.538 -1 setpar 11 3.94922 -0.01 -60.9548 68.8532 -1 setpar 12 20.9661 1.93281 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 -1 setpar 14 16.226 -0.01 8.113 32.452 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 -26.2925 -0.01 -83.1649 30.5799 -1 setpar 17 -2.32545 -0.01 -59.1978 54.547 -1 setpar 18 4.78809 0.099751 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 14.2181 -0.01 7.10905 28.4362 -1 setpar 20 14.2181 -0.01 7.10905 28.4362 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 24.4686 -0.01 -37.4094 86.3466 -1 setpar 23 -1.21085 -0.01 -63.0888 60.6672 -1 setpar 24 5.25723 0.0920043 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 -1 setpar 26 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -1002.56 -2 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 2 tries -1002.56 -1 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 3 tries -1002.56 0 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 4 tries -1002.56 1 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 5 tries -1002.56 2 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 6 tries -1002.56 3 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 7 tries -1002.56 4 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 8 tries -1002.56 5 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 9 tries -1002.56 6 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 No new minimim found after 10 tries -1002.56 7 0.7134 -0.02725 0.01498 -1.081 6.459 11.72 6.952 6.952 0 20.97 4.788 5.257 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src18.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src19_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:24:02 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 125 188 144 207 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (124:143, 187:206) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 125 188 144 207 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (124:143, 187:206) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.752461 0.0155189 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00322976 0.000549222 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00420249 0.000521143 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -53.6346 10.7269 -53.6346 53.6346 -1 setpar 5 53.6346 0.0399609 -53.6346 53.6346 -1 setpar 6 1e-06 41902.1 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 26.8173 2.34651 3.35216 26.8173 -1 setpar 8 26.8173 0.001 3.35216 26.8173 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 474.74 -2 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 474.74 -1 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 474.74 0 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 474.74 1 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 474.74 2 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 474.74 3 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 474.74 4 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 474.74 5 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 474.74 6 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 474.74 7 0.7525 0.00323 -0.004202 -53.63 53.63 1e-06 26.82 26.82 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src19.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src20_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:25:57 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 434 334 450 350 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (433:449, 333:349) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 434 334 450 350 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (433:449, 333:349) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.868626 0.0173424 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00958851 0.000852172 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00177719 0.000665463 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.59674 0.219427 -47.5405 47.5405 -1 setpar 5 1.48995 0.169368 -47.5405 47.5405 -1 setpar 6 11.2109 0.332158 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.21011 0.132968 2.97128 23.7702 -1 setpar 8 5.21011 0.001 2.97128 23.7702 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 129.98 -2 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 129.98 -1 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 129.98 0 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 129.98 1 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 129.98 2 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 129.98 3 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 129.98 4 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 129.98 5 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 129.98 6 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 129.98 7 0.8686 0.009589 0.001777 1.597 1.49 11.21 5.21 5.21 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src20.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src21_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:27:00 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 345 211 361 227 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (344:360, 210:226) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 345 211 361 227 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (344:360, 210:226) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.462115 0.00962109 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.00274176 0.000480413 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00200173 0.000432164 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -0.094853 0.172266 -39.7834 39.7834 -1 setpar 5 2.6604 0.176331 -39.7834 39.7834 -1 setpar 6 7.08233 0.211326 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.21735 0.108281 2.48646 19.8917 -1 setpar 8 6.21735 0.001 2.48646 19.8917 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 314.94 -2 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 314.94 -1 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 314.94 0 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 314.94 1 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 314.94 2 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 314.94 3 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 314.94 4 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 314.94 5 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 314.94 6 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 314.94 7 0.4621 -0.002742 -0.002002 -0.09485 2.66 7.082 6.217 6.217 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src21.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src21.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src22_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:28:07 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 224 383 240 399 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (223:239, 382:398) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 224 383 240 399 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (223:239, 382:398) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.603396 0.0105252 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00200171 0.000502163 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00126733 0.000525187 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 1.50889 0.167728 -42.1549 42.1549 -1 setpar 5 2.51998 0.179559 -42.1549 42.1549 -1 setpar 6 7.77623 0.281388 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 5.20446 0.0983145 2.63468 21.0775 -1 setpar 8 5.20446 0.001 2.63468 21.0775 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 364.56 -2 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 364.56 -1 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 364.56 0 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 364.56 1 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 364.56 2 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 364.56 3 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 364.56 4 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 364.56 5 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 364.56 6 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 364.56 7 0.6034 0.002002 0.001267 1.509 2.52 7.776 5.204 5.204 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src22.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src22.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src23_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:29:40 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 210 217 226 233 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (209:225, 216:232) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 210 217 226 233 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (209:225, 216:232) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.510832 0.0157623 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00289266 0.000511248 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.00207841 0.00064587 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 0.700102 0.346907 -41.6102 41.6102 -1 setpar 5 5.69013 0.0191978 -41.6102 41.6102 -1 setpar 6 3.04152 0.135219 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 6.66481 0.284931 2.60064 20.8051 -1 setpar 8 6.66481 0.001 2.60064 20.8051 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 315.51 -2 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 315.51 -1 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 315.51 0 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 315.51 1 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 315.51 2 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 315.51 3 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 315.51 4 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 315.51 5 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 315.51 6 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 315.51 7 0.5108 0.002893 -0.002078 0.7001 5.69 3.042 6.665 6.665 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src23.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src23.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src24_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:30:50 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 326 197 342 213 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (325:341, 196:212) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 326 197 342 213 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (325:341, 196:212) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.70254 0.0104734 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.000569334 0.000630856 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.005608 0.000566531 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 39.0348 0.241522 -40.243 40.243 -1 setpar 5 11.7214 5.19644 -40.243 40.243 -1 setpar 6 198.46 19.846 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 2.64964 0.013446 2.51518 20.1215 -1 setpar 8 2.64964 0.001 2.51518 20.1215 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 480.28 -2 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 480.28 -1 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 480.28 0 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 480.28 1 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 480.28 2 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 480.28 3 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 480.28 4 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 480.28 5 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 480.28 6 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 480.28 7 0.7025 0.0005693 -0.005608 39.03 11.72 198.5 2.65 2.65 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src24.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src24.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src25_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:31:47 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 263 447 280 464 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (262:279, 446:463) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 263 447 280 464 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (262:279, 446:463) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian setpar 1 0.626896 0.00977051 0 100 -1 setpar 2 0.00372894 0.000533752 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 0.00258429 0.000537109 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 48.5775 0.0255693 -48.7054 48.7054 -1 setpar 5 -0.931411 4.77743 -48.7054 48.7054 -1 setpar 6 1.31624e+06 40.92 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 3.04409 1.73504e-07 3.04409 24.3527 -1 setpar 8 3.04409 0.001 3.04409 24.3527 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries 525.68 -2 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 2 tries 525.68 -1 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 3 tries 525.68 0 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 4 tries 525.68 1 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 5 tries 525.68 2 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 6 tries 525.68 3 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 7 tries 525.68 4 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 8 tries 525.68 5 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 9 tries 525.68 6 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 No new minimim found after 10 tries 525.68 7 0.6269 0.003729 0.002584 48.58 -0.9314 1.316e+06 3.044 3.044 0 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src25.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src25.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists Found ximgfit at /opt/xassist/scripts/ximgfit root=/opt/xassist /opt/xassist/Python/lib/tcl8.5/ Trying to load Tk... For viewing images, check display (e.g., DISPLAY) setup or use "ppm filename" in lieu of view to save images in raw, ppm format no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Registered models: King FlatDisk Constant Linear Exponential FilledEllipsoid Gaussian deVaucCircular Welcome to ximgfit v1.006 Type help for instructions @fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src26_1.ximg # Saved at Fri Jun 22 16:35:34 2012 data ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz 301 295 317 311 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (300:316, 294:310) Extracting subarray using numpy set plate 4.350000 psf none mask ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz 1.000000 301 295 317 311 Reading ../../../xmm0137550201/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_mask.img.gz using pyfits Extracting (300:316, 294:310) Extracting subarray using numpy stat C model Constant Linear Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian Gaussian setpar 1 5.08482 0.0025573 0 100 -1 setpar 2 -0.105652 0.00135348 -10 10 -1 setpar 3 -0.147266 4.5325e-05 -10 10 -1 setpar 4 -7.92826 0.00843918 -27.4161 27.4161 -1 setpar 5 27.4161 0.0399609 -27.4161 27.4161 -1 setpar 6 1.18972 0.00599996 1e-06 1e+07 -1 setpar 7 13.6185 0.0178913 1.7135 13.708 -1 setpar 8 13.6185 0.001 1.7135 13.708 6 setpar 9 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 10 38.9575 -0.01 -17.9149 95.8299 -1 setpar 11 32.4746 -0.01 -24.3978 89.347 -1 setpar 12 4.58362 0.0128925 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 13 14.2181 -0.01 7.10905 28.4362 -1 setpar 14 14.2181 -0.01 7.10905 28.4362 12 setpar 15 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 16 89.7186 -0.01 27.8406 151.597 -1 setpar 17 33.5892 -0.01 -28.2888 95.4672 -1 setpar 18 817.432 1.58638 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 19 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 -1 setpar 20 15.4695 -0.01 7.73475 30.939 18 setpar 21 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 setpar 22 64.2589 -0.01 20.3193 108.198 -1 setpar 23 31.3289 -0.01 -12.6107 75.2685 -1 setpar 24 28.3412 0.191102 0 1e+07 -1 setpar 25 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 -1 setpar 26 10.9849 -0.01 5.49245 21.9698 24 setpar 27 0 -0.01 -360 360 -1 thaw 4 thaw 5 thaw 7 thaw 9 untie 8 fit 200 0.0001 Initializing fit No psf defined No new minimim found after 1 tries -2489.86 -2 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 2 tries -2489.86 -1 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 3 tries -2489.86 0 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 4 tries -2489.86 1 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 5 tries -2489.86 2 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 6 tries -2489.86 3 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 7 tries -2489.86 4 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 8 tries -2489.86 5 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 9 tries -2489.86 6 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 No new minimim found after 10 tries -2489.86 7 5.085 -0.1057 -0.1473 -7.928 27.42 1.19 13.62 13.62 0 4.584 817.4 28.34 I might be confused, please try a new set of parameter values Last change in fit statistic = 0.0000 Initializing fit No psf defined save all fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src26.ximg Saving current fit data in fullrun_pn_xmm0137550201_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src26.ximg exit logs/ exists xml/ exists csv/ exists stamps/ exists ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs ppmtogif is installed, stamp images will be converted to gifs