[Sun Jun 9 00:18:32 2013] Detection parameters: Position = (267.9, 252.2) = 16 54 25.84 -41 54 22.6 Extent = 10.9" x 10.9", rotation angle = 0 degrees Source counts = 163.7 +/- 18.9 Background counts = 59.1 Rate = 0.008 +/- 0.001 [Sun Jun 9 00:18:32 2013] Off-axis axis estimate = 4.02' [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] Using EEF radius (= 8.44 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 8.44" [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] source mask rpix=1.9, npix_max = 23, mask sum = 25, frac = 1.050 [Sun Jun 9 00:19:44 2013] Giving source the simple spatial ID 144 for pass 0, mean size = 8.44" [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Assessing source extent using major [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Sun Jun 9 00:20:21 2013] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] Using EEF radius (= 8.44 ")to estimate initial spatial extent for simple fitting [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] Initial guess for spatial extent in simple fitting = 8.44" [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] source mask rpix=1.9, npix_max = 23, mask sum = 25, frac = 1.050 [Sun Jun 9 00:21:30 2013] Giving source the simple spatial ID 138 for pass 1, mean size = 8.44" [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Vigneting correction estimate = 1.000000 [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Source flux estimate in the 0.3-8.0 bandpass, Gamma=1.800000 = 0 [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Assessing source extent using major [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Source does appear to be extended [Sun Jun 9 00:22:04 2013] Computing asymmetry using major and minor axis, asym = 1.00 [Sun Jun 9 00:23:17 2013] XMMSAS src. selection expression = ellipse(23259.611908, 21888.966309, 652.500000, 652.500000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:17 2013] Not overwriting source region fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src.reg [Sun Jun 9 00:23:17 2013] Extracting stamp from image fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_cl_sm2.00.img.gz, (230, 215) - (305, 290) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:17 2013] XMMSAS bgd. selection expression = annulus(23259.611908, 21888.966309, 1087.500000, 2175.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23677.696716, 24217.790741, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20949.535290, 22702.828474, 494.366278, 357.803807, 95.150133, X, Y) && !ellipse(23934.284058, 21237.643814, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(21037.130400, 20426.593600, 354.292010, 354.292010, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(21533.061859, 19296.423572, 541.391270, 374.065351, 31.281168, X, Y) && !ellipse(24654.399689, 24463.290680, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26096.731079, 24156.236542, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20373.191498, 23869.819946, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24503.540924, 23688.999176, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(26042.820709, 23508.884644, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(20692.271591, 23438.422821, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(21408.411316, 23143.828735, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22624.536865, 22707.134827, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(22230.636719, 22600.357513, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24905.228271, 22219.257263, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(24195.998260, 20422.626816, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) && !ellipse(23082.747131, 20325.300079, 870.000000, 870.000000, 0.000000, X, Y) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:17 2013] Writing fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160.gif [Sun Jun 9 00:23:39 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/events/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src.evt and ../../xmm0109490601/products/events/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_bgd.evt exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:40 2013] Mean detx,y = (-4296.77, 5046.53) [Sun Jun 9 00:23:40 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src.img and ../../xmm0109490601/products/images/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_bgd.img exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:40 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/spectra/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src_b10.pi.gz and ../../xmm0109490601/products/spectra/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_bgd.pi exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:40 2013] Setting source spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src_b10.pi.gz [Sun Jun 9 00:23:40 2013] Setting bgd. spectrum file to fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_bgd.pi.gz [Sun Jun 9 00:23:40 2013] ../../xmm0109490601/products/lightcurves/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src.lc and ../../xmm0109490601/products/lightcurves/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_bgd.lc exist, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 00:23:58 2013] Not generating rmf since RequireSpatial is true but spatial fitting not done [Sun Jun 9 00:23:58 2013] rmf not generated due to insufficient counts [Sun Jun 9 00:23:58 2013] fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160.arf exists, delete to re-create [Sun Jun 9 05:21:25 2013] Updating aperture counts using extracted products [Sun Jun 9 05:21:25 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_src_b10.pi.gz = 510.00 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:25 2013] Total counts from fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_bgd.pi.gz = 757.00 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:25 2013] Got source and background scale factors 1114239.000000, 2609353.000000 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:26 2013] User source parameters: Position = (267.9, 252.2) = 16 54 25.84 -41 54 22.6 Extent = 10.9" x 10.9", rotation angle = 0 Source aperture counts = 186.7 +/- 23.6 Background aperture counts = 323.3 Rate = 0.006 +/- 0.0008 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:26 2013] Updating counts from extracted products [Sun Jun 9 05:21:26 2013] Set source signif. to 186.75/17.98 = 10.39 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:42 2013] Calculating source flux in energy range 0.30-8.00 [Sun Jun 9 05:21:42 2013] Using photon index=1.80, rate=0.00617, arf fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160.arf [Sun Jun 9 05:21:42 2013] Assuming count rate is from the 0.30-10.00 bandpass [Sun Jun 9 05:21:42 2013] Updating source flux to 6e-14 [Sun Jun 9 05:23:25 2013] Simple spatial fitting not done (or not done successfully), skipping spectral fitting [Sun Jun 9 05:23:46 2013] xmm0109490601/analysis//spectral/fullrun_pn_xmm0109490601_pi300-10000_pass1_cl_src160_pl.csv not found, spectral fit skipped or did not complete