[Sun Jun 9 00:18:29 2013] Detection parameters: Position = (292.8, 421.1) = 16 54 16.15 -41 42 8.2 Extent = 10.9" x 10.9", rotation angle = 0 degrees Source counts = 90.6 +/- 14.4 Background counts = 35.6 Rate = 0.006 +/- 0.0009 [Sun Jun 9 00:18:32 2013] Off-axis axis estimate = 8.90' [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] Using EEF radius (= 10.88 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 10.88" [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] source mask rpix=2.5, npix_max = 36, mask sum = 36, frac = 0.999 [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] Giving source the simple spatial ID 60 for pass 0, mean size = 10.88" [Sun Jun 9 00:19:46 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src60.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:19:46 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src60_1.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:19:46 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_src60 appears to have run properly [Sun Jun 9 00:19:48 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src60.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:19:48 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src60_1.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:19:48 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass0_tfrozen_src60 appears to have run properly [Sun Jun 9 00:20:20 2013] Spatial fit model total counts = 504.781000, observed total counts = 469.000000 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:20 2013] Offset between fit and detection position for source 74 = 6.001445 pixels [Sun Jun 9 00:20:20 2013] 499.051000 total counts/ 127.979000 bgd. counts: snr = 32.801132 Spatial fit parameters: Offset between fit and detection position for source 74 = 6.001445 pixels Position = (288.0, 424.7) = 16 54 18.01 -41 41 52.4 Extent = 21.8 (21.7-43.5)", rotation angle = 0 Source counts = 371.1 +/- 22.3 Background counts = 128.0 Rate = 0.01 +/- 0.0007 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Assessing source extent using major axis lower bound [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Source is confused with source 69 [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] Using previous fit value to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 21.76" [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] source mask rpix=5.0, npix_max = 121, mask sum = 121, frac = 0.999 [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] Giving source the simple spatial ID 57 for pass 1, mean size = 21.76" [Sun Jun 9 00:21:32 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src57.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:21:32 2013] Warning: model total counts is not > 0 in csv/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src57.csv [Sun Jun 9 00:21:32 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src57_1.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:21:32 2013] Warning: model total counts is not > 0 in csv/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src57.csv [Sun Jun 9 00:21:32 2013] It looks like the fit did not converge You should probably delete fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src57_1.ximg Either tweak this fit manually starting from fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_src57.ximg or adjust the simplespatial fit parameters in $XASSIST/data/missions/*/*/spatial.dat and re-run simplespatial fitting after setting file recreation parameter to yes [Sun Jun 9 00:21:33 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src57.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:21:33 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src57_1.ximg exists [Sun Jun 9 00:21:33 2013] Fit fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_pass1_tfrozen_src57 appears to have run properly [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Source 74 is offset by -4.520736 and 3.676276 pixels which is larger than 2 X fitted extent = 2.501287 x 2.501287, not incorporating fit results [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Assessing source extent using major axis lower bound [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Sun Jun 9 00:23:13 2013] XMMSAS src. selection expression = ellipse(25006.698000, 36904.474000, 1305.672038, 1305.672038, 0.000000, X, Y) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:13 2013] Not overwriting source region fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src.reg [Sun Jun 9 00:23:13 2013] Extracting stamp from image fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_sm2.00.img.gz, (213, 350) - (363, 500) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:13 2013] XMMSAS bgd. selection expression = annulus(25006.698000, 36904.474000, 2176.120063, 4352.240125, X, Y) && !ellipse(26474.531128, 40937.333282, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26639.904000, 39943.100000, 552.740016, 552.740016, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22330.484406, 36141.787506, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27910.554169, 35986.247925, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(28566.850861, 34744.142914, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27760.945200, 33290.352000, 1358.600039, 1358.600039, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(29688.316650, 40701.314453, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27110.330994, 39464.763763, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(21926.035828, 38489.932587, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(30043.846313, 38323.069305, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23982.754800, 38300.780920, 724.152021, 724.152021, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25150.680000, 37987.922600, 1840.392053, 1840.392053, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(29545.364563, 36451.332062, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23721.018829, 35742.455170, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(29141.850555, 34844.975616, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24587.259308, 34060.507385, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(27266.934000, 34491.760000, 2840.912082, 2840.912082, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20206.537964, 33319.186035, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26032.306793, 32766.772675, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(25215.293213, 32742.030457, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(30179.603271, 32298.921997, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:13 2013] Writing fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74.gif [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/events/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src.evt and ../../xmm0109490601/products/events/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_bgd.evt exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] Mean detx,y = (-478.67, -9562.54) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src.img and ../../xmm0109490601/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_bgd.img exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/spectra/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src_b10.pi.gz and ../../xmm0109490601/products/spectra/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_bgd.pi exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] Setting source spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src_b10.pi.gz [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] Setting bgd. spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_bgd.pi.gz [Sun Jun 9 00:23:29 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/lightcurves/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src.lc and ../../xmm0109490601/products/lightcurves/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_bgd.lc exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:58 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74.rmf exists, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:58 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74.arf exists, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 05:20:54 2013] Updating aperture counts using extracted products [Sun Jun 9 05:20:54 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_src_b10.pi.gz = 1184.00 [Sun Jun 9 05:20:54 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_bgd.pi.gz = 2608.00 [Sun Jun 9 05:20:54 2013] Got source and background scale factors 4945346.000000, 14741830.000000 [Sun Jun 9 05:20:54 2013] User source parameters: Position = (288.0, 424.7) = 16 54 18.01 -41 41 52.4 Extent = 21.8 (21.7-43.5)", rotation angle = 0 Source aperture counts = 309.1 +/- 35.4 Background aperture counts = 874.9 Rate = 0.01 +/- 0.001 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:37 2013] Calculating source flux in energy range 0.30-8.00 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:37 2013] Using photon index=1.80, rate=0.0123, arf fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74.arf [Sun Jun 9 05:21:37 2013] Assuming count rate is from the 0.30-10.00 bandpass [Sun Jun 9 05:21:37 2013] Updating source flux to 1.3e-13 [Sun Jun 9 05:23:25 2013] Flag b found in src. 74 procflags, skipping spectral fitting [Sun Jun 9 05:23:25 2013] Flag c found in src. 74 procflags, skipping spectral fitting [Sun Jun 9 05:23:45 2013] xmm0109490601/analysis//spectral/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src74_pl.csv not found, spectral fit skipped or did not complete